39 research outputs found

    Exploring the Effect of Crowd Management Measures on Passengers’ Behaviour at Metro Stations

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    To reduce problems of interaction at the platform train interface (PTI) platform edge doors (PEDs) and markings on the platform are used as door positions indicators. The common methods to study the effect of these measures are based on average values of density using Fruin’s Level of Service (LOS), however identification cannot be made of which part of the PTI is more congested. To solve this problem, a new method is proposed. The method included a conceptual model in which the PTI was discretised into 40 cm square cells to identify which part of the platform is more congested. Passengers’ behaviour was recorded considering two situations before the train arrives: i) passengers waiting in front of the doors; ii) passengers waiting beside the doors. Observation was done at existing stations at Metro de Santiago and London Underground. Results show that PEDs changed the behaviour of passengers as they were located beside the doors rather than in front of them. In addition, when markings were used on the platform, then this behaviour was reinforced. Therefore, it is recommended to use this method to better design the PTI rather than the LOS which is used to design the whole platform. Further research is needed to study the effect of PEDs on passengers with reduced mobility

    Train design features affecting boarding and alighting of passengers

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    Accurately predicting train dwell time is critical to running an effective and efficient service. With high-density passenger services, large numbers of passengers must be able to board and alight the train quickly – and within scheduled dwell times. Using a specially constructed train mock-up in a pedestrian movement laboratory, the experiments outlined in this paper examine the impact of train carriage design factors such as door width, seat type, platform edge doors and horizontal gap on the time taken by passengers to board and alight. The findings illustrate that the effectiveness of design features depends on whether there are a majority of passengers boarding or alighting. An optimum door width should be between 1.7 and 1.8 m. The use of a central pole and platform edge doors produced no major effects, but a 200 mm horizontal gap could increase the movement of passengers. There is no clear effect of the type of seats and neither the standbacks between 50, 300 and 500 mm. Further research will look for the relationship between the dwell time and the characteristics of passengers such as personal space

    High-statistics modeling of complex pedestrian avoidance scenarios

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    Quantitatively modeling the trajectories and behavior of pedestrians walking in crowds is an outstanding fundamental challenge deeply connected with the physics of flowing active matter, from a scientific point of view, and having societal applications entailing individual safety and comfort, from an application perspective. In this contribution, we review a pedestrian dynamics modeling approach, previously proposed by the authors, aimed at reproducing some of the statistical features of pedestrian motion. Comparing with high-statistics pedestrian dynamics measurements collected in real-life conditions (from hundreds of thousands to millions of trajectories), we modeled quantitatively the statistical features of the undisturbed motion (i.e. in absence of interactions with other pedestrians) as well as the avoidance dynamics triggered by a pedestrian incoming in the opposite direction. This was accomplished through (coupled) Langevin equations with potentials including multiple preferred velocity states and preferred paths. In this chapter we review this model, discussing some of its limitations, in view of its extension toward a more complex case: the avoidance dynamics of a single pedestrian walking through a crowd that is moving in the opposite direction. We analyze some of the challenges connected to this case and present extensions to the model capable of reproducing some features of the motion

    Engineering egress data considering pedestrians with reduced mobility

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    To quantify the evacuation process, evacuation practitioners use engineering egressdata describing the occupant movement characteristics. These data are typicallybased to young and fit populations. However, the movement abilities of occupantswho might be involved in evacuations are becoming more variable—with the buildingpopulations of today typically including increasing numbers of individuals: withimpairments or who are otherwise elderly or generally less mobile. Thus, there willbe an increasing proportion of building occupants with reduced ability to egress. Forsafe evacuation, there is therefore a need to provide valid engineering egress dataconsidering pedestrians with disabilities. Gwynne and Boyce recently compiled aseries of data sets related to the evacuation process to support practitioner activitiesin the chapter Engineering Data in the SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering.This paper supplements these data sets by providing information on and presentingdata obtained from additional research related to the premovement and horizontalmovement of participants with physical-, cognitive-, or age-related disabilities. Theaim is to provide an overview of currently available data sets related to, and keyfactors affecting the egress performance of, mixed ability populations which could beused to guide fire safety engineering decisions in the context of building design

    Mutual Information for the Detection of Crush

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    Fatal crush conditions occur in crowds with tragic frequency. Event organizers and architects are often criticised for failing to consider the causes and implications of crush, but the reality is that both the prediction and prevention of such conditions offer a significant technical challenge. Full treatment of physical force within crowd simulations is precise but often computationally expensive; the more common method of human interpretation of results is computationally “cheap” but subjective and time-consuming. This paper describes an alternative method for the analysis of crowd behaviour, which uses information theory to measure crowd disorder. We show how this technique may be easily incorporated into an existing simulation framework, and validate it against an historical event. Our results show that this method offers an effective and efficient route towards automatic detection of the onset of crush

    Crowd planning for public safety

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