2,399 research outputs found

    A Special Homotopy Continuation Method For A Class of Polynomial Systems

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    A special homotopy continuation method, as a combination of the polyhedral homotopy and the linear product homotopy, is proposed for computing all the isolated solutions to a special class of polynomial systems. The root number bound of this method is between the total degree bound and the mixed volume bound and can be easily computed. The new algorithm has been implemented as a program called LPH using C++. Our experiments show its efficiency compared to the polyhedral or other homotopies on such systems. As an application, the algorithm can be used to find witness points on each connected component of a real variety

    Pretreatment with a novel aquaporin 4 inhibitor, TGN-020, significantly reduces ischemic cerebral edema

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    We investigated the in vivo effects of a novel aquaporin 4 (AQP4) inhibitor 2-(nicotinamide)-1,3,4-thiadiazole, TGN-020, in a mouse model of focal cerebral ischemia using 7.0-T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Pretreatment with TGN-020 significantly reduced brain edema associated with brain ischemia, as reflected by percentage of brain swelling volume (%BSV), 12.1 ± 6.3% in the treated group, compared to (20.8 ± 5.9%) in the control group (p < 0.05), and in the size of cortical infarction as reflected by the percentage of hemispheric lesion volume (%HLV), 20.0 ± 7.6% in the treated group, compared to 30.0 ± 9.1% in the control group (p < 0.05). The study indicated the potential pharmacological use of AQP4 inhibition in reducing brain edema associated with focal ischemia

    Linear approaches to intramolecular Förster Resonance Energy Transfer probe measurements for quantitative modeling

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    Numerous unimolecular, genetically-encoded Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) probes for monitoring biochemical activities in live cells have been developed over the past decade. As these probes allow for collection of high frequency, spatially resolved data on signaling events in live cells and tissues, they are an attractive technology for obtaining data to develop quantitative, mathematical models of spatiotemporal signaling dynamics. However, to be useful for such purposes the observed FRET from such probes should be related to a biological quantity of interest through a defined mathematical relationship, which is straightforward when this relationship is linear, and can be difficult otherwise. First, we show that only in rare circumstances is the observed FRET linearly proportional to a biochemical activity. Therefore in most cases FRET measurements should only be compared either to explicitly modeled probes or to concentrations of products of the biochemical activity, but not to activities themselves. Importantly, we find that FRET measured by standard intensity-based, ratiometric methods is inherently non-linear with respect to the fraction of probes undergoing FRET. Alternatively, we find that quantifying FRET either via (1) fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) or (2) ratiometric methods where the donor emission intensity is divided by the directly-excited acceptor emission intensity (denoted R&lt;sub&gt;alt&lt;/sub&gt;) is linear with respect to the fraction of probes undergoing FRET. This linearity property allows one to calculate the fraction of active probes based on the FRET measurement. Thus, our results suggest that either FLIM or ratiometric methods based on R&lt;sub&gt;alt&lt;/sub&gt; are the preferred techniques for obtaining quantitative data from FRET probe experiments for mathematical modeling purpose

    Precision Optical Measurements and Fundamental Physical Constants

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    A brief overview is given on precision determinations of values of the fundamental physical constants and the search for their variation with time by means of precision spectroscopy in the optical domain

    S-COL: A Copernican turn for the development of flexibly reusable collaboration scripts

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    Collaboration scripts are usually implemented as parts of a particular collaborative-learning platform. Therefore, scripts of demonstrated effectiveness are hardly used with learning platforms at other sites, and replication studies are rare. The approach of a platform-independent description language for scripts that allows for easy implementation of the same script on different platforms has not succeeded yet in making the transfer of scripts feasible. We present an alternative solution that treats the problem as a special case of providing support on top of diverse Web pages: In this case, the challenge is to trigger support based on the recognition of a Web page as belonging to a specific type of functionally equivalent pages such as the search query form or the results page of a search engine. The solution suggested has been implemented by means of a tool called S-COL (Scripting for Collaborative Online Learning) and allows for the sustainable development of scripts and scaffolds that can be used with a broad variety of content and platforms. The tool’s functions are described. In order to demonstrate the feasibility and ease of script reuse with S-COL, we describe the flexible re-implementation of a collaboration script for argumentation in S-COL and its adaptation to different learning platforms. To demonstrate that a collaboration script implemented in S-COL can actually foster learning, an empirical study about the effects of a specific script for collaborative online search on learning activities is presented. The further potentials and the limitations of the S-COL approach are discussed

    Chromosomal radiosensitivity and acute radiation side effects after radiotherapy in tumour patients - a follow-up study

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    Radiotherapists are highly interested in optimizing doses especially for patients who tend to suffer from side effects of radiotherapy (RT). It seems to be helpful to identify radiosensitive individuals before RT. Thus we examined aberrations in FISH painted chromosomes in in vitro irradiated blood samples of a group of patients suffering from breast cancer. In parallel, a follow-up of side effects in these patients was registered and compared to detected chromosome aberrations. METHODS: Blood samples (taken before radiotherapy) were irradiated in vitro with 3 Gy X-rays and analysed by FISH-painting to obtain aberration frequencies of first cycle metaphases for each patient. Aberration frequencies were analysed statistically to identify individuals with an elevated or reduced radiation response. Clinical data of patients have been recorded in parallel to gain knowledge on acute side effects of radiotherapy. RESULTS: Eight patients with a significantly elevated or reduced aberration yield were identified by use of a t-test criterion. A comparison with clinical side effects revealed that among patients with elevated aberration yields one exhibited a higher degree of acute toxicity and two patients a premature onset of skin reaction already after a cumulative dose of only 10 Gy. A significant relationship existed between translocations in vitro and the time dependent occurrence of side effects of the skin during the therapy period. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that translocations can be used as a test to identify individuals with a potentially elevated radiosensitivity

    Functional significance may underlie the taxonomic utility of single amino acid substitutions in conserved proteins

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    We hypothesized that some amino acid substitutions in conserved proteins that are strongly fixed by critical functional roles would show lineage-specific distributions. As an example of an archetypal conserved eukaryotic protein we considered the active site of ß-tubulin. Our analysis identified one amino acid substitution—ß-tubulin F224—which was highly lineage specific. Investigation of ß-tubulin for other phylogenetically restricted amino acids identified several with apparent specificity for well-defined phylogenetic groups. Intriguingly, none showed specificity for “supergroups” other than the unikonts. To understand why, we analysed the ß-tubulin Neighbor-Net and demonstrated a fundamental division between core ß-tubulins (plant-like) and divergent ß-tubulins (animal and fungal). F224 was almost completely restricted to the core ß-tubulins, while divergent ß-tubulins possessed Y224. Thus, our specific example offers insight into the restrictions associated with the co-evolution of ß-tubulin during the radiation of eukaryotes, underlining a fundamental dichotomy between F-type, core ß-tubulins and Y-type, divergent ß-tubulins. More broadly our study provides proof of principle for the taxonomic utility of critical amino acids in the active sites of conserved proteins

    MEF2A regulates mGluR-dependent AMPA receptor trafficking independently of Arc/Arg3.1

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Differential trafficking of AMPA receptors (AMPARs) to and from the postsynaptic membrane is a key determinant of the strength of excitatory neurotransmission, and is thought to underlie learning and memory. The transcription factor MEF2 is a negative regulator of memory in vivo, in part by regulating trafficking of the AMPAR subunit GluA2, but the molecular mechanisms behind this have not been established. Here we show, via knockdown of endogenous MEF2A in primary neuronal culture, that MEF2A is specifically required for Group I metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR)-mediated GluA2 internalisation, but does not regulate AMPAR expression or trafficking under basal conditions. Furthermore, this process occurs independently of changes in expression of Arc/Arg3.1, a previously characterised MEF2 transcriptional target and mediator of mGluR-dependent long-term depression. These data demonstrate a novel MEF2A-dependent mechanism for the regulation of activity-dependent AMPAR trafficking