6 research outputs found

    Report on the Workshop on Transversal Variables. (Linking economic and biological effort data (call) design). 19th -23rd January 2015

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    The Workshop on the Transversal Variables took place in Zagreb from the 19th to 23rd of January, 2015 mainly to tackle the issues related to the increasing need of having fisheries fleet economic data and fisheries biologic data on a level of disaggregation that would allow a proper interoperability between datasets to underpin bioeconomic modelling. For that, several analyses were carried out and conclusions taken. These analyses were : 1. comparison of economic and biological effort data calls both with respect to their level of resolution and the landings and effort values obtained from equivalent aggregations was performed. This was compared to what would be needed in order to undertake bioeconomic modelling for a chosen management plan. 2. The description of how MS are calculating effort variables and a proposal on the way forward to harmonize approaches, 3. Conclusions on how to harmonize levels of resolution, the variable definitions and the codification in use amongst data calls, in order to make them comparable and based on coherent standard codifications.JRC.G.3-Maritime affair

    Report on the STECF Expert Working Group 17-12 Fisheries Dependent Information: ‘New-FDI’

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    The STECF expert working group (EWG) on Fisheries Dependant Information (FDI) took place in JRC, Ispra from 23 to 27 October 2017 to review the data transmitted by Member States under a new data call (‘New-FDI’). The new data call specification was designed with three broad aims in mind i) Compatibility between the New-FDI data and the data held in the Fleet Economic database. ii) Ability to encompass all EU registered vessels including those from the Mediterranean, Black Sea and external waters fleets. iii) Ability to assess effects of management measures. The main purpose of the EWG was to judge if the call specification was appropriate to accomplish the above aims and to consider any difficulties encountered by member states in fulfilling the data call. Two terms of reference also allowed trial analyses to be conducted of a type relevant to the third broad aim. The EWG addressed all Terms of Reference during the meeting and drew conclusions on the modifications required for the New-FDI data call going forwards. Prior to the EWG it had been agreed by STECF Bureau that the report of the meeting would not be presented to STECF for approval as an STECF report but published separately (as a JRC technical report). This report therefore presents the data, methods observations and findings of an EWG of the STECF but the findings presented in this report do not necessarily constitute the opinion of the STECF or reflect the views of the European Commission and in no way anticipate the Commission’s future policy in this area.JRC.D.2-Water and Marine Resource

    WordPress-teeman suunnittelu ja toteutus : case Fortuna-korttelin blogisivusto

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö käsittelee WordPress-teeman suunnittelua ja toteutusta blogisivustoa varten. Opinnäytteen toimeksiantaja on Turun Fortuna-kortteli, joka halusi blogin käyttöönsä pääasiassa kesän 2012 tapahtumakaudelle. Opinnäytetyöskentely alkoi vuoden 2011 kesällä toimeksiannolla, jota ei kuitenkaan koskaan saatettu loppuun opinnäytetyön tekijöistä riippumattomista syistä. Tämän projektin aikana syntynyttä materiaalia hyödynnettiin myöhemmin Fortuna-korttelin blogisivustoa tehtäessä. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuudessa käydään läpi WordPressin perusteet, mukaan lukien ohjelman asennus ja teemojen luominen. Lisäksi työssä kerrotaan blogin määritelmästä, syventyen erityisesti yritysblogien maailmaan. Varsinaisen teorian lisäksi teimme myös alustavan päivityssuunnitelman Fortuna-korttelin blogia varten ja autoimme asiakasta ideoimaan blogin sisältöä. Opinnäytetyön empiirisessä osuudessa hyödynnetään teoriassa opittuja asioita ja keskitytään WordPress-teeman suunnittelun ja toteutukseen. Teeman lisäksi hyödynsimme erilaisia WordPress-lisäosia. Ennestään tuntemattoman ohjelman kanssa työskenneltäessä työ pyrittiin toteuttamaan mahdollisimman yksinkertaisella ja toimivalla tavalla. Varsinaisen toimeksiannon lisäksi blogisivuston käyttöä tukemaan tehtiin WordPress-käyttöohje, jota avattiin järjestetyn koulutustilaisuuden yhteydessä.This thesis covers the design and creation of a WordPress blog theme. The customer of the thesis is Turun Fortuna-kortteli, who needed a blog to use for marketing purposes during their summer season in 2012. The assignment first began in the summer of 2011, when the project for a local company was initiated. The project was never finished, but the material could later be reutilized in the project for Fortuna-kortteli and their blog. The theory part of the thesis consists of basic WordPress information, including the installation of the program and the creation of themes. In addition, the definition of a blog, and especially corporate blogs, will become clear to the reader. Additionally, a schedule for updating the blog was created for the customer, along with ideas for the content of the blog. The empiric part of the thesis utilizes the issues studied in the theoretical part, and the focus is on the design and creation of the WordPress theme. In addition, the use of WordPress plugins is studied. Whilst working with a previously unknown system, it was vital to implement the theme in a simple yet functional manner. Moreover, to support the customer’s usage of the blog, a customized instruction manual was created

    Ammonolysisreactions of ternary Thiovanadates and Transition Metals Thiocyanates

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    Inhalt der Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Ammonolyse von ternären Sulfiden und Thiocyanaten der Übergangsmetalle. Es wurden einige neue Verbindungen synthetisiert. Die Charakterisierung erfolgte mittels Einkristalldiffraktometrie und anderen analytischen Methoden. Bei der Ampullenreaktion von Li2S und VN bei 850°C entstehen rhomboedrische Kristalle von „LixV2O3-xNx“ mit den Gitterkonstanten a = b = 494,40(2) pm, c = 1397,15(11) pm und der Raumgruppe R . Bei der Ampullenreaktion von NbCl5 mit NH4SCN und I2 bei 330°C entstehen Kristalle von (NH4)5[Nb2(S2)2Cl8]I. Die Verbindung kristallisiert orthorhombisch innenzentriert in der Raumgruppe Immm mit den Gitterkonstanten a = 707,97(17) pm, b = 974,2(3) pm und c = 1614,2(4) pm. Durch die Reaktion von NiCl2 und LiSCN in Acetonitril konnte das bisher unbekannte Ni(NCS)2(CH3CN)4 synthetisiert werden. Diese Verbindung kristallisiert kubisch in der Raumgruppe Pm mit der Gitterkonstante a = 1289,80(9) pm. Ni(NCS)2(CH3CN)4 ist nur unterhalb -30°C stabil. Für die weitere Ammonolysereaktion wurde zunächst das CH3CN unter Bildung von Ni(NCS)2(CH3CN)2 abgezogen. Ni(NCS)2(CH3CN)2 wurde dann im Ammoniakstrom bei 150°C ammonolysiert. Die Strukturanalyse ergab, dass Li[Ni(NH3)6](SCN)3 • NH3 • 1/6H2O entsteht. Diese Verbindung kristallisiert monoklin in der Raumgruppe Cc mit den Gitterkonstanten a = 1737,4(7) pm, b = 2326,5(6) pm, c = 2603,5(6) pm und β = 96,8(2)°. Bei der Ampullenreaktion von MnCl2 mit NH4SCN und I2 bei 160°C bekommt man Kristalle von (NH4)4[MnCl4(NCS)2]. Die Verbindung (NH4)4[MnCl4(NCS)2] kristallisiert monoklin in der Raumgruppe P21/n mit den Gitterkonstanten a = 700,66(11) pm, b = 1605,65(15) pm, c = 721,56(10) pm und β = 114,228°. Bei der Ammonolysereaktion von (NH4)4[MnCl4(NCS)2] bei 160°C entstehen überraschenderweise Kristalle einer organischen, heterozyklischen Verbindung, sogenanntes Melamin bzw. Triamin s-Triazin C3N3(NH2)3 und eine Mischung der Mn-Nitride Mn4N und Mn3N2.An investigation of the ammonolysis of ternary sulfides and thiocyanates of transition metals. Some new compounds were synthesized. They were characterized using X-ray single crystal diffractometer and other analytical methods. The mixture of Li2S and VN was heated at 850°C in silica ampule. Crystals of „LixV2O3-xNx“ were obtained. They crystallize in the rhomboedral system R with lattice constants of a = b = 494,40(2) pm, c = 1397,15(11) pm. The mixture of NbCl5, NH4SCN and I2 was heated at 330°C in glass ampule. Crystals of (NH4)5[Nb2(S2)2Cl8]I were obtained in this way. They crystallize in the orthorhombic body-centered system Immm with lattice constants of a = 707,97(17) pm, b = 974,2(3) pm and c = 1614,2(4) pm. NiCl2 and LiSCN were mixed in CH3CN. Crystals of Ni(NCS)2(CH3CN)4 were prepared in this way. They are stable below -30°C and crystallize in the cubic system Pm with a lattice constant of a = 1289,80(9) pm. The substance was dried under vacuum until only Ni(NCS)2(CH3CN)2 remained. This compound was heated at 150°C in NH3-flow. Crystals of Li[Ni(NH3)6](SCN)3 • NH3 • 1/6H2O were obtained. They crystallize in the monoclinic system Cc with lattice constants of a = 1737,4(7) pm, b = 2326,5(6) pm, c = 2603,5(6) pm and β = 96,8(2)°. The mixture of MnCl2, NH4SCN and I2 was heated at 160°C in glass ampule. Crystals of (NH4)4[MnCl4(NCS)2] were obtained. They crystallize in the monoclinic system P21/n with lattice constants of a = 700,66(11) pm, b = 1605,65(15) pm, c = 721,56(10) pm and β = 114,228°. This compound was heated at 160°C in NH3-flow. After ammonolysis a mixture of C3N3(NH2)3, Mn4N and Mn3N2 was obtained

    The postmodern features of Czech “artistic” prose writing of the 1920s (on the basis of Medvědí román by Jiri Kratochvíl)

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    Autorka se zabývá analýzou umělecké struktury Medvědího románu Jiřího Kratochvíla, který dává přednost složité filozoficko-fantastické stavbě námětu, ve kterém se v jedné rovině s realistickým zobrazením života vyskytují i fantasmagorické prvky a obrazy. Toto spolu se zřetelnou stylistickou originalitou díla Jiřího Kratochvíla svědčí o vysoké estetické úrovni díla Medvědí román a umožňuje ji zařadit ho mezi „elitní” literaturu. Umělecká specifičnost děl J. Kratochvíla představuje nerozdělitelné spojení mravně-filozofické problematiky s principy poetiky postmodernismu, což sbližuje jeho tvorbu s díly předních evropských představitelů postmodernistické prózy jako jsou – J. Fowles, U. Eco, A. Bárta, M. Paviča.The author makes reference to migrant literature, available in the Czech Republic only after 1989. This literature remained under a strong influence of American philosophy and postmodern poetics, which the writers wanted to adapt to the native artistic, historical and literary processes. As a result there emerged the so called mass literature, whose main aim was, on the one hand, the fun the “average” reader could have (for instance the works of Z. Frýdová M. Nezval, B. Nesvadbová, P. Frýbort), but on the other hand, reaching intellectuals who had their own opinions concerning literary aesthetics (works such as Sedmikostelí by M. Urban or Podobojí by D. Hodrová). Simultaneously with the migrant literature there emerged works of art which could be placed between popular literature of comic character and high, grandeur literature (novels such as Výchova dívek v Čechach by M. Vievegh or Babičky by P. Šabach), addressed to readers with particular erudition. The problem is discussed in the article on the basis of Medvědí román by Jiří Kratochvíl)