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    Extremal principle of entropy production in the climate system

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    Interactive Effect of UVR and Phosphorus on the Coastal Phytoplankton Community of the Western Mediterranean Sea: Unravelling Eco- Physiological Mechanisms

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    Multiphysics and Thermodynamic Formulations for Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Interactions: Non-linear Finite Elements Applied to Multi-coupled Active Materials

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    [EN] Combining several theories this paper presents a general multiphysics framework applied to the study of coupled and active materials, considering mechanical, electric, magnetic and thermal fields. The framework is based on thermodynamic equilibrium and non-equilibrium interactions, both linked by a two-temperature model. The multi-coupled governing equations are obtained from energy, momentum and entropy balances; the total energy is the sum of thermal, mechanical and electromagnetic parts. The momentum balance considers mechanical plus electromagnetic balances; for the latter the Abraham rep- resentation using the Maxwell stress tensor is formulated. This tensor is manipulated to automatically fulfill the angular momentum balance. The entropy balance is for- mulated using the classical Gibbs equation for equilibrium interactions and non-equilibrium thermodynamics. For the non-linear finite element formulations, this equation requires the transformation of thermoelectric coupling and conductivities into tensorial form. The two-way thermoe- lastic Biot term introduces damping: thermomechanical, pyromagnetic and pyroelectric converse electromagnetic dynamic interactions. Ponderomotrix and electromagnetic forces are also considered. The governing equations are converted into a variational formulation with the resulting four-field, multi-coupled formalism implemented and val- idated with two custom-made finite elements in the research code FEAP. Standard first-order isoparametric eight-node elements with seven degrees of freedom (dof) per node (three displacements, voltage and magnetic scalar potentials plus two temperatures) are used. Non-linearities and dynamics are solved with Newton-Raphson and New- mark-b algorithms, respectively. Results of thermoelectric, thermoelastic, thermomagnetic, piezoelectric, piezomag- netic, pyroelectric, pyromagnetic and galvanomagnetic interactions are presented, including non-linear depen- dency on temperature and some second-order interactions.This research was partially supported by grants CSD2008-00037 Canfranc Underground Physics, Polytechnic University of Valencia under programs PAID 02-11-1828 and 05-10-2674. The first author used the grant Generalitat Valenciana BEST/2014/232 for the completion of this work.Pérez-Aparicio, JL.; Palma, R.; Taylor, R. (2016). Multiphysics and Thermodynamic Formulations for Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Interactions: Non-linear Finite Elements Applied to Multi-coupled Active Materials. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 23:535-583. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11831-015-9149-9S53558323Abraham M (1910) Sull’elettrodinamica di Minkowski. 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