558 research outputs found

    Joint phenotypes, evolutionary conflict and the fundamental theorem of natural selection

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    Multiple organisms can sometimes affect a common phenotype. For example, the portion of a leaf eaten by an insect is a joint phenotype of the plant and insect and the amount of food obtained by an offspring can be a joint trait with its mother. Here, I describe the evolution of joint phenotypes in quantitative genetic terms. A joint phenotype for multiple species evolves as the sum of additive genetic variances in each species, weighted by the selection on each species. Selective conflict between the interactants occurs when selection takes opposite signs on the joint phenotype. The mean fitness of a population changes not just through its own genetic variance but also through the genetic variance for its fitness that resides in other species, an update of Fisher\u27s fundamental theorem of natural selection. Some similar results, using inclusive fitness, apply to within-species interactions. The models provide a framework for understanding evolutionary conflicts at all levels

    Cooperative secretions facilitate host range expansion in bacteria

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    The majority of emergent human pathogens are zoonotic in origin, that is, they can transmit to humans from other animals. Understanding the factors underlying the evolution of pathogen host range is therefore of critical importance in protecting human health. There are two main evolutionary routes to generalism: organisms can tolerate multiple environments or they can modify their environments to forms to which they are adapted. Here we use a combination of theory and a phylogenetic comparative analysis of 191 pathogenic bacterial species to show that bacteria use cooperative secretions that modify their environment to extend their host range and infect multiple host species. Our results suggest that cooperative secretions are key determinants of host range in bacteria, and that monitoring for the acquisition of secreted proteins by horizontal gene transfer can help predict emerging zoonoses

    Gestational diabetes mellitus in Cameroon: prevalence, risk factors and screening strategies

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    Copyright \ua9 2024 Sobngwi, Sobngwi-Tambekou, Katte, Echouffo-Tcheugui, Balti, Kengne, Fezeu, Ditah, Tchatchoua, Dehayem, Unwin, Rankin, Mbanya and Bell.Background: The burden of gestational diabetes (GDM) and the optimal screening strategies in African populations are yet to be determined. We assessed the prevalence of GDM and the performance of various screening tests in a Cameroonian population. Methods: We carried out a cross-sectional study involving the screening of 983 women at 24-28 weeks of pregnancy for GDM using serial tests, including fasting plasma (FPG), random blood glucose (RBG), a 1-hour 50g glucose challenge test (GCT), and standard 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). GDM was defined using the World Health Organization (WHO 1999), International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Special Group (IADPSG 2010), and National Institute for Health Care Excellence (NICE 2015) criteria. GDM correlates were assessed using logistic regressions, and c-statistics were used to assess the performance of screening strategies. Findings: GDM prevalence was 5\ub79%, 17\ub77%, and 11\ub70% using WHO, IADPSG, and NICE criteria, respectively. Previous stillbirth [odds ratio: 3\ub714, 95%CI: 1\ub727-7\ub776)] was the main correlate of GDM. The optimal cut-points to diagnose WHO-defined GDM were 5\ub79 mmol/L for RPG (c-statistic 0\ub762) and 7\ub71 mmol/L for 1-hour 50g GCT (c-statistic 0\ub776). The same cut-off value for RPG was applicable for IADPSG-diagnosed GDM while the threshold was 6\ub75 mmol/L (c-statistic 0\ub761) for NICE-diagnosed GDM. The optimal cut-off of 1-hour 50g GCT was similar for IADPSG and NICE-diagnosed GDM. WHO-defined GDM was always confirmed by another diagnosis strategy while IADPSG and GCT independently identified at least 66\ub79 and 41\ub70% of the cases. Interpretation: GDM is common among Cameroonian women. Effective detection of GDM in under-resourced settings may require simpler algorithms including the initial use of FPG, which could substantially increase screening yield

    Chronic Oedema and the older person: The effects of ageing upon treatment outcomes

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    Chronic oedema (CO) and lymphoedema (LO) are long-term conditions that can become more complicated or are more likely to develop with age. The ageing process can involve alterations in the structures that support the normal function of the lymphatic system or put it at greater risk of damage. The main three components (skin care, exercise and compression therapy) within the management of CO/LO can become more difficult to apply with age. This is because of reduced healing rates, decreased cardiovascular capacity and deterioration in vascular and arterial structures. The impact of ageing and how this can affect patients and treatment outcomes requires careful consideration

    What traits are carried on mobile genetic elements, and why?

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    Although similar to any other organism, prokaryotes can transfer genes vertically from mother cell to daughter cell, they can also exchange certain genes horizontally. Genes can move within and between genomes at fast rates because of mobile genetic elements (MGEs). Although mobile elements are fundamentally self-interested entities, and thus replicate for their own gain, they frequently carry genes beneficial for their hosts and/or the neighbours of their hosts. Many genes that are carried by mobile elements code for traits that are expressed outside of the cell. Such traits are involved in bacterial sociality, such as the production of public goods, which benefit a cell's neighbours, or the production of bacteriocins, which harm a cell's neighbours. In this study we review the patterns that are emerging in the types of genes carried by mobile elements, and discuss the evolutionary and ecological conditions under which mobile elements evolve to carry their peculiar mix of parasitic, beneficial and cooperative genes

    The limit to behavioral inertia and the power of default in voluntary contribution games

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    It is well documented that people are reluctant to switch from a default option. We experimentally test the robustness of this behavioral inertia in a collective decision-making setting by varying the default option type and the decision-making environment. We examine the impacts of automatic-participation and no-participation default options on subjects’ participation in a public goods provision and their contributions. Two variants of public goods game are employed: the linear and the threshold public goods games. The study shows the evidence of partial stickiness rather than complete stickiness of default options as indicated in empirical studies. Our experimental results square with the evidence of behavioral inertia only when the automatic-participation default is used. This default boosts contributions in the linear public goods game but not in the threshold public goods game. The evidence of partial stickiness is robust to the variation of the game employed, but the effect on contribution is sensitive to it

    The Ergogenic Potential of Arginine

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    Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid that is involved in protein synthesis, the detoxification of ammonia, and its conversion to glucose as well as being catabolized to produce energy. In addition to these physiological functions, arginine has been purported to have ergogenic potential. Athletes have taken arginine for three main reasons: 1) its role in the secretion of endogenous growth hormone; 2) its involvement in the synthesis of creatine; 3) its role in augmenting nitric oxide. These aspects of arginine supplementation will be discussed as well as a review of clinical investigations involving exercise performance and arginine ingestion

    Proposed follow up programme after curative resection for lower third oesophageal cancer

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    The incidence of oesophageal adenocarcinoma has risen throughout the Western world over the last three decades. The prognosis remains poor as many patients are elderly and present with advanced disease. Those patients who are suitable for resection remain at high risk of disease recurrence. It is important that cancer patients take part in a follow up protocol to detect disease recurrence, offer psychological support, manage nutritional disorders and facilitate audit of surgical outcomes. Despite the recognition that regular postoperative follow up plays a key role in ongoing care of cancer patients, there is little consensus on the nature of the process. This paper reviews the published literature to determine the optimal timing and type of patient follow up for those after curative oesophageal resection

    Hypoxia-driven cell motility reflects the interplay between JMY and HIF-1α.

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    Junction-mediating and regulatory protein (JMY) is a novel p53 cofactor that regulates p53 activity during stress. JMY interacts with p300/CBP, which are ubiquitous transcriptional co-activators that interact with a variety of sequence-specific transcription factors, including hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α). In addition, JMY is an actin-nucleating protein, which, through its WH2 domains, stimulates cell motility. In this study, we show that JMY is upregulated during hypoxia in a HIF-1α-dependent manner. The JMY gene contains HIF-responsive elements in its promoter region and HIF-1α is recruited to its promoter during hypoxia. HIF-1α drives transcription of JMY, which accounts for its induction under hypoxia. Moreover, the enhanced cell motility and invasion that occurs during hypoxia requires JMY, as depleting JMY under hypoxic conditions causes decreased cell motility. Our results establish the interplay between JMY and HIF-1α as a new mechanism that controls cell motility under hypoxic stress

    Women's Preferences Regarding Infant or Maternal Antiretroviral Prophylaxis for Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV during Breastfeeding and Their Views on Option B+ in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

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    The WHO 2010 guidelines for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV recommended prophylactic antiretroviral treatment (ART) either for infants (Option A) or mothers (Option B) during breastfeeding for pregnant women with a CD4 count of >350 cell/µL in low-income countries. In 2012, WHO proposed that all HIV-infected pregnant women should receive triple ART for life (B+) irrespective of CD4 count. Tanzania has recently switched from Option A to B+, with a few centers practicing B. However, more information on the real-life feasibility of these options is needed. This qualitative study explored women's preferences for Option A vs B and their views on Option B+ in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. We conducted four focus group discussions with a total of 27 pregnant women with unknown HIV status, attending reproductive and child health clinics, and 31 in-depth interviews among HIV-infected pregnant and post-delivery women, 17 of whom were also asked about B+. Most participants were in favor of Option B compared to A. The main reasons for choosing Option B were: HIV-associated stigma, fear of drug side-effects on infants and difficult logistics for postnatal drug adherence. Some of the women asked about B+ favored it as they agreed that they would eventually need ART for their own survival. Some were against B+ anticipating loss of motivation after protecting the child, fearing drug side-effects and not feeling ready to embark on lifelong medication. Some were undecided. Option B was preferred. Since Tanzania has recently adopted Option B+, women with CD4 counts of >350 cell/µL should be counseled about the possibility to "opt-out" from ART after cessation of breastfeeding. Drug safety and benefits, economic concerns and available resources for laboratory monitoring and evaluation should be addressed during B+ implementation to enhance long-term feasibility and effectiveness