327 research outputs found

    Systemarkitektur for trafikinformatik

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    Der ofres i disse år store summer på udvikling af en systemarkitektur for trafikinformatik sy-stemer. Udviklingen foregår både inden for og uden for Europa og både i privat og i offentligt regi. Mange aktiviteter er parallelle og i flere tilfælde i direkte modstrid med hinanden. Dette paper vil forsøge at dykke ned i begrebet systemarkitektur for at undersøge hvad der ligger bag begrebet, hvorfor det er interessant, hvad det kan føre til, hvad mangel på systemarkitektur kan føre til og sluttelig se på et konkret systemarkitektur udviklingsprojekt, nemlig det amerikanske. Desuden vil der blive trukket linier til de europæiske aktiviteter på området

    Techno-Economic Analysis of Bio-Alcohol Production in the EU. A Short Summary for Decision-Makers.

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    Abstract not availableJRC.J-Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (Seville

    Techno-Economic Analysis of Bio-Diesel Production in the EU. A Short Summary for Decision-Makers.

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    Abstract not availableJRC.J-Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (Seville

    Long Josephson Junction Stack Coupled to a Cavity

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    Theoretical and Experimental Analysis for Cleaning Ice Cores from EstisolTM 140 Drill Liquid

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    Featured ApplicationThis work gives indications for cleaning and preservation of ice cores, which will be drilled in Antarctica during the EU project Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice and provides general guidelines for ice drilling activities and preservation of ice cores.To reconstruct climate history of the past 1.5 Million years, the project: Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice (BEOI) will drill about 2700 m of ice core in East Antarctica (2021-2025). As drilling fluid, an aliphatic ester fluid, Estisol(TM) 140, will be used. Newly drilled ice cores will be retrieved from the drill soaked in fluid, and this fluid should be removed from the cores. Most of it will be vacuum-cleaned off in a Fluid Extraction Device and wiped off with paper towels. Based on our experiences in Greenland deep ice coring, most of the residual fluid can be removed by storing the cores openly on shelves in a ventilated room. After a week of "drying", the cores have a dry feel, handling them do not give "wet" gloves and they can easily be marked with lead pencils. This paper presents a theoretical investigation and some simple testing on the "drying" process. The rates of sublimation of ice and evaporation of fluid have been calculated at different temperatures. The calculations show that sublimation of the ice core should not occur, and that evaporation of fluid should be almost negligible. Our test results support these calculations, but also revealed significant fluid run-off and dripping, resulting in the removal of most of the fluid in a couple of days, independent of temperature and ventilation conditions. Finally, we discuss crucial factors that ensure optimal long-term ice core preservation in storage, such as temperature stability, defrosting cycles of freezers and open core storage versus storage of cores in insulated crates

    Konvertering af nødspor til kørespor for anvendelse under spidsbelastning

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    Udbygningen af vejnettet holder ikke altid trit med trafikudviklingen. Derfor vokser problemerne med trafikafviklingen i såvel Danmark som en lang række lande omkring os. Dette har ledt til overvejelser om billige alternativer til udbygning af vejnettet, herunder hvilken rolle trafikinformatikken kunne spille i i denne sammenhæng. Fra udlandet kendes eksempler på indragelse af nødspor til kørespor for anvendelse under spidsbelastning. For at afhjælpe sikkerhedsmæssige problemer ved den valgte løsning er strækningerne udstyret med overvågnings og signaleringssystemer, således at nødsporet kan reetableres dynamisk når behovet opstår. Disse erfaringer overføres til Danmark via en modelberegning for Motorringvejen omkring København, og det vises at investeringen kan tjenes ind på omkring 2 år sammenlignet med en udbygning