570 research outputs found

    The effects of commercial fibres on frozen bread dough

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    The daily intake of dietary fibres in highly industrialized countries is at a low level and, therefore, adversely affecting human health. The objective of this research was to analyze the influence of different commercial fibres (originating from sugar beet pulp fibrex, and Jerusalem artichoke inulin HPX and GR) in yeast dough at a level of 5 %, on the rheological properties of dough and the quality of bread during frozen storage. Frozen dough characteristics were determined using a Brabender maturograph and test baking was followed according the AACC procedure. The dough was frozen at –18 °C and stored over a period of 60 days. The results concerning the dough (proving time and stability) and bread quality (volume and crumb quality) were statistically analyzed by multivariance Manova and discriminative analysis, which indicated that there was a significant difference between dough without fibres and dough with different fibres (fibrex, inulin HPX and GR). The discrimination coefficient points that the greatest influence of fibres on the final proof and proving stability is after 30 days (6.250) and after 0 days (6.158), respectively, but the greatest influence of fibres on bread volume and bread crumb quality (15.488 and 3.638, respectively) can be expected on non frozen dough, due to above mention their adverse the effect on gluten network


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    This study updated the Crawl, Walk, Run methodology framework (CWRM) for the current digital marketing circumstances, observed in the context of the artistic community in virtual space. Four main premises of CRWM have been considered in order to address the effectiveness of online campaigns based on the  laddering support through tiers of engagement (personal, social, advocating); empowering super users; providing source materials for user-generated content; and using tools people are familiar with. The analysis was performed on the data collected from the online community which has operated for 43 days. Data on the number of registered users, their interactions with web site content and showcased artworks were gathered. The specific online platform was created for the purpose of this research and the campaign for its promotion was conducted both in Serbia and globally. The materials for direct communications (email, instant messaging), social media promotion (social networks, blogs) and public relations (articles in online and traditional media) were created. CRWM was proved to be efficient framework for the establishment of online presence of the artistic community. However, we propose that social networks should be introduced in the stage three instead of in the stage four, due to the increase of their applications compared to the time when the CRWM was formulated. All activities once they start should be maintained and performed throughout the campaign lifetime. This study represents one of the first efforts aimed at updating of the CRWM theoretical framework and provides business community with hands-on solutions in modern digital marketing

    Determinants of Consumer Purchase Intention Towards Cheeses with Geographical Indication in a Developing Country: Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior

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    Purpose – The present study attempts to investigate consumer intention to purchase cheeses with Geographical Indication (GI) by employing the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of determinants as hypothesized by the TPB – attitudes, perceived behavioral control, social norms, together with the additional determinant of consumer trust in the labeling system – on consumer buying intentions. Design/Methodology/Approach – A structured online questionnaire was developed and distributed to respondents. The survey was conducted country-wide and 806 responses were collected. Findings and Implications – The findings of SEM analysis indicate that all latent constructs have direct positive effects on intention to buy cheeses with GI. Limitations – Focused on analyzing purchase intentions towards GI cheeses, the study lacks the assessment of actual purchasing behavior. Originality – The study justified the introduction of a new construct in the TPB by increasing the proposed framework’s predictive power in determining consumer intention to purchase cheeses with GI. Moreover, the results of the study are discussed in the context of marketing communications with consumers

    Influence of additive from sugar beet on white bread quality

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    The additive of acceptable sensory, physical and chemical and microbiological characteristics was made from cossettes. Great water binding capacity related to microcrystals of cellulose qualifies this additive as a desired one in bread making process. Bread was baked in the laboratory and patent flour was used. The additive with particles smaller than 95 (m was supplemented in the quantities of 2, 5 and 10%. The data related to the influence of the quantity of additive on white bread quality point that parallel to increasing the amount of the additive in the dough, yield of dough and bread were also increased. Negative effects are detected as volume depression and inferior bread crumb quality and altered crumb color. The decrease in bread quality is small if 2% of additive was applied, but significant with 5 and 10%. The bread freshness was highly graded 48 hours after baking due to the ability of the additive to retain water. On the whole, bread of superior quality supplemented by 5 and 10% of the additive from sugar beet fiber can be easily made by fortifying flour with gluten and by adding appropriate dough conditioner

    On advantage of seeing TEXT and hearing SPEECH

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effect of congruence between the sensory modality through which a concept can be experienced and the modality through which the word denoting that concept is perceived during word recognition. Words denoting concepts that can be experienced visually (e.g. "color") and words denoting concepts that can be experienced auditorily (e.g. "noise") were presented both visually and auditorily. We observed shorter processing latencies when there was a match between the modality through which a concept could be experienced and the modality through which a word denoting that concept was presented. In visual lexical decision task, "color" was recognized faster than "noise", whereas in auditory lexical decision task, "noise" was recognized faster than "color". The obtained pattern of results can not be accounted for by exclusive amodal theories, whereas it can be easily integrated in theories based on perceptual representations

    Critical approach to intercultural education and foreign language learning and teaching: neoliberal gender ideologies in textbooks of Spanish as a foreign language

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    In line with the understanding of the role of critical pedagogy in intercultural language education, in this paper we focus on critical discourse and sociolinguistic analysis of contemporary textbooks of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL). We search for neoliberal gender ideologies in educational discourses targeting international audience of students of SFL. Even though new textbooks are said to promote the “feminization” of educational contexts (Gray 2010), we interpret them as sources of latent hegemonic influences favoring highly regulated and standardized neoliberal capitalist worldviews toward gender. Based on previous research of textbooks of SFL (Bori 2018; Kuzmanović Jovanović 2016), we herein present results of an instrumental qualitative case study (emancipatory focus group research) taking a critical stand toward neoliberal gender ideologies among predominantly female university students of Spanish at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade who are exposed to the above outlined teaching and learning materials. Our objective is to create a new educational space in our SFL classrooms in which contextualized knowledge construction takes place leading to the maturation of SFL users and teachers, who are “capable of changing their reality in ways related to formal and informal educational settings” (Filipović 2015: 105).En línea con el entendimiento del papel de la pedagogía crítica en la educación intercultural de lenguas, en este trabajo nos centramos en el análisis del discurso crítico y sociolingü.stico de los libros de texto contemporáneos del español como lengua extranjera (ELE). Buscamos ideologías de género capitalistas neoliberales en discursos educativos dirigidos a la audiencia internacional de estudiantes de ELE. Aunque se ha dicho que dichos textos promueven la “feminización” de los contextos educativos (Gray 2010), en esta investigación los interpretamos como fuentes de influencias hegemónicas latentes que favorecen los puntos de vista neoliberales capitalistas altamente reguladas y estandarizadas hacia el género. Basándonos en las investigaciones previas de libros de texto de ELE (Bori 2018; Kuzmanović Jovanović 2016), en este trabajo llevamos a cabo un estudio de caso instrumental cualitativo (en forma de un grupo focal emancipatorio), con el objetivo de desarrollar una visión crítica de las ideologías neoliberales de género entre estudiantes universitarias de ELE en la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Belgrado, que están expuestas a los materiales de enseñanza y aprendizaje descritos. Nuestro objetivo es crear un nuevo espacio educativo en nuestras aulas de ELE en el que tenga lugar una construcción del conocimiento contextualizada que conduzca a la maduración de las usuarias y maestras de ELE, “capacitadas para cambiar la realidad didáctica en contextos educativos formales e informales” (Filipović 2015, p. 105)