1,593 research outputs found

    Accelerated fruit libraries to predict storage potential of 'Hayward' kiwifruit grower lines : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Food Technology at Massey University, New Zealand.

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    Reducing postharvest losses is a major challenge of the kiwifruit industry. Inherent variability between kiwifruit grower lines makes the prediction of postharvest storage quality a difficult task. This research aims to establish an Accelerated Fruit Library (AFL) rapid test methodology to collect data that would enable a priori segregation of ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit grower lines for storage potential. In the AFL, fruit losses were accelerated by storing at 20 °C and measured regularly at 3 day (d) intervals. The resulting pattern of losses in the AFL was assumed to reflect the losses in optimal storage (0 °C). Results from a preliminary study found that late harvested lines in the AFL displayed a more rapid decline in firmness than those harvested earlier, corresponding with the highest recorded ethylene contamination in the room. Therefore, later AFL attempts were refined by storing each grower line in a flow through system to maintain ethylene independence. The refined AFL methodology ensured expression of inherent loss patterns of each grower line. From the AFL data, parameters describing the distribution, variability and defect count were extracted. Number of fruit < 0.6 kgf, 1st quartile, 3rd quartile firmness, mean and median firmness, SSC:firmness ratio and number of rots during AFL monitoring were slightly correlated (r = |0.5|) with fruit firmness at 126 d of optimal storage. None of the AFL parameters had consistent correlation (r = |0.5| continuously at more than two measurement occasions) with storage firmness. Later, AFL softening curves were described with the Complementary Gompertz equation using the non-linear mixed effects procedure for fitting. Grower lines with higher fitted rate of firmness change parameter (?) during AFL monitoring had a tendency to have low firmness at 100 and 126 d of optimal storage (r = -0.53 and -0.45 respectively). Using the fitted ? as a segregation guide, 60% of grower lines were successfully categorised into 1 of 3 storage potential categories (i.e. low, medium and high). Notably, ? successfully identified 90% of the low storage grower lines. Removing grower lines identified as low storing (65% of whole population) changed the proportion of observed low storing lines in the remaining population from 35% to 10%. However, in the next season where validation of the AFL methodology was conducted, using the fitted ? as a segregation tool resulted in only 53% of grower lines being correctly categorised. Meanwhile, 78% of grower lines with low storage potential were accurately predicted. However, removal of lines categorised as low storing (64.7% of whole population) changed the proportion of observed low storing lines in the remaining population from 53% to 33.3%. Overall, the AFL methodology could have potential to segregate grower lines with different storage potentials but unfortunately higher proportion of low storing lines in the remaining population categorised as medium and high storage restrict its industrial application. Further development of the AFL methodology to predict storability of kiwifruit grower lines may be achieved with incorporation of pre-harvest information (change in fruit quality e.g. SSC and firmness on vine), compositional attributes (amount of minerals e.g. calcium), physiological indicators (e.g. respiration rate and ethylene production) and processes (e.g. cell wall changes and enzymatic activity) of fruit ripening during storage

    Inclusion and the relevance of culturally responsive teaching in U.K. Business schools

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    Inequality, lack of learning, and poor academic achievement are firmly linked (Nieto 1999). Our research explores the British Muslim experience in the context of inclusive pedagogy practice in Business Schools. It is the aim of this paper to explore the relevance of culturally responsive teaching (Gay 2000) in supporting individual student learning differences in increasingly international Business Schools. Law (2004) argues that Universities are expected to be the interrogators of complex ethical problems, as servant and preserver of deeper democratic practices. To fulfil this role effectively universities need to shift away from what (Allen 1998) describes a ‘White Syllabus’. The need to demand from students the ability to adapt to the approach of the institution without the institution making an effort to adapt to the student is an outdated concept which puts many universities at a disadvantage when trying to attract International students to UK business Schools. This paper will look at the relevance of 'culturally responsive teaching' and how this pedagogical method utilises student’s cultural knowledge, prior experiences, and cultural differences to make learning more appropriate and effective for them. Such an approach teaches through the strengths of the students (Gay 2000) and the responsiveness of the educators. Our research adopts a culturally responsive framework (Villegas and Lucas, 2002) that looks at 5 salient characteristics and how they can be used to bridge the gap between learner and tutor and organisation. It will be analysed and argued that culturally responsive teaching can be used to develop inclusion and minimise prejudice within UK Business Schools for minority groups and for this study British Muslims

    A Framework to Quantify Network Resilience and Survivability

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    The significance of resilient communication networks in the modern society is well established. Resilience and survivability mechanisms in current networks are limited and domain specific. Subsequently, the evaluation methods are either qualitative assessments or context-specific metrics. There is a need for rigorous quantitative evaluation of network resilience. We propose a service oriented framework to characterize resilience of networks to a number of faults and challenges at any abstraction level. This dissertation presents methods to quantify the operational state and the expected service of the network using functional metrics. We formalize resilience as transitions of the network state in a two-dimensional state space quantifying network characteristics, from which network service performance parameters can be derived. One dimension represents the network as normally operating, partially degraded, or severely degraded. The other dimension represents network service as acceptable, impaired, or unacceptable. Our goal is to initially understand how to characterize network resilience, and ultimately how to guide network design and engineering toward increased resilience. We apply the proposed framework to evaluate the resilience of the various topologies and routing protocols. Furthermore, we present several mechanisms to improve the resilience of the networks to various challenges


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    The aim of this research is to determine work compensation, work motivation and employee performance, the influence of work motivation on employee performance, the effect of work compensation on work motivation, work compensation on employee performance and work compensation on employee performance through work motivation. This type of research is quantitative research, with the population being all CV employees, totaling 36 people. The sample in this research was 36 employees with all populations used as samples. Data analysis techniques use scale range analysis and path analysis. The research results show that the compensation provided falls within the criteria of sufficient, sufficient work motivation and adequate employee performance. There is a significant influence between compensation on employee performance, meaning that if the compensation is better, the employee's performance will be higher, compensation has an effect on employee work motivation, work motivation has a significant effect on employee performance and compensation has an effect on employee performance, namely through work motivation

    The Determinants of Capital Inflow in Developing Countries with Special Reference to Pakistan

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    Introduction: The capital mobility has increased in the developing countries after opening up of markets and WTO since 2001. Now the investors all over the world are free to move their capital and invest it in the country of their choice. Now the countries having big markets and number of customers are the target of big investors. This is the reason that capital has been flowing in the developing countries. Objectives of the study: The main objective is to investigate into the determinants of rising capital inflow into developing countries in general and Pakistan in particular and its impact on its economy. Main Research problem: Our main research problem is to study the determinant of capital inflow in Pakistan and the policies of the Government to attract foreign direct investment. Another problem is to study whether the policies are conducive for foreign investment. Methodology: In this study, we have taken the sample of eight developing countries of Asia such as Bangladesh, China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia Pakistan, South Korea and Thailand. The annual data of these countries is taken from International Financial Statistics and World Bank database for 23 years from 1990 to 2012. The E=views7 software has been used to analyze the data. Findings and Results: Our results specifically show that foreign exchange reserves, fiscal incentives, current account position, efficient capital market, strong infrastructure and efficient legal, judicial system and law and order situation play key role in attracting foreign capital inflow. At the moment Pakistan has been facing problem of twin deficits, political instability due to terrorism, and inefficient legal system, which are hampering large inflow of capital. Even then, Pakistan has been receiving more $12 billion remittance every years and ample foreign direct investment in telecommunication, banking and information technology sector. Our study show if government focus on political stability it can attract more capital flow. Our results are robust and consistent with other studies so far made on this subject. Key words: capital inflow, competitive edge, exchange rate, foreign exchange accumulation


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    Bandung memiliki peran dan kontribusinya sendiri dalam mencapai kemerdekaan Indonesia. Jenderal TNI (Purn.) A.H. Nasution dalam kata pengantar buku “Saya Pilih Mengungsi”, mengatakan bahwa peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut menjadi suatu mata rantai perjuangan bangsa dalam mengusir penjajah. Bandung Lautan Api merupakan salah satu perjuangan Bandung, yang dikenal sebagai peristiwa pembakaran Bandung demi mendukung kemerdekaan Indonesia. Hal utama yang mendorong pembakaran ini ialah tuntutan dalam batas waktu dari Inggris. Dalam buku “Saya Pilih Mengungsi” diceritakan bahwa pembakaran ini merupakan sebuah keputusan dari rapat pimpinan pejuang pada tanggal 24 maret 1946, pukul 10 pagi di markas Divisi III TRI. Keputusan ini merupakan bagian dari upaya yang ditetapkan demi tercapainya kemerdekaan Indonesia

    PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN JASMANI KESEHATAN DAN REKREASI. JUDUL: Pengaruh Media Audio Visual Terhadap Kemampuan Kognisi Dan Penguasaan Keterampilan Bolatangan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media audio visual terhadap kemampuan kognisi serta penguasaan keterampilan flying shoot siswa dalam permainan bola tangan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan bentuk desain penelitian pretest-posttest control group design. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA N 24 Bandung. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswa SMA N 24 Bandung yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakulikuler bola tangan. Dari populasi tersebut diambil 30 siswa dengan menggunakan teknik sampling purposive. Sampel tersebut dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yakni 15 orang kelas eksperimen dan 15 orang kelas kontrol. Media audio visual memberikan dampak positif terhadap pembelajaran bola tangan. Hal ini dilihat dari hasil pengujian hipotesis dimana t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel. Nilai t hitung untuk kemampuan kognisi siswa dan keterampilan siswa berturut-turut 2,707 dan 1,858. Berdasarkan pengujian hipotesis tersebut dapat dilihat bahwa penggunaan media audio visual memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan kognisi dan keterampilan flying shoot dalam pembelajaran permainan bola tangan. ----------- This study aims to determine the effect of audio-visual media on the cognition ability and students flying shoot skill mastery in the game of handball. The experimental method used was design pretest-posttest control group design method. This study was conducted in SMAN 24 Bandung. The population in this study is SMAN 24 Bandung students who take part in handball extracurricular. 30 students from that population were Chosen by using purposive sampling technique. The samples were divided into two classes: the experimental class 15 students, and the control class 15 students. Audio-visual media have a positive impact on learning handball. It is seen from the results of hypothesis testing where t is greater than t table. T value to students' cognitive abilities and skills of students respectively 2.707 and 1.858. Based on hypothesis testing can be seen that the use of audio-visual media have a significant influence on cognitive abilities and shoot the flying skills in teaching handball game

    The development of culturally responsive teaching in UK Higher Education Business Schools for students from an ethnically diverse background

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    As diversity in UK Higher Education Business Schools increases, the focus on ethnically diverse student achievement, experience, and attainment becomes prominent. This thesis investigates the role of Business School academics and Business School institutions in shaping a pedagogical process that is culturally responsive, to support the changing needs and expectations of ethnically diverse students. In order to achieve this the thesis introduces the five-pillar framework, which has been specifically designed and developed to help academics develop consistent pedagogy for ethnically diverse students. In order to investigate this in more detail, the research undertook a constructionism approach and employed the use of methodological tools including interviews, memoing and document analysis. By the end of the data collection process twenty-two rich interviews had been collected. The findings of the research where quite clear that the development of pedagogy is inconsistent across academia and training support and guidance is needed to help academics develop their skills and confidence in creating pedagogy for culturally diverse students. In addition, it was identified that many institutions could provide more support in creating policies and procedures which reflect the changing reality of ethnic diversity in UK higher education. Institutions could also do more in supporting academic staff with finding a balance between research, teaching and administration and hence allow for more time to create culturally responsive pedagogy. Finally, this research advocates the implementation of a cultural consciousness in UK higher education which moves away from culturally responsive teaching and towards culturally responsible teaching

    Manipulation of semantics and syntax: the use of emotive language in English and Arabic news reports and editorials with reference to translation

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    Since language is an important means of communication between human beings, it is held that writers or speakers can affect their readers or hearers by using certain linguistic means. The manipulation of semantics and syntax, namely the use of emotive language, is seen as an affective means resorted to by text producers to influence the people's acceptance of the truth. Emotional language aims ultimately at persuading the addressee to accept the facts as they are presented by writers. It is regarded as a necessary condition for persuasion to be successful. This is due to the persuasive force of emotive meaning exerted upon the receiver. In addition, the employment of emotive language may be attributed to ideological considerations. This will be demonstrated in Chapter II. Emotiveness, as a means of persuasion, can be expressed by using certain devices such as repetition, intertextuality, word-order, figures of speech, intensifiers ... etc. These strategies will be discussed in detail with reference to translation in Chapter III. Furthermore, I must say that some of my remarks have been based on the findings of outstanding grammarians and linguists, and therefore, I have been obliged to quote from such works to substantiate my points of view. Before proceeding with the investigation, I must point out that the entire data of my work will be confined only to news reports and editorials both in Arabic and English, and for this end a number of articles have been used from official newspapers in both languages

    Inheritance of Certain Characters in Okra (Hibiscus Esculentus L.).

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