365 research outputs found

    Kinetics and activation of phospholipase C by P2Y purinergic agonists and guanine nucleotides

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    Membranes prepared from [3H]inositol-labeled turkey erythrocytes express a phospholipase C that is markedly stimulated by stable analogs of GTP (Harden, T. K., Stephens, L., Hawkins, P. T., and Downes, C. P. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 9057-9061). We now report that P2-purinergic receptor-mediated regulation of the enzyme occurs in the membrane preparation. The order of potency of a series of ATP and ADP analogs for stimulation of inositol phosphate formation, i.e. 2-methylthioadenosine 5'-triphosphate (2MeSATP) greater than adenosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) greater than adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) greater than ATP greater than 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate approximately ADP greater than alpha, beta-methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate greater than beta, gamma-methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate, was consistent with that for the P2Y-purinergic receptor subtype. Agonist-stimulated effects were completely dependent on the presence of guanine nucleotide. Activation of phospholipase C by guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S) occurred with a considerable time lag. The rate of activation followed first order kinetics and was markedly increased by increasing concentrations of a P2Y receptor agonist; in contrast, the rate of activation at a fixed agonist concentration was independent of guanine nucleotide concentration. Addition of guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) (GDP beta S) prior to addition of agonist and GTP, 5'-guanylyl imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p), or GTP gamma S blocked in a concentration-dependent manner the stimulatory effect of guanine nucleotide. GDP beta S, added subsequent to preactivation of membranes with 2MeSATP and GTP gamma S or Gpp(NH)p had only small inhibitory effects on the rate of inositol phosphate production observed over the subsequent 10 min. In contrast, addition of GDP beta S to GTP-preactivated membranes resulted in a rapid return of enzyme activity to the basal state within 60 s. Taken together, the data are consistent with the idea that P2Y receptor activation increases the rate of exchange of GTP and GTP analogs for GDP on the relevant guanine nucleotide regulatory protein. Once the active enzymic species is formed, hydrolysis of guanine nucleotide reverts the enzyme to the inactive state

    Purification of an AlF4- and G-protein beta gamma-subunit-regulated phospholipase C-activating protein.

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    A 150-kDa phospholipase C has previously been purified from turkey erythrocytes and has been shown by reconstitution with turkey erythrocyte membranes to be a receptor- and G-protein-regulated enzyme (Morris, A. J., Waldo, G. L., Downes, C.P., and Harden, T. K. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 13501-13507; Morris, A.J., Waldo, G.L., Downes, C.P., and Harden, T.K. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 13508-13514). Combination of this 150-kDa protein with phosphoinositide substrate-containing phospholipid vesicles prepared with a cholate extract from purified turkey erythrocyte plasma membranes resulted in conferrence of AlF4- sensitivity to the purified phospholipase C. Guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate also activated the reconstituted phospholipase C in a manner that was inhibited by guanosine 5'-2-O-(thio)-diphosphate. The magnitude of the AlF4- stimulation was increased with increasing amounts of plasma membrane extract, and was also dependent on the concentration of purified phospholipase C. Using reconstitution of AlF4- sensitivity as an assay, the putative G-protein conferring regulation to the 150-kDa phospholipase C was purified to near homogeneity by sequential chromatography over Q-Sepharose, Sephacryl S-300, octyl-Sepharose, hydroxylapatite, and Mono-Q. Reconstituting activity co-purified with an approximately 43-kDa protein identified by silver staining; lesser amounts of a 35-kDa protein was present in the final purified fractions, as was a minor 40-kDa protein. The 43-kDa protein strongly reacted with antiserum against a 12-amino acid sequence found at the carboxyl terminus of Gq and G11, the 35-kDa protein strongly reacted with G-protein beta-subunit antiserum, and the 40-kDa protein reacted with antiserum that recognizes Gi3. Immunoprecipitation of the 43-kDa protein resulted in loss of phospholipase C-stimulating activity of the purified fraction. The idea that this is a phospholipase C-regulating G-protein is further supported by the observation that co-reconstitution of G-protein beta gamma-subunit with the purified phospholipase C-activating fraction resulted in a beta gamma-subunit-dependent inhibition of AlF(4-)-stimulated phospholipase C activity in the reconstituted preparation

    Prepared to practice? Perception of career preparation and guidance of recent medical graduates at two campuses of a transnational medical school: a cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: Graduating medical students enter the workforce with substantial medical knowledge and experience, yet little is known about how well they are prepared for the transition to medical practice in diverse settings. We set out to compare perceptions of medical school graduates\u27 career guidance with their perceptions of preparedness to practice as interns. We also set out to compare perceptions of preparedness for hospital practice between graduates from two transnational medical schools. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study. A Preparedness for Hospital Practice (PHPQ) survey and career guidance questionnaire was sent to recent medical graduates, incorporating additional free text responses on career preparation. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and tests of association including Chi-square, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis H tests. RESULTS: Forty three percent (240/555) of graduates responded to the survey: 39 % of respondents were domestic (Dublin, Ireland or Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain) and interning locally; 15 % were overseas students interning locally; 42 % were overseas students interning internationally and 4 % had not started internship. Two variables explained 13 % of the variation in preparedness for hospital practice score: having planned postgraduate education prior to entering medical school and having helpful career guidance in medical school. Overseas graduates interning internationally were more likely to have planned their postgraduate career path prior to entering medical school. Dublin graduates found their career guidance more helpful than Bahrain counterparts. The most cited shortcomings were lack of structured career advice and lack of advice on the Irish and Bahraini postgraduate systems. CONCLUSIONS: This study has demonstrated that early consideration of postgraduate career preparation and helpful medical school career guidance has a strong association with perceptions of preparedness of medical graduates for hospital practice. In an era of increasing globalization of medical education, these findings can direct ongoing efforts to ensure all medical students receive career guidance and preparation for internship appropriate to their destination

    A Functional Genomic Screen Combined with Time-Lapse Microscopy Uncovers a Novel Set of Genes Involved in Dorsal Closure of Drosophila Embryos

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    Morphogenesis, the establishment of the animal body, requires the coordinated rearrangement of cells and tissues regulated by a very strictly-determined genetic program. Dorsal closure of the epithelium in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo is one of the best models for such a complex morphogenetic event. To explore the genetic regulation of dorsal closure, we carried out a large-scale RNA interference-based screen in combination with in vivo time-lapse microscopy and identified several genes essential for the closure or affecting its dynamics. One of the novel dorsal closure genes, the small GTPase activator pebble (pbl), was selected for detailed analysis. We show that pbl regulates actin accumulation and protrusion dynamics in the leading edge of the migrating epithelial cells. In addition, pbl affects dorsal closure dynamics by regulating head involution, a morphogenetic process mechanically coupled with dorsal closure. Finally, we provide evidence that pbl is involved in closure of the adult thorax, suggesting its general requirement in epithelial closure processes

    Delinquent Behavior of Dutch Rural Adolescents

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    This article compares Dutch rural and non-rural adolescents’ delinquent behavior and examines two social correlates of rural delinquency: communal social control and traditional rural culture. The analyses are based on cross-sectional data, containing 3,797 participants aged 13–18 (48.7% females). The analyses show that rural adolescents are only slightly less likely to engage in delinquent behavior. Furthermore, while rural adolescents are exposed more often to communal social control, this does not substantially reduce the likelihood that they engage in delinquent behavior. Concerning rural culture, marked differences appeared between rural and non-rural adolescents. First, alcohol use and the frequency of visiting pubs were more related to rural adolescents’ engagement in delinquent behavior. Second, the gender gap in delinquency is larger among rural adolescents: whereas rural boys did not differ significantly from non-rural boys, rural girls were significantly less likely to engage in delinquent behavior than non-rural girls. However, the magnitude of the effects of most indicators was rather low. To better account for the variety of rural spaces and cultures, it is recommended that future research into antisocial and criminal behavior of rural adolescents should adopt alternative measurements of rurality, instead of using an indicator of population density only

    Depression and sickness behavior are Janus-faced responses to shared inflammatory pathways

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    It is of considerable translational importance whether depression is a form or a consequence of sickness behavior. Sickness behavior is a behavioral complex induced by infections and immune trauma and mediated by pro-inflammatory cytokines. It is an adaptive response that enhances recovery by conserving energy to combat acute inflammation. There are considerable phenomenological similarities between sickness behavior and depression, for example, behavioral inhibition, anorexia and weight loss, and melancholic (anhedonia), physio-somatic (fatigue, hyperalgesia, malaise), anxiety and neurocognitive symptoms. In clinical depression, however, a transition occurs to sensitization of immuno-inflammatory pathways, progressive damage by oxidative and nitrosative stress to lipids, proteins, and DNA, and autoimmune responses directed against self-epitopes. The latter mechanisms are the substrate of a neuroprogressive process, whereby multiple depressive episodes cause neural tissue damage and consequent functional and cognitive sequelae. Thus, shared immuno-inflammatory pathways underpin the physiology of sickness behavior and the pathophysiology of clinical depression explaining their partially overlapping phenomenology. Inflammation may provoke a Janus-faced response with a good, acute side, generating protective inflammation through sickness behavior and a bad, chronic side, for example, clinical depression, a lifelong disorder with positive feedback loops between (neuro)inflammation and (neuro)degenerative processes following less well defined triggers

    Limited contribution of permafrost carbon to methane release from thawing peatlands

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    Models predict that thaw of permafrost soils at northern high-latitudes will release tens of billions of tonnes of carbon (C) to the atmosphere by 21001-3. The effect on the Earth's climate depends strongly on the proportion of this C which is released as the more powerful greenhouse gas methane (CH4), rather than carbon dioxide (CO2)1,4; even if CH4 emissions represent just 2% of the C release, they would contribute approximately one quarter of the climate forcing5. In northern peatlands, thaw of ice-rich permafrost causes surface subsidence (thermokarst) and water-logging6, exposing substantial stores (10s of kg C m-2, ref. 7) of previously-frozen organic matter to anaerobic conditions, and generating ideal conditions for permafrost-derived CH4 release. Here we show that, contrary to expectations, although substantial CH4 fluxes (>20 g CH4 m 2 yr-1) were recorded from thawing peatlands in northern Canada, only a small amount was derived from previously-frozen C (<2 g CH4 m-2 yr-1). Instead, fluxes were driven by anaerobic decomposition of recent C inputs. We conclude that thaw-induced changes in surface wetness and wetland area, rather than the anaerobic decomposition of previously-frozen C, may determine the effect of permafrost thaw on CH4 emissions from northern peatlands