8,267 research outputs found

    Individualism and entrepreneurship: Does the pattern depend on the social context?

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    This article argues that cultural and personal values are relevant in the formation of entrepreneurial intentions; as such, the interplay between both value-levels deserves attention. Individualist values such as achievement, pleasure, self-direction and an exciting and stimulating life are related to entrepreneurial intention and activity, at both the cultural and personal levels. From a sample of 2069 adults with a university degree, the results support a double-effect of culture on entrepreneurial intention: the personal values effect (a more individualist culture leads to more members exhibiting higher entrepreneurial intentions) and the outlier effect (those who are more individualist than average in their culture will exhibit a higher entrepreneurial intention). Within the two individualist dimensions considered (self-enhancement and openness to change), the relationship of self-enhancement to entrepreneurial intention is stronger than that of openness to change. The implications of these results are discussed and avenues for future research are proposed

    Feasibility of Photofrin II as a radiosensitizing agent in solid tumors - Preliminary results

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    Background: Photofrin II has been demonstrated to serve as a specific and selective radiosensitizing agent in in vitro and in vivo tumor models. We aimed to investigate the feasibility of a clinical application of Photofrin II. Material and Methods: 12 patients were included in the study (7 unresectable solid tumors of the pelvic region, 3 malignant gliomas, 1 recurrent oropharyngeal cancer, 1 recurrent adenocarcinoma of the sphenoid sinus). The dose of ionizing irradiation was 30-50.4 Gy; a boost irradiation of 14 Gy was added for the pelvic region. All patients were intravenously injected with 1 mg/kg Photofrin II 24 h prior to the commencement of radiotherapy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) controls and in some cases positron emission tomography (PET) were performed in short intervals. The mean follow-up was 12.9 months. Results: No major adverse events were noted. Minor adverse events consisted of mild diarrhea, nausea and skin reactions. A complete remission was observed in 4/12 patients. A reduction in local tumor volume of > 45% was achieved in 4/12 patients. Stable disease was observed in 4/12 patients. 1 patient showed local disease progression after 5 months. Conclusion: The early follow-up results are encouraging regarding the feasibility of the application of Photofrin II as a radiosensitizing agent

    Leukocyte adhesion deficiency-I: A comprehensive review of all published cases

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    Leukocyte adhesion deficiency-I (LAD-I) is a rare, serious disorder with severity determined by defective CD18 expression. LAD-I is characterized by umbilical complications, granulocytosis, and diverse infections. Severe LAD-I is frequently fatal before the age of 2 years without allogeneic transplant. We identified 323 cases published between 1975 and 2017

    A simple method to assess the oxidative susceptibility of low density lipoproteins

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    BACKGROUND: Oxidative modification of low density lipoproteins (LDL) is recognized as one of the major processes involved in atherogenesis. The in vitro standardized measurement of LDL oxidative susceptibility could thus be of clinical significance. The aim of the present study was to establish a method which would allow the evaluation of oxidative susceptibility of LDL in the general clinical laboratory. RESULTS: LDL was isolated from human plasma by selective precipitation with amphipathic polymers. The ability of LDL to form peroxides was assessed by measuring thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) after incubation with Cu(2+) and H(2)O(2). Reaction kinetics showed a three-phase pattern (latency, propagation and decomposition phases) which allowed us to select 150 min as the time point to stop the incubation by cooling and EDTA addition. The mixture Cu(2+)/H(2)O(2) yielded more lipoperoxides than each one on its own at the same time end-point. Induced peroxidation was measured in normal subjects and in type 2 diabetic patients. In the control group, results were 21.7 ± 1.5 nmol MDA/mg LDL protein, while in the diabetic group results were significantly increased (39.0 ± 3.0 nmol MDA/mg LDL protein; p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: a simple and useful method is presented for the routine determination of LDL susceptibility to peroxidation in a clinical laboratory

    Colorimetric Measurement of Triglycerides Cannot Provide an Accurate Measure of Stored Fat Content in Drosophila

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    Drosophila melanogaster has recently emerged as a useful model system in which to study the genetic basis of regulation of fat storage. One of the most frequently used methods for evaluating the levels of stored fat (triglycerides) in flies is a coupled colorimetric assay available as a kit from several manufacturers. This is an aqueous-based enzymatic assay that is normally used for measurement of mammalian serum triglycerides, which are present in soluble lipoprotein complexes. In this short communication, we show that coupled colorimetric assay kits cannot accurately measure stored triglycerides in Drosophila. First, they fail to give accurate readings when tested on insoluble triglyceride mixtures with compositions like that of stored fat, or on fat extracted from flies with organic solvents. This is probably due to an inability of the lipase used in the kits to efficiently cleave off the glycerol head group from fat molecules in insoluble samples. Second, the measured final products of the kits are quinoneimines, which absorb visible light in the same wavelength range as Drosophila eye pigments. Thus, when extracts from crushed flies are assayed, much of the measured signal is actually due to eye pigments. Finally, the lipoprotein lipases used in colorimetric assays also cleave non-fat glycerides. The glycerol backbones liberated from all classes of glycerides are measured through the remaining reactions in the assay. As a consequence, when these assay kits are used to evaluate tissue extracts, the observed signal actually represents the amount of free glycerols together with all types of glycerides. For these reasons, findings obtained through use of coupled colorimetric assays on Drosophila samples must be interpreted with caution. We also show here that using thin-layer chromatography to measure stored triglycerides in flies eliminates all of these problems

    Multiplication of Distributions and Nonperturbative Calculations of Transition Probabilities

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    In a mathematical context in which one can multiply distributions the "`formal"' nonperturbative canonical Hamiltonian formalism in Quantum Field Theory makes sense mathematically, which can be understood a priori from the fact the so called "`infinite quantities"' make sense unambiguously (but are not classical real numbers). The perturbation series does not make sense. A novelty appears when one starts to compute the transition probabilities. The transition probabilities have to be computed in a nonperturbative way which, at least in simplified mathematical examples (even those looking like nonrenormalizable series), gives real values between 0 and 1 capable to represent probabilities. However these calculations should be done numerically and we have only been able to compute simplified mathematical examples due to the fact these calculations appear very demanding in the physically significant situation with an infinite dimensional Fock space and the QFT operators

    Impact of generic alendronate cost on the cost-effectiveness of osteoporosis screening and treatment

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    Introduction: Since alendronate became available in generic form in the Unites States in 2008, its price has been decreasing. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of alendronate cost on the cost-effectiveness of osteoporosis screening and treatment in postmenopausal women. Methods: Microsimulation cost-effectiveness model of osteoporosis screening and treatment for U.S. women age 65 and older. We assumed screening initiation at age 65 with central dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and alendronate treatment for individuals with osteoporosis; with a comparator of "no screening" and treatment only after fracture occurrence. We evaluated annual alendronate costs of 20through20 through 800; outcome measures included fractures; nursing home admission; medication adverse events; death; costs; quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs); and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) in 2010 U.S. dollars per QALY gained. A lifetime time horizon was used, and direct costs were included. Base-case and sensitivity analyses were performed. Results: Base-case analysis results showed that at annual alendronate costs of 200orless,osteoporosisscreeningfollowedbytreatmentwascost−saving,resultinginlowertotalcoststhannoscreeningaswellasmoreQALYs(10.6additionalquality−adjustedlife−days).Whenassumingalendronatecostsof200 or less, osteoporosis screening followed by treatment was cost-saving, resulting in lower total costs than no screening as well as more QALYs (10.6 additional quality-adjusted life-days). When assuming alendronate costs of 400 through 800,screeningandtreatmentresultedingreaterlifetimecoststhannoscreeningbutwashighlycost−effective,withICERsrangingfrom800, screening and treatment resulted in greater lifetime costs than no screening but was highly cost-effective, with ICERs ranging from 714 per QALY gained through 13,902perQALYgained.Probabilisticsensitivityanalysesrevealedthatthecost−effectivenessofosteoporosisscreeningfollowedbyalendronatetreatmentwasrobusttojointinputparameterestimatevariationatawillingness−to−paythresholdof13,902 per QALY gained. Probabilistic sensitivity analyses revealed that the cost-effectiveness of osteoporosis screening followed by alendronate treatment was robust to joint input parameter estimate variation at a willingness-to-pay threshold of 50,000/QALY at all alendronate costs evaluated. Conclusions: Osteoporosis screening followed by alendronate treatment is effective and highly cost-effective for postmenopausal women across a range of alendronate costs, and may be cost-saving at annual alendronate costs of $200 or less. © 2012 Nayak et al

    Temporal correlations in population trends: Conservation implications from time-series analysis of diverse animal taxa

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    Population trends play a large role in species risk assessments and conservation planning, and species are often considered threatened if their recent rate of decline meets certain thresholds, regardless how large the population is. But how reliable an indicator of extinction risk is a single estimate of population trend? Given the integral role this decline-based approach has played in setting conservation priorities, it is surprising that it has undergone little empirical scrutiny. We compile an extensive global dataset of time series of abundance data for over 1300 vertebrate populations to provide the first major test of the predictability of population growth rates in nature. We divided each time series into assessment and response periods and examined the correlation between growth rates in the two time periods. In birds, population declines tended to be followed by further declines, but mammals, salmon, and other bony fishes showed the opposite pattern: past declines were associated with subsequent population increases, and vice versa. Furthermore, in these taxa subsequent growth rates were higher when initial declines were more severe. These patterns agreed with data simulated under a null model for a dynamically stable population experiencing density dependence. However, this type of result could also occur if conservation actions positively affected the population following initial declines—a scenario that our data were too limited to rigorously evaluate. This ambiguity emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying causes of population trajectories in drawing inferences about rates of decline in abundance

    Systematic review of antiepileptic drugs’ safety and effectiveness in feline epilepsy

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    Understanding the efficacy and safety profile of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) in feline epilepsy is a crucial consideration for managing this important brain disease. However, there is a lack of information about the treatment of feline epilepsy and therefore a systematic review was constructed to assess current evidence for the AEDs’ efficacy and tolerability in cats. The methods and materials of our former systematic reviews in canine epilepsy were mostly mirrored for the current systematic review in cats. Databases of PubMed, CAB Direct and Google scholar were searched to detect peer-reviewed studies reporting efficacy and/or adverse effects of AEDs in cats. The studies were assessed with regards to their quality of evidence, i.e. study design, study population, diagnostic criteria and overall risk of bias and the outcome measures reported, i.e. prevalence and 95% confidence interval of the successful and affected population in each study and in total

    Multi-proxy record of ocean-climate variability during the last two millennia on the Mackenzie Shelf, Beaufort Sea

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    A 2,000 year-long oceanographic history, in sub-centennial resolution, from a Canadian Beaufort Sea continental shelf site (60 meters water depth) near the Mackenzie River outlet is reconstructed from ostracode and foraminifera faunal assemblages, shell stable isotopes (δ18O, δ13C) and sediment biogenic silica. The chronology of three sediment cores making up the composite section was established using 137Cs and 210Pb dating for the most recent 150 years and combined with linear interpolation of radiocarbon dates from bivalve shells and foraminifera tests. Continuous centimeter-sampling of the multicore and high-resolution sampling of a gravity and piston core yielded a time-averaged faunal record of every ~40 years from 0 to 1850 CE and every ~24 years from 1850 to 2013 CE. Proxy records were consistent with temperature oscillations and related changes in organic carbon cycling associated with the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and the Little Ice Age (LIA). Abundance changes in dominant microfossil species, such as the ostracode Paracyprideis pseudopunctillata and agglutinated foraminifers Spiroplectammina biformis and S. earlandi, are used as indicators of less saline, and possibly corrosive/turbid bottom conditions associated with the MCA (~800-1200 CE) and the most recent ~60 years (1950-2013). During these periods, pronounced fluctuations in these species suggest that prolonged seasonal sea-ice melting, changes in riverine inputs and sediment dynamics affected the benthic environment. Taxa analyzed for stable oxygen isotope composition of carbonates show the lowest δ18O values during intervals within the MCA and the highest during the late LIA, which is consistent with a 1° to 2°C cooling of bottom waters. Faunal and isotopic changes during the cooler LIA (1300-1850 CE) are most apparent at ~1500-1850 CE and are particularly pronounced during 1850 to ~1900 CE, with a ~0.5 per mil increase in δ18O values of carbonates from median values in the analyzed taxa. This very cold 50-year period suggests that enhanced summer sea ice suppressed productivity, which is indicated by low sediment biogenic silica values and lower δ13C values in analyzed species. From 1900 CE to present, declines in calcareous faunal assemblages and changes in dominant species (Cassidulina reniforme and P. pseudopunctillata) are associated with less hospitable bottom waters, indicated by a peak in agglutinated foraminifera from 1950-1990 CE
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