625 research outputs found

    Evaluation of early and late presentation of patients with ocular mucous membrane pemphigoid to two major tertiary referral hospitals in the United Kingdom

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    PURPOSE: Ocular mucous membrane pemphigoid (OcMMP) is a sight-threatening autoimmune disease in which referral to specialists units for further management is a common practise. This study aims to describe referral patterns, disease phenotype and management strategies in patients who present with either early or established disease to two large tertiary care hospitals in the United Kingdom.\ud \ud PATIENTS AND METHODS: In all, 54 consecutive patients with a documented history of OcMMP were followed for 24 months. Two groups were defined: (i) early-onset disease (EOD:<3 years, n=26, 51 eyes) and (ii) established disease (EstD:>5 years, n=24, 48 eyes). Data were captured at first clinic visit, and at 12 and 24 months follow-up. Information regarding duration, activity and stage of disease, visual acuity (VA), therapeutic strategies and clinical outcome were analysed.\ud \ud RESULTS: Patients with EOD were younger and had more severe conjunctival inflammation (76% of inflamed eyes) than the EstD group, who had poorer VA (26.7%=VA<3/60, P<0.01) and more advanced disease. Although 40% of patients were on existing immunosuppression, 48% required initiation or switch to more potent immunotherapy. In all, 28% (14) were referred back to the originating hospitals for continued care. Although inflammation had resolved in 78% (60/77) at 12 months, persistence of inflammation and progression did not differ between the two phenotypes. Importantly, 42% demonstrated disease progression in the absence of clinically detectable inflammation.\ud \ud CONCLUSIONS: These data highlight that irrespective of OcMMP phenotype, initiation or escalation of potent immunosuppression is required at tertiary hospitals. Moreover, the conjunctival scarring progresses even when the eye remains clinically quiescent. Early referral to tertiary centres is recommended to optimise immunosuppression and limit long-term ocular damage.\ud \u

    Biallelic CPAMD8 variants are a frequent cause of childhood and juvenile open-angle glaucoma

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    Purpose: Developmental abnormalities of the ocular anterior segment in some cases can lead to ocular hypertension and glaucoma. CPAMD8 is a gene of unknown function recently associated with ocular anterior segment dysgenesis, myopia, and ectopia lentis. We sought to assess the contribution of biallelic CPAMD8 variants to childhood and juvenile open-angle glaucoma. Design: Retrospective, multicenter case series. Participants: A total of 268 probands and their relatives with a diagnosis of childhood or juvenile open-angle glaucoma. Methods: Patients underwent a comprehensive ophthalmic assessment, with DNA from patients and their relatives subjected to genome, exome, or capillary sequencing. CPAMD8 RNA expression analysis was performed on tissues dissected from cadaveric human eyes. Main outcome measures: Diagnostic yield within a cohort of childhood and juvenile open-angle glaucoma, prevalence and risk of ophthalmic phenotypes, and relative expression of CPAMD8 in the human eye. Results: We identified rare (allele frequency -5) biallelic CPAMD8 variants in 5.7% (5/88) of probands with childhood glaucoma and 2.1% (2/96) of probands with juvenile open-angle glaucoma. When including family members, we identified 11 individuals with biallelic variants in CPAMD8 from 7 unrelated families. Nine of these individuals were diagnosed with glaucoma (9/11, 81.8%), with a mean age at diagnosis of 9.22±14.89 years, and all individuals with glaucoma required 1 or more incisional procedures to control high intraocular pressure. Iris abnormalities were observed in 9 of 11 individuals, cataract was observed in 8 of 11 individuals (72.7%), and retinal detachment was observed in 3 of 11 individuals (27.3%). CPAMD8 expression was highest in neural crest-derived tissues of the adult anterior segment, suggesting that CPAMD8 variation may cause malformation or obstruction of key drainage structures. Conclusions: Biallelic CPAMD8 variation was associated with a highly heterogeneous phenotype and in our cohorts was the second most common inherited cause of childhood glaucoma after CYP1B1 and juvenile open-angle glaucoma after MYOC. CPAMD8 sequencing should be considered in the investigation of both childhood and juvenile open-angle glaucoma, particularly when associated with iris abnormalities, cataract, or retinal detachment

    The academic backbone: longitudinal continuities in educational achievement from secondary school and medical school to MRCP(UK) and the specialist register in UK medical students and doctors

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    Background: Selection of medical students in the UK is still largely based on prior academic achievement, although doubts have been expressed as to whether performance in earlier life is predictive of outcomes later in medical school or post-graduate education. This study analyses data from five longitudinal studies of UK medical students and doctors from the early 1970s until the early 2000s. Two of the studies used the AH5, a group test of general intelligence (that is, intellectual aptitude). Sex and ethnic differences were also analyzed in light of the changing demographics of medical students over the past decades. Methods: Data from five cohort studies were available: the Westminster Study (began clinical studies from 1975 to 1982), the 1980, 1985, and 1990 cohort studies (entered medical school in 1981, 1986, and 1991), and the University College London Medical School (UCLMS) Cohort Study (entered clinical studies in 2005 and 2006). Different studies had different outcome measures, but most had performance on basic medical sciences and clinical examinations at medical school, performance in Membership of the Royal Colleges of Physicians (MRCP(UK)) examinations, and being on the General Medical Council Specialist Register. Results: Correlation matrices and path analyses are presented. There were robust correlations across different years at medical school, and medical school performance also predicted MRCP(UK) performance and being on the GMC Specialist Register. A-levels correlated somewhat less with undergraduate and post-graduate performance, but there was restriction of range in entrants. General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)/O-level results also predicted undergraduate and post-graduate outcomes, but less so than did A-level results, but there may be incremental validity for clinical and post-graduate performance. The AH5 had some significant correlations with outcome, but they were inconsistent. Sex and ethnicity also had predictive effects on measures of educational attainment, undergraduate, and post-graduate performance. Women performed better in assessments but were less likely to be on the Specialist Register. Non-white participants generally underperformed in undergraduate and post-graduate assessments, but were equally likely to be on the Specialist Register. There was a suggestion of smaller ethnicity effects in earlier studies. Conclusions: The existence of the Academic Backbone concept is strongly supported, with attainment at secondary school predicting performance in undergraduate and post-graduate medical assessments, and the effects spanning many years. The Academic Backbone is conceptualized in terms of the development of more sophisticated underlying structures of knowledge ('cognitive capital’ and 'medical capital’). The Academic Backbone provides strong support for using measures of educational attainment, particularly A-levels, in student selection

    High-throughput genetic screening of 51 pediatric cataract genes identifies causative mutations in inherited pediatric cataract in South Eastern Australia

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    Pediatric cataract is a leading cause of childhood blindness. This study aimed to determine the genetic cause of pediatric cataract in Australian families by screening known disease-associated genes using massively parallel sequencing technology. We sequenced 51 previously reported pediatric cataract genes in 33 affected individuals with a family history (cases with previously known or published mutations were excluded) using the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine. Variants were prioritized for validation if they were predicted to alter the protein sequence and were absent or rare with minor allele frequency GJA3, GJA8, CRYAA, CRYBB2, CRYGS, CRYGA, GCNT2, CRYGA, and MIP; and three previously reported cataract-causing mutations in GJA8, CRYAA, and CRYBB2 The most commonly mutated genes were those coding for gap junctions and crystallin proteins. Including previous reports of pediatric cataract-associated mutations in our Australian cohort, known genes account for >60% of familial pediatric cataract in Australia, indicating that still more causative genes remain to be identified

    Infant head growth in male siblings of children with and without autism spectrum disorders

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    Previous research has indicated that children with autism exhibit accelerated head growth (HG) in infancy, although the timing of acceleration varies between studies. We examined infant HG trajectory as a candidate autism endophenotype by studying sibling pairs. We retrospectively obtained serial head orbitofrontal circumference measurements of: a) 48 sibling pairs in which one (n = 28) or both (n = 20) sibs were affected by an autism spectrum disorder (ASD); and b) 85 control male sibling pairs. Rate of HG of ASD subjects was slightly accelerated compared to controls, but the magnitude of difference was below the limit of reliability of standard measurement methods. Sibling intra class correlation for rate of HG was highly statistically significant; the magnitude was significantly stronger among autism-affected families (ICC = .63) than among controls (ICC = .26), p < .01. Infant HG trajectory appears familial—possibly endophenotypic—but was not a reliable marker of autism risk among siblings of ASD probands in this sample

    Recurrent rare copy number variants increase risk for esotropia

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    Purpose: To determine whether rare copy number variants (CNVs) increase risk for comitant esotropia. Methods: CNVs were identified in 1614 Caucasian individuals with comitant esotropia and 3922 Caucasian controls from Illumina SNP genotyping using two Hidden Markov model (HMM) algorithms, PennCNV and QuantiSNP, which call CNVs based on logR ratio and B allele frequency. Deletions and duplications greater than 10 kb were included. Common CNVs were excluded. Association testing was performed with 1 million permutations in PLINK. Significant CNVs were confirmed with digital droplet polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR). Whole genome sequencing was performed to determine insertion location and breakpoints. Results: Esotropia patients have similar rates and proportions of CNVs compared with controls but greater total length and average size of both deletions and duplications. Three recurrent rare duplications significantly (P = 1 × 10-6) increase the risk of esotropia: chromosome 2p11.2 (hg19, 2:87428677-87965359), spanning one long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) and two microRNAs (OR 14.16; 95% confidence interval [CI] 5.4-38.1); chromosome 4p15.2 (hg19, 4:25554332-25577184), spanning one lncRNA (OR 11.1; 95% CI 4.6-25.2); chromosome 10q11.22 (hg19, 10:47049547-47703870) spanning seven protein-coding genes, one lncRNA, and four pseudogenes (OR 8.96; 95% CI 5.4-14.9). Overall, 114 cases (7%) and only 28 controls (0.7%) had one of the three rare duplications. No case nor control had more than one of these three duplications. Conclusions: Rare CNVs are a source of genetic variation that contribute to the genetic risk for comitant esotropia, which is likely polygenic. Future research into the functional consequences of these recurrent duplications may shed light on the pathophysiology of esotropia

    Glaucoma spectrum and age-related prevalence of individuals with FOXC1 and PITX2 variants

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    Published online 3 May 2017Variation in FOXC1 and PITX2 is associated with Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome, characterised by structural defects of the anterior chamber of the eye and a range of systemic features. Approximately half of all affected individuals will develop glaucoma, but the age at diagnosis and the phenotypic spectrum have not been well defined. As phenotypic heterogeneity is common, we aimed to delineate the age-related penetrance and the full phenotypic spectrum of glaucoma in FOXC1 or PITX2 carriers recruited through a national disease registry. All coding exons of FOXC1 and PITX2 were directly sequenced and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification was performed to detect copy number variation. The cohort included 53 individuals from 24 families with disease-associated FOXC1 or PITX2 variants, including one individual diagnosed with primary congenital glaucoma and five with primary open-angle glaucoma. The overall prevalence of glaucoma was 58.5% and was similar for both genes (53.3% for FOXC1 vs 60.9% for PITX2, P=0.59), however, the median age at glaucoma diagnosis was significantly lower in FOXC1 (6.0±13.0 years) compared with PITX2 carriers (18.0±10.6 years, P=0.04). The penetrance at 10 years old was significantly lower in PITX2 than FOXC1 carriers (13.0% vs 42.9%, P=0.03) but became comparable at 25 years old (71.4% vs 57.7%, P=0.38). These findings have important implications for the genetic counselling of families affected by Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome, and also suggest that FOXC1 and PITX2 contribute to the genetic architecture of primary glaucoma subtypes.Emmanuelle Souzeau, Owen M Siggs, Tiger Zhou, Anna Galanopoulos, Trevor Hodson, Deepa Taranath, Richard A Mills, John Landers, John Pater, James E Smith, James E Elder, Julian L Rait, Paul Giles, Vivek Phakey, Sandra E Staffieri, Lisa S Kearns, Andrew Dubowsky, David A Mackey, Alex W Hewitt, Jonathan B Ruddle, Kathryn P Burdon and Jamie E Crai

    Serum organochlorines and urinary porphyrin pattern in a population highly exposed to hexachlorobenzene

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    BACKGROUND: Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is caused by hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in several species of laboratory mammals, but the human evidence is contradictory. In a study among adults of a population highly exposed to HCB (Flix, Catalonia, Spain), the prevalence of PCT was not increased. We aimed at analysing the association of individual urinary porphyrins with the serum concentrations of HCB and other organochlorine compounds in this highly exposed population. METHODS: A cross-sectional study on total porphyrins was carried out in 1994 on 604 inhabitants of the general population of Flix, older than 14 years. Of them, 241 subjects (comprising a random sample and the subgroup with the highest exposure) were included for the present study. The porphyrin profile was determined by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Serum concentrations of HCB, as well as common organochlorine compounds, were determined by gas chromatography coupled to electron capture detection. RESULTS: Coproporphyrin I (CPI) and coproporphyrin III (CPIII) were the major porphyrins excreted, while uroporphyrins I and III were only detected in 2% and 36% of the subjects respectively, and heptaporphyrins I and III in 1% and 6%, respectively. CPI and CPIII decreased with increasing HCB concentrations (p < 0.05). This negative association was not explained by age, alcohol, smoking, or other organochlorine compounds. No association was found between uroporphyrin I and III excretion, nor heptaporphyrin excretion, and HCB. CPIII increased with smoking (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: HCB exposure in this highly exposed population did not increase urinary concentrations of individual porphyrins