52 research outputs found

    Effect of smoking on subgingival microflora of patients with periodontitis in Japan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Smoking is a risk factor for periodontitis. To clarify the contribution of smoking to periodontitis, it is essential to assess the relationship between smoking and the subgingival microflora. The aim of this study was to gain an insight into the influence of smoking on the microflora of Japanese patients with periodontitis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sixty-seven Japanese patients with chronic periodontitis (19 to 83 years old, 23 women and 44 men) were enrolled in the present study. They consisted of 30 smokers and 37 non-smokers. Periodontal parameters including probing pocket depth (PPD) and bleeding on probing (BOP) and oral hygiene status were recorded. Detection of <it>Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Tannerella forsythia, Fusobacterium nucleatum/periodonticum, Treponema denticola </it>and <it>Campylobacter rectus </it>in subgingival plaque samples was performed by polymerase chain reaction. Association between the detection of periodontopathic bacteria and smoking status was analyzed by multiple logistic regression analysis and chi-square test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A statistically significant association was found between having a PPD ≥ 4 mm and detection of <it>T. denticola, P. intermedia, T. forsythia</it>, or <it>C. rectus</it>, with odds ratios ranging from 2.17 to 3.54. A significant association was noted between BOP and the detection of <it>C. rectus </it>or <it>P. intermedia</it>, and smoking, with odds ratios ranging from 1.99 to 5.62. Prevalence of <it>C. rectus </it>was higher in smokers than non-smokers, whereas that of <it>A. actinomycetemcomitans </it>was lower in smokers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Within limits, the analysis of the subgingival microbial flora in smokers and non-smokers with chronic periodontitis suggests a relevant association between smoking and colonization by the specific periodontal pathogens including <it>C. rectus</it>.</p

    Tobacco Upregulates P. gingivalis Fimbrial Proteins Which Induce TLR2 Hyposensitivity

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    Tobacco smokers are more susceptible to periodontitis than non-smokers but exhibit reduced signs of clinical inflammation. The underlying mechanisms are unknown. We have previously shown that cigarette smoke extract (CSE) represents an environmental stress to which P. gingivalis adapts by altering the expression of several virulence factors - including major and minor fimbrial antigens (FimA and Mfa1, respectively) and capsule - concomitant with a reduced pro-inflammatory potential of intact P. gingivalis.We hypothesized that CSE-regulation of capsule and fimbrial genes is reflected at the ultrastructural and functional levels, alters the nature of host-pathogen interactions, and contributes to the reduced pro- inflammatory potential of smoke exposed P. gingivalis. CSE induced ultrastructural alterations were determined by electron microscopy, confirmed by Western blot and physiological consequences studied in open-flow biofilms. Inflammatory profiling of specific CSE-dysregulated proteins, rFimA and rMfa1, was determined by quantifying cytokine induction in primary human innate and OBA-9 cells. CSE up-regulates P. gingivalis FimA at the protein level, suppresses the production of capsular polysaccharides at the ultrastructural level, and creates conditions that promote biofilm formation. We further show that while FimA is recognized by TLR2/6, it has only minimal inflammatory activity in several cell types. Furthermore, FimA stimulation chronically abrogates the pro-inflammatory response to subsequent TLR2 stimulation by other TLR-2-specific agonists (Pam3CSK4, FSL, Mfa1) in an IkappaBalpha- and IRAK-1-dependent manner.These studies provide some of the first information to explain, mechanistically, how tobacco smoke changes the P. gingivalis phenotype in a manner likely to promote P. gingivalis colonization and infection while simultaneously reducing the host response to this major mucosal pathogen

    Tannerella forsythia, a periodontal pathogen entering the genomic era

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    Several questions need to be addressed to evaluate whether Tannerella forsythia is to be considered a periodontal pathogen. T. forsythia has been detected in periodontal health and disease, so could it be a pathogen? The species was not detected in many studies despite finding other putative pathogens, so could it be important in pathogenicity? The challenges of working with T. forsythia include its fastidious and anaerobic growth requirements for cultural detection. Thus, studies associating T. forsythia with periodontal and other oral infections have used noncultural approaches (immunoassays and DNA-based assays) in addition to cultural approaches. We feel the timing of this review represents an interesting transition period in our understanding of the relationships of species with infection. Information from the recently released full genome sequence data of T. forsythia will provide new approaches and tools that can be directed to assess pathogenicity. Furthermore, molecular assessment of gene expression will provide a new understanding of the pathogenical potential of the species, and its effect on the host. T. forsythia, was described in reviews focusing on periodontal pathogens associated with herpesvirus detection (200), species for which genome projects were underway (41), members of polybacterial periodontal pathogenic consortium (91), and participants in periodontal microbial ecology (202). We will describe the history, taxonomy, and characteristics of T. forsythia, and related species or phylotypes in the genus Tannerella. To assess the pathogenic potential of T. forsythia, we first describe species associations with periodontal and other infections, including animal models, as has been the traditional approach arising from Koch’s postulates (203). Criteria for pathogenicity were expanded to incorporate sequence- derived information (58), and again more recently to include molecular signatures of pathogens and disease (170). We used sequence and genome-derived information, in addition to biofilm, pathogenic mediators, and host responses, to further explore the pathogenic potential of T. forsythia

    Predictors of clinical outcomes after periodontal treatment of aggressive periodontitis: 12-month randomized trial

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    Abstract Little is known about the factors that may be used in clinical practice to predict the therapeutic response of aggressive periodontitis patients. The aim of this study was to determine predictors of clinical outcomes after non-surgical treatment of aggressive periodontitis. A total of 24 patients (aged 13-26 years) received oral hygiene instructions, as well as subgingival scaling and root planing. Twelve subjects received systemic azithromycin at random. Clinical variables were assessed at baseline, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. Baseline microbiological assessment was performed by checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Multivariable models used generalized estimating equations. There were significant improvements in the entire sample in regard to pocket depth, clinical attachment level and bleeding on probing. Significant predictors of a reduction in mean pocket depth were: use of azithromycin, non-molar teeth, generalized disease and baseline pocket depth. Absence of plaque predicted a 0.22 mm higher attachment gain, whereas a baseline pocket depth ≥7 mm predicted a 1.36 mm higher attachment loss. Azithromycin, plaque, and baseline pocket depth were significant predictors of bleeding on probing. The concomitant presence of all three red complex species predicted a 0.78 mm higher attachment loss. It may be concluded that dental plaque, tooth type, disease extent, baseline pocket depth, and use of azithromycin were significant predictors of the clinical response to treatment for aggressive periodontitis in young individuals. Moreover, the presence of multiple periodontal pathogens may predict challenges in achieving a favorable outcome for aggressive periodontitis

    Microbiological profile of early onset/aggressive periodontitis patients.

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    OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to characterize the bacterial profile and to seek possible bacterial associations in the subgingival microbiota of early onset periodontitis/aggressive periodontitis patients by using two different techniques, culture and immunofluorescence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study group consisted of 66 systemically healthy individuals with evidence of early onset periodontitis - 41 females and 25 males aged 23-35 years (mean 31.1 +/- 3.1 years). Bacterial samples were collected from the deepest site in each quadrant, resulting in a total of 264 sites with a mean probing pocket depth of 6.6 +/- 1.5 mm. Samples were cultured anaerobically and in 10% CO(2) using selective and nonselective media, and isolates were characterized to species level. Indirect immunofluorescence using monoclonal antibodies was applied to detect Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia (Bacteroides forsythus, Tannerella forsythensis), Prevotella intermedia/Prevotella nigrescens, Campylobacter rectus, Peptostreptococcus micros and Actinomyces israelii. RESULTS: 93.6% of sampled sites showed bleeding on probing and 23.5% were positive for suppuration. P. intermedia/P. nigrescens, P. gingivalis, and C. rectus were detected in 77.3-85.9% of samples using culture methods and in 85.6-91.3% using immunofluorescence. P. micros and A. actinomycetemcomitans were found, respectively, in 63.3% and 25.0% of all sites using culturing and in 58.7% and 27.7% sites using immunofluorescence. Significantly strong positive associations were observed between T. forsythia and C. rectus (odds ratio 109.46), and T. forsythia and P. gingivalis (odd ratio 90.26), whereas a negative association was seen between P. intermedia/P. nigrescens and A. actinomycetemcomitans (odds ratio 0.42). Coinfection by P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, P. intermedia/P. nigrescens and C. rectus was observed in 62.1% of the test sites, and in 89.4% of the studied subjects. The sensitivity of immunofluorescence for T. forsythia, C. rectus, P. intermedia/P. nigrescens and P. gingivalis was found to be very high (0.99-0.94) using culture as the reference detection method. The agreement between culture and immunofluorescence in detecting the presence or absence of the investigated species was 85.2-88.1% for P. gingivalis, P. intermedia/P. nigrescens, C. rectus, and T. forsythia, 75.9% for A. actinomycetemcomitans and 70.4% for P. micros. CONCLUSIONS: The microbial profile of the early onset/aggressive periodontitis population was complex. The agreement between the two detection methods was very high