120 research outputs found

    Network motif frequency vectors reveal evolving metabolic network organisation

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    At the systems level many organisms of interest may be described by their patterns of interaction, and as such, are perhaps best characterised via network or graph models. Metabolic networks, in particular, are fundamental to the proper functioning of many important biological processes, and thus, have been widely studied over the past decade or so. Such investigations have revealed a number of shared topological features, such as a short characteristic path-length, large clustering coefficient and hierarchical modular structure. However, the extent to which evolutionary and functional properties of metabolism manifest via this under- lying network architecture remains unclear. In this paper, we employ a novel graph embedding technique, based upon low-order network motifs, to compare metabolic network structure for 383 bacterial species categorised according to a number of biological features. In particular, we introduce a new global significance score which enables us to quantify important evolutionary relationships that exist between organisms and their physical environments. Using this new approach, we demonstrate a number of significant correlations between environmental factors, such as growth conditions and habitat variability, and network motif structure, providing evidence that organism adaptability leads to increased complexities in the resultant metabolic network

    The topology of connections between rat prefrontal and temporal cortices

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    Understanding the structural organization of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) is an important step toward determining its functional organization. Here we investigated the organization of PFC using different neuronal tracers. We injected retrograde (Fluoro-Gold, 100 nl) and anterograde [Biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) or Fluoro-Ruby, 100 nl] tracers into sites within PFC subdivisions (prelimbic, ventral orbital, ventrolateral orbital, dorsolateral orbital) along a coronal axis within PFC. At each injection site one injection was made of the anterograde tracer and one injection was made of the retrograde tracer. The projection locations of retrogradely labeled neurons and anterogradely labeled axon terminals were then analyzed in the temporal cortex: area Te, entorhinal and perirhinal cortex. We found evidence for an ordering of both the anterograde (anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral, and medial-lateral axes: p < 0.001) and retrograde (anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral, and medial-lateral axes: p < 0.001) connections of PFC. We observed that anterograde and retrograde labeling in ipsilateral temporal cortex (i.e., PFC inputs and outputs) often occurred reciprocally (i.e., the same brain region, such as area 35d in perirhinal cortex, contained anterograde and retrograde labeling). However, often the same specific columnar temporal cortex regions contained only either labeling of retrograde or anterograde tracer, indicating that PFC inputs and outputs are frequently non-matched

    Complexity and robustness in hypernetwork models of metabolism

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    Metabolic reaction data is commonly modelled using a complex network approach, whereby nodes represent the chemical species present within the organism of interest, and connections are formed between those nodes participating in the same chemical reaction. Unfortunately, such an approach provides an inadequate description of the metabolic process in general, as a typical chemical reaction will involve more than two nodes, thus risking over-simplification of the the system of interest in a potentially significant way. In this paper, we employ a complex hypernetwork formalism to investigate the robustness of bacterial metabolic hypernetworks by extending the concept of a percolation process to hypernetworks. Importantly, this provides a novel method for determining the robustness of these systems and thus for quantifying their resilience to random attacks/errors. Moreover, we performed a site percolation analysis on a large cohort of bacterial metabolic networks and found that hypernetworks that evolved in more variable enviro nments displayed increased levels of robustness and topological complexity
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