3,607 research outputs found

    Novel methods of fabrication and metrology of superconducting nanostructures

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    As metrology extends toward the nanoscale, a number of potential applications and new challenges arise. By combining photolithography with focused ion beam and/or electron beam methods, superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) with loop dimensions down to 200 nm and superconducting bridge dimensions of the order 80 nm have been produced. These SQUIDs have a range of potential applications. As an illustration, we describe a method for characterizing the effective area and the magnetic penetration depth of a structured superconducting thin film in the extreme limit, where the superconducting penetration depth lambdalambda is much greater than the film thickness and is comparable with the lateral dimensions of the device

    Does Business Process Reengineering Perform in a Third World Setting? A Qualitative Perspective

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the perceived predictors that explain  business process reengineering performance in a third world context using evidence from Uganda’s microfinance institutions.This study uses a narrative case study methodology conducted using qualitative data collection technique specifically the appreciative inquiry. We used QSR NVivostatistical package version 9 to analyze qualitative data. Business process reengineering being an evolving phenomenon, there superficial empirical studies exploring the theoretical explanation of business process reengineering performance in a third world perspective. The study provides novel insights of business process reengineering performance from a Uganda’s microfinance institutions as one of the third world countries using complexity theory.Methodological, theoretical, managerial and policy implications herein play pivotal role in bridging the knowledge gap that exists in microfinance institutions. Keywords-Business processreengineering, Institutional leadership and adaptabilit

    Gender diïŹ€erences in delay time for acute myocardial infarction in a Hispanic population

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    Introduction: There are limited published data on minority populations, especially Hispanics, describing the onset of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) symptoms and time to treatment. The aim of this study is to determine if a diïŹ€erence exists between gender and delay time in Puerto Rican patients hospitalized with an initial acute myocardial infarction

    Estimating epidemiological and economic burden and community derived disability weights for snake bite in Kerala: a study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: In India, lack of data and underreporting of cases and deaths due to snakebite makes it difficult to estimate its socio-economic burden. Previous studies measuring economic burden of snakebite in low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs) using different approaches have been conducted, but none in India. The proposed study aims to provide evidence on disability weights, epidemiological and economic burden due to snakebites in Kerala state, India. PROTOCOL: The study is a community based cross-sectional study recruiting victims of snakebite occurring over a 12 month period prior to start of the study , across Ernakulam district, Kerala state, India. For the community-derived disability weights,70 adult patients who were treated within a 3 month period prior to commencement of the study at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi or Little Flower Hospital, Angamaly would be interviewed. The study will measure annual incidence, mortality, treatment cost of snakebites along with community-derived disability weights for snakebites in Ernakulam district.. Standard methods for analysis and reporting of mortality, morbidity, Years of Lives Lost (YLL), Years lived with disability (YLD), disability weights, and costs of treatment will be calculated. The study will be started in April 2021 and is expected to be completed by July2021. DISCUSSION: This protocol is the first published for estimating epidemiological, economic burden and community derived disability weights for snakebites in India. Besides, the Global Burden of Disease has not attached a particular disability weight to snakebite and this would be an attempt to do so. The protocol has been developed using guidelines for cross-sectional studies, cost of illness studies and international guidelines for conducting community derived disability weights. The evidence generated by this study will contribute significantly to knowledge regarding the epidemiology, economic burden and community-derived disability weights for snakebites in India and other countries where incidence of snakebite is high

    Two real parton contributions to non-singlet kernels for exclusive QCD DGLAP evolution

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    Results for the two real parton differential distributions needed for implementing a next-to-leading order (NLO) parton shower Monte Carlo are presented. They are also integrated over the phase space in order to provide solid numerical control of the MC codes and for the discussion of the differences between the standard MSˉ\bar{MS} factorization and Monte Carlo implementation at the level of inclusive NLO evolution kernels. Presented results cover the class of non-singlet diagrams entering into NLO kernels. The classic work of Curci-Furmanski-Pertonzio was used as a guide in the calculations.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure

    The Jacobian Conjecture 2n implies the Dixmier Problem n

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    The aim of the paper is to describe some ideas, approaches, comments, etc. regarding the Dixmier Conjecture, its generalizations and analogues

    Efficacy of personalized cognitive counseling in men of color who have sex with men: secondary data analysis from a controlled intervention trial.

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    In a previous report, we demonstrated the efficacy of a cognitively based counseling intervention compared to standard counseling at reducing episodes of unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) among men who have sex with men (MSM) seeking HIV testing. Given the limited number of efficacious prevention interventions for MSM of color (MOC) available, we analyzed the data stratified into MOC and whites. The sample included 196 white MSM and 109 MOC (23 African Americans, 36 Latinos, 22 Asians, eight Alaskan Natives/Native Americans/Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, and 20 of mixed or other unspecified race). Among MOC in the intervention group, the mean number of episodes of UAI declined from 5.1 to 1.6 at six months and was stable at 12 months (1.8). Among the MOC receiving standard counseling, the mean number of UAI episodes was 4.2 at baseline, 3.9 at six months and 2.1 at 12 months. There was a significant treatment effect overall (relative risk 0.59, 95% confidence interval 0.35-0.998). These results suggest that the intervention is effective in MOC

    OstĂ©onĂ©croses Aseptiques vues en Rhumatologie Ă  Abidjan entre 2001 et 2011: CaractĂ©ristiques ÉpidĂ©miologiques et Diagnostiques de 31 Patients

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    Objectif : Etudier les caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques et diagnostiques des ostĂ©onĂ©croses aseptiques chez une population noire d’Afrique sub-saharienne. Patients et mĂ©thodes :   Etude rĂ©trospective descriptive sur 11 ans (janvier 2001 Ă  dĂ©cembre 2011) portant sur les patients vus pour une ostĂ©onĂ©crose aseptique en rhumatologie Ă  Abidjan en CĂŽte d’Ivoire. RĂ©sultats : Sur 3592 patients vus pour une affection rhumatologique, 31 (0,86%) avaient une ostĂ©onĂ©crose aseptique (incidence annuelle moyenne de 2,58 cas). L’ñge moyen des patients, 10 hommes et 21 femmes, Ă©tait de 40,2+/-13,4 ans (extrĂȘmes : 19 - 75 ans). Le dĂ©lai diagnostique moyen Ă©tait de 9,4 mois +/- 9,1 (extrĂȘmes : 1 - 36 mois). Les patients consultaient surtout pour une forte douleur Ă  dĂ©but progressif (77,4%), d’évolution chronique (87,1%), avec impotence fonctionnelle (87,1%). Les facteurs de risques de l’ostĂ©onĂ©crose aseptique Ă©taient l’hĂ©moglobinopathie (38,7%), l’alcoolisme (35,4%), le surpoids/obĂ©sitĂ© (29,0%), les dyslipidĂ©mies (25,8%), la corticothĂ©rapie (16,1%), le tabagisme (16,1%), l’infection Ă  VIH (9,7%), les troubles de la statique et traumatismes (9,7%), l’hyperuricĂ©mie (9,7%), et la polyarthrite rhumatoĂŻde (3,2%). Il s’agissait d’ostĂ©onĂ©crose aseptique de la tĂȘte fĂ©morale (90,3%), du condyle fĂ©moral (6,45%), et de la tĂȘte humĂ©rale (3,2%). L’ostĂ©onĂ©crose aseptique de la tĂȘte fĂ©morale Ă©tait surtout classĂ©e stade III (32,3%) et IV (38,7%) selon Arlet et Ficat. Conclusion : L’ostĂ©onĂ©crose aseptique n’est pas rare en milieu rhumatologique Ă  Abidjan. La tĂȘte fĂ©morale est la plus touchĂ©e et les facteurs de risque les plus frĂ©quents sont l’hĂ©moglobinopathie, l’alcoolisme, le surpoids/obĂ©sitĂ©, et les dyslipidĂ©mies.   Objective: To study the epidemiologic and diagnostic characteristics of aseptic osteonecrosis in a black population in sub-Saharan Africa. Patients and Methods:     Retrospective, descriptive study over 11 years (January 2001 to December 2011) of patients seen for aseptic osteonecrosis in rheumatology in Abidjan, CĂŽte d'Ivoire. Results: Out of 3592 patients seen in rheumatological pratice, 31 (0.86%) had aseptic osteonecrosis (mean annual incidence of 2.58 cases). The mean age of the patients, 10 men and 21 women, was 40.16+/-13.39 years (extremes: 19 - 75 years). The mean diagnostic delay was 9.4+/- 9.1 months (extremes: 1 - 36 months). The patients consulted mainly for severe pain with progressive onset (77.4%), chronic evolution (87.1%), with functional impotence (87.1%). The risk factors of aseptic osteonecrosis were hemoglobinopathy (38.7%), alcoholism (35.4%), overweight/obesity (29.0%), dyslipidemia (25.8%), corticosteroid therapy (16.1%), smoking (16.1%), HIV infection (9.7%), static disorders and trauma (9.7%), hyperuricemia (9.7%), and rheumatoid arthritis (3.2%). These were aseptic osteonecrosis of the femoral head (90.3%), femoral condyle (6.45%), and humeral head (3.2%). aseptic osteonecrosis of the femoral head was mostly classified as stage III (32.3%) and IV (38.7%) according to Arlet and Ficat. Conclusion: Aseptic osteonecrosis is not uncommon in rheumatology settings in Abidjan. The femoral head is the most affected and the most frequent risk factors are hemoglobinopathy, alcoholism, overweight/obesity, and dyslipidemia

    OstĂ©onĂ©croses Aseptiques vues en Rhumatologie Ă  Abidjan entre 2001 et 2011: CaractĂ©ristiques ÉpidĂ©miologiques et Diagnostiques de 31 Patients

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    Objectif : Etudier les caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques et diagnostiques des ostĂ©onĂ©croses aseptiques chez une population noire d’Afrique sub-saharienne. Patients et mĂ©thodes :   Etude rĂ©trospective descriptive sur 11 ans (janvier 2001 Ă  dĂ©cembre 2011) portant sur les patients vus pour une ostĂ©onĂ©crose aseptique en rhumatologie Ă  Abidjan en CĂŽte d’Ivoire. RĂ©sultats : Sur 3592 patients vus pour une affection rhumatologique, 31 (0,86%) avaient une ostĂ©onĂ©crose aseptique (incidence annuelle moyenne de 2,58 cas). L’ñge moyen des patients, 10 hommes et 21 femmes, Ă©tait de 40,2+/-13,4 ans (extrĂȘmes : 19 - 75 ans). Le dĂ©lai diagnostique moyen Ă©tait de 9,4 mois +/- 9,1 (extrĂȘmes : 1 - 36 mois). Les patients consultaient surtout pour une forte douleur Ă  dĂ©but progressif (77,4%), d’évolution chronique (87,1%), avec impotence fonctionnelle (87,1%). Les facteurs de risques de l’ostĂ©onĂ©crose aseptique Ă©taient l’hĂ©moglobinopathie (38,7%), l’alcoolisme (35,4%), le surpoids/obĂ©sitĂ© (29,0%), les dyslipidĂ©mies (25,8%), la corticothĂ©rapie (16,1%), le tabagisme (16,1%), l’infection Ă  VIH (9,7%), les troubles de la statique et traumatismes (9,7%), l’hyperuricĂ©mie (9,7%), et la polyarthrite rhumatoĂŻde (3,2%). Il s’agissait d’ostĂ©onĂ©crose aseptique de la tĂȘte fĂ©morale (90,3%), du condyle fĂ©moral (6,45%), et de la tĂȘte humĂ©rale (3,2%). L’ostĂ©onĂ©crose aseptique de la tĂȘte fĂ©morale Ă©tait surtout classĂ©e stade III (32,3%) et IV (38,7%) selon Arlet et Ficat. Conclusion : L’ostĂ©onĂ©crose aseptique n’est pas rare en milieu rhumatologique Ă  Abidjan. La tĂȘte fĂ©morale est la plus touchĂ©e et les facteurs de risque les plus frĂ©quents sont l’hĂ©moglobinopathie, l’alcoolisme, le surpoids/obĂ©sitĂ©, et les dyslipidĂ©mies.   Objective: To study the epidemiologic and diagnostic characteristics of aseptic osteonecrosis in a black population in sub-Saharan Africa. Patients and Methods:     Retrospective, descriptive study over 11 years (January 2001 to December 2011) of patients seen for aseptic osteonecrosis in rheumatology in Abidjan, CĂŽte d'Ivoire. Results: Out of 3592 patients seen in rheumatological pratice, 31 (0.86%) had aseptic osteonecrosis (mean annual incidence of 2.58 cases). The mean age of the patients, 10 men and 21 women, was 40.16+/-13.39 years (extremes: 19 - 75 years). The mean diagnostic delay was 9.4+/- 9.1 months (extremes: 1 - 36 months). The patients consulted mainly for severe pain with progressive onset (77.4%), chronic evolution (87.1%), with functional impotence (87.1%). The risk factors of aseptic osteonecrosis were hemoglobinopathy (38.7%), alcoholism (35.4%), overweight/obesity (29.0%), dyslipidemia (25.8%), corticosteroid therapy (16.1%), smoking (16.1%), HIV infection (9.7%), static disorders and trauma (9.7%), hyperuricemia (9.7%), and rheumatoid arthritis (3.2%). These were aseptic osteonecrosis of the femoral head (90.3%), femoral condyle (6.45%), and humeral head (3.2%). aseptic osteonecrosis of the femoral head was mostly classified as stage III (32.3%) and IV (38.7%) according to Arlet and Ficat. Conclusion: Aseptic osteonecrosis is not uncommon in rheumatology settings in Abidjan. The femoral head is the most affected and the most frequent risk factors are hemoglobinopathy, alcoholism, overweight/obesity, and dyslipidemia
