466 research outputs found


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    Eight-year trajectories of changes in health-related quality of life in knee osteoarthritis: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI).

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    BACKGROUND:Knee osteoarthritis (OA) worsens health-related quality of life (HRQoL) but the symptom pathway varies from person to person. We aimed to identify groups of people with knee OA or at its increased risk whose HRQoL changed similarly. Our secondary aim was to evaluate if patient-related characteristics, incidence of knee replacement (KR) and prevalence of pain medication use differed between the identified HRQoL trajectory groups.METHODS:Eight-year follow-up data of 3053 persons with mild knee OA or at increased risk were obtained from the public Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) database. Group-based trajectory modeling was used to identify patterns of experiencing a decrease of ≥10 points (Minimal Important Change, MIC) in the Quality of Life subscale of the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score compared to baseline. Multinomial logistic regression, Cox regression and generalized estimating equation models were used to study secondary aims.RESULTS:Four HRQoL trajectory groups were identified. Persons in the 'no change' group (62.9%) experienced no worsening in HRQoL. 'Rapidly' (9.5%) and 'slowly' worsening (17.1%) groups displayed an increasing probability of experiencing the MIC in HRQoL. The fourth group (10.4%) had 'improving' HRQoL. Female gender, higher body mass index, smoking, knee pain, and lower income at baseline were associated with belonging to the 'rapidly worsening' group. People in 'rapidly' (hazard ratio (HR) 6.2, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.6-10.7) and 'slowly' worsening (HR 3.4, 95% CI 2.0-5.9) groups had an increased risk of requiring knee replacement. Pain medication was more rarely used in the 'no change' than in the other groups.CONCLUSIONS:HRQoL worsening was associated with several risk factors; surgical and pharmacological interventions were more common in the poorer HRQoL trajectory groups indicating that HRQoL does reflect the need for OA treatment. These findings may have implications for targeting interventions to specific knee OA patient groups.</h4

    Yritystukien tutkimusjaoston raportti 2020

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    Yritystukien tutkimusjaoston ensimmäisessä raportissa kuvataan yritystukien kehitystä ja arvioidaan hallitusohjelman tukilinjauksia. Se sisältää myös katsaukset aihepiirin taloustieteellisestä teoriasta ja kotimaisesta vaikuttavuustutkimuksesta. Suorat tuet rajataan EU:n valtiontukisääntelyn mukaan ja verotukitiedot perustuvat valtiovarainministeriön arvioon. Vuonna 2019 suoria yritystukia maksettiin noin 1,5 miljardia euroa luokiteltaessa energiaveron palautukset suoriksi tuiksi. Vuosina 2012–2019 tuet kasvoivat ja niiden rakenne muuttui, kun energia- ja ilmastotuet lisääntyivät ja tuet TKI-toimintaan supistuivat. Verotukia on useita, yli 60. Niiden euromäärä ylittää selvästi suorien tukien vastaavan, vaikka arviot verotuista ovat suuntaa-antavia. Niiden perusteet tulisi määritellä nykyistä tarkemmin ja uusien tukien sijasta tulisi pyrkiä tukien karsimiseen. Tukien tilastointia tulisi myös vahvistaa. Hallitusohjelman merkittävimmät tukilinjaukset liittyvät energiatukiin, joita koskevat suunnitelmat ovat pääosin oikeansuuntaisia. Myös t&k -tukien lisäykset ovat lähtökohdiltaan perusteltuja. T&k -avustusten suurin kasvu tulee yritysvetoisesta TKI -paketista, jonka luonne on vielä selkiytymätön ja sisältää riskejä. Uudistuksissa tavoitteet tulisi täsmentää niin, että muutosten vaikutuksia voidaan arvioida ja verrata tavoitteisiin. Ekosysteemeille suunnatut tuet merkitsevät haastetta vaikuttavuusarvioinnille. Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön yhteyshenkilön tiedot: Rasmus Reinikainen, [email protected] puh. +358 295 047 11

    A systematic review on health resilience to economic crises

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    Background The health effects of recent economic crises differ markedly by population group. The objective of this systematic review is to examine evidence from longitudinal studies on factors influencing resilience for any health outcome or health behaviour among the general population living in countries exposed to financial crises. Methods We systematically reviewed studies from six electronic databases (EMBASE, Global Health, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Scopus, Web of Science) which used quantitative longitudinal study designs and included: (i) exposure to an economic crisis; (ii) changes in health outcomes/behaviours over time; (iii) statistical tests of associations of health risk and/or protective factors with health outcomes/behaviours. The quality of the selected studies was appraised using the Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies. PRISMA reporting guidelines were followed. Results From 14,584 retrieved records, 22 studies met the eligibility criteria. These studies were conducted across 10 countries in Asia, Europe and North America over the past two decades. Ten socio-demographic factors that increased or protected against health risk were identified: gender, age, education, marital status, household size, employment/occupation, income/ financial constraints, personal beliefs, health status, area of residence, and social relations. These studies addressed physical health, mortality, suicide and suicide attempts, mental health, and health behaviours. Women’s mental health appeared more susceptible to crises than men’s. Lower income levels were associated with greater increases in cardiovascular disease, mortality and worse mental health. Employment status was associated with changes in mental health. Associations with age, marital status, and education were less consistent, although higher education was associated with healthier behaviours. Conclusions Despite widespread rhetoric about the importance of resilience, there was a dearth of studies which operationalised resilience factors. Future conceptual and empirical research is needed to develop the epidemiology of resilience

    Cigarette smoking and tooth loss experience among young adults: a national record linkage study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Various factors affect tooth loss in older age including cigarette smoking; however, evidence regarding the association between smoking and tooth loss during young adulthood is limited. The present study examined the association between cigarette smoking and tooth loss experience among adults aged 20–39 years using linked data from two national databases in Japan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two databases of the National Nutrition Survey (NNS) and the Survey of Dental Diseases (SDD), which were conducted in 1999, were obtained from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare with permission for analytical use. In the NNS, participants received physical examinations and were interviewed regarding dietary intake and health practices including cigarette smoking, whereas in the SDD, participants were asked about their frequency of daily brushing, and received oral examinations by certified dentists. Among 6,805 records electronically linked via household identification code, 1314 records of individuals aged 20 to 39 years were analyzed. The prevalence of 1+ tooth loss was compared among non-, former, and current smokers. Multiple logistic regression models were constructed including confounders: frequency of tooth brushing, body mass index, alcohol consumption, and intake of vitamins C and E.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Smoking rates differed greatly in men (53.3%) and women (15.5%). The overall prevalence of tooth loss was 31.4% (31.8% men and 31.1% women). Tooth loss occurred more frequently among current smokers (40.6%) than former (23.1%) and non-smokers (27.9%). Current smoking showed a significant association with 1+ tooth loss in men (adjusted OR = 2.21 [1.40–3.50], P = 0.0007) and women (1.70 [1.13–2.55], P = 0.0111). A significant positive exposure-related relationship between cigarette smoking status and tooth loss was observed (P for trend < 0.0001 and 0.0004 in men and women, respectively). Current smoking was also associated with the prevalence of decayed teeth (1.67 [1.28–2.20], P = 0.0002).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>An association between cigarette smoking and tooth loss was evident among young adults throughout Japan. Due to limitations of the available variables in the present databases, further studies including caries experience and its confounders should be conducted to examine whether smoking is a true risk of premature tooth loss in young adults.</p

    The health impact of remarriage behavior on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: findings from the US longitudinal survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major disease among adults, and its deterioration was reported to be associated with psychological imbalance. Meanwhile, bereavement and divorce have proven harmful to the health status of a surviving spouse. But few studies have been conducted to evaluate the remedial effect on survivors' health outcome by remarriage after bereavement. The present study thus examined the associations between remarriage and the onset of COPD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Our cohort was drawn from Health and Retirement Study participants in the United States, and consisted of 2676 subjects who were divorced or bereaved from 1992 to 2002. We then followed them for up to 11 years and assessed the incidence rate of COPD using a Cox proportional hazard model after adjusting for marital status, age, gender, education and the number of cigarettes smoked.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among all subjects, 224 who remarried after bereavement or divorce tended to be younger and more male dominated. Remarriage after bereavement/divorce was associated with significantly decreased risk of COPD onset for overall subjects [hazard ratio (HR): 0.51, 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 0.28-0.94], female subjects [HR: 0.36, 95% CI: 0.13-0.98], and for those under 70 years old [HR: 0.36, 95% CI: 0.17-0.79].</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study investigates the impact of remarriage on health outcome based on a large-scale population survey and indicates that remarriage significantly correlates with reduced risk of COPD incidence, even after adjusting smoking habit.</p
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