4,060 research outputs found

    Implementation and experience with luminosity levelling with offset beam

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    The practice of luminosity levelling with an offset beam has been used as a routine operation in the LHC since 2011. This paper will describe how it has been implemented and what has been the operational experience with the system.Comment: 5 pages, contribution to the ICFA Mini-Workshop on Beam-Beam Effects in Hadron Colliders, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-22 Mar 201

    Towards a renewal of the propeller in aeronautics

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    The reasons for reconsidering the propeller for aircraft propulsion, the areas of application, and necessary developments are considered. Rising fuel costs and an increasing theoretical and experimental data base for turboprop engines have demonstrated that significant cost savings can be realized by the use of propellers. Propellers are well-suited to powering aircraft traveling at speeds up to Mach 0.65. Work is progressing on the development of a 150 seat aircraft which has a cruise speed of Mach 0.8, powered by a turboprop attached to an engine of 15,000 shp. Aeroelasticity analyses ae necessary in order to characterize the behavior of thin profile propfan blades, particularly to predict the oscillations through the entire functional range. High-power reducers must be developed, and the level of cabin noise must be controlled to less than 90 dB. Commercial applications are predicted for turboprops in specific instances

    Transformations between HCLP and PCSP

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    We present a general methodology for transforming between HCLP and PCSP in both directions. HCLP and PCSP each have advantages when modelling problems, and each have advantages when implementing models and solving them. Using the work presented in this paper, the appropriate paradigm can be used for each of these steps, with a meaning-preserving transformation in between if necessary

    A process algebra for synchronous concurrent constraint programming

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    Concurrent constraint programming is classically based on asynchronous communication via a shared store. This paper presents new version of the ask and tell primitives which features synchronicity. Our approach is based on the idea of telling new information just in the case that a concurrently running process is asking for it. An operational and an algebraic semantics are defined. The algebraic semantics is proved to be sound and complete with respect to a compositional operational semantics which is also presented in the paper

    Cardinality heterogeneities in Web service composition: Issues and solutions

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    Data exchanges between Web services engaged in a composition raise several heterogeneities. In this paper, we address the problem of data cardinality heterogeneity in a composition. Firstly, we build a theoretical framework to describe different aspects of Web services that relate to data cardinality, and secondly, we solve this problem by developing a solution for cardinality mediation based on constraint logic programming

    La stabilité des éléments super-lourds sondée par des mesures de temps de fission

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    Une technique originale fondée sur la mesure de temps de réactions nucléaires a été développée au laboratoire du Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds à Caen (GANIL) pour mettre en évidence l'existence de noyaux d'éléments super-lourds - de masse très supérieure à ce qui existe sur terre à l'état naturel - et pour sonder leur stabilité

    Distinguished non-Archimedean representations

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    For a symmetric space (G,H), one is interested in understanding the vector space of H-invariant linear forms on a representation \pi of G. In particular an important question is whether or not the dimension of this space is bounded by one. We cover the known results for the pair (G=R_{E/F}GL(n),H=GL(n)), and then discuss the corresponding SL(n) case. In this paper, we show that (G=R_{E/F}SL(n),H=SL(n)) is a Gelfand pair when n is odd. When nn is even, the space of H-invariant forms on \pi can have dimension more than one even when \pi is supercuspidal. The latter work is joint with Dipendra Prasad

    Mid-infrared sub-wavelength grating mirror design: tolerance and influence of technological constraints

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    High polarization selective Si/SiO2 mid-infrared sub-wavelength grating mirrors with large bandwidth adapted to VCSEL integration are compared. These mirrors have been automatically designed for operation at \lambda = 2.3 μ\mum by an optimization algorithm which maximizes a specially defined quality factor. Several technological constraints in relation with the grating manufacturing process have been imposed within the optimization algorithm and their impact on the optical properties of the mirror have been evaluated. Furthermore, through the tolerance computation of the different dimensions of the structure, the robustness with respect to fabrication errors has been tested. Finally, it appears that the increase of the optical performances of the mirror imposes a less tolerant design with severer technological constraints resulting in a more stringent control of the manufacturing process.Comment: The final publication is available at http://iopscience.iop.org/2040-8986/13/12/125502