43 research outputs found

    Effects of agri-environmental habitat provision on winter and breeding season abundance of farmland birds

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    Farmland bird populations continue to show declines in spite of over 20 years of research and implementation of agri-environmental schemes (AES) intended to reverse this. Although it is well known that provision of winter food resources can attract farmland birds, there is continuing uncertainty over the ability of AES to provide tangible benefits for target species in terms of increased abundance. Answering these questions is hampered by interannual fluctuations in bird populations and the mobility and territoriality of farmland birds, which have complicated the interpretation of previous studies. We monitored birds for five years on a large arable estate in central England managed under varying levels of AES uptake (low level uptake of simple and widely applicable AES options, more extensive uptake of more complex AES options), and two control treatments (on-site and off-site). Bird abundance in winter and both total abundance and number of territories in the breeding season were calculated from monthly visits to 16 transects. Several species showed significantly higher winter abundance on AES treatments, particularly granivorous species (e.g. reed bunting, yellowhammer, linnet). Many other species (e.g. blackbird, chaffinch, robin) also showed significant differences in winter abundance between treatments on the estate and off-site controls. In the breeding season, linnet, reed bunting, goldfinch and combined granivorous birds showed higher abundance or number of territories on AES treatments compared to on-site controls. For most other species the differences were only significant between treatments on the estate and off-site controls. Independently of AES treatment, a lower coverage of cereals or greater Shannon diversity of crops in the local landscape also had a positive effect on the abundance of many species. Our results suggest that well-implemented AES can significantly enhance local populations of both farmland specialists of conservation concern and generalist species. Our results also show that, in many cases, these effects were only demonstrable at the farm scale, in comparison with off-site controls. This is probably due to high levels of movement and dispersal of birds resulting in a farm-scale spill-over of beneficial effects of agri-environment measures. Our results therefore highlight the importance of thinking beyond the single-farm scale when designing schemes or studies for monitoring the effectiveness of AES, and the importance of selecting appropriately located controls

    Modelling Landscape-scale Species Response to Agri-Environment Schemes

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    Agri-environment schemes (AES) are the most significant environmental policy delivery mechanism in England, and include the conservation of biodiversity as a key objective. Provisional results from the ongoing Landscape-scale species monitoring of AES (LandSpAES) baseline field survey have shown some positive responses of mobile taxa to AES gradients at local (1km2) or landscape (3 × 3km) scales. However, it is not known whether these provisional results might be more broadly applicable outside the regions surveyed in the LandSpAES project, i.e. in other regions, or nationally. Here, we present the findings of an analytical project to explore the use of national Citizen Science (CitSci) scheme data, to investigate whether similar relationships with AES gradients would be found at a national scale in CitSci data to those shown with LandSpAES data, and whether integrated modelling was possible with combined CitSci and LandSpAES datasets. The design of LandSpAES has high power to detect AES effects, including the independent testing of the local and landscape AES gradients, but is restricted to six regions. The national CitSci are more representative of England as a whole, but have not been designed to detect AES effects. The aim of this project was to determine whether the provisional taxon responses to the AES gradients found in the LandSpAES project could be detected at a national scale using CitSci scheme data. To achieve this aim, three key questions were addressed through the analytical work: 1) Can addition of covariates account for environmental variation between survey squares in each dataset, to improve the comparability of AES gradient effects between LandSpAES and CitSci schemes? 2) Do the CitSci scheme datasets show similar relationships between taxa responses and the AES gradients, to those found with the LandSpAES data? 3) Can integrated approaches to combining datasets be used to jointly model CitSci and LandSpAES data, and does integrated modelling reduce uncertainty in quantifying the effects of AES gradients on taxa responses at a national scale across England

    The environmental effectiveness of the Higher Level Stewardship scheme; resurveying the baseline agreement monitoring sample to quantify change between 2009 and 2016. Full technical final report

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    Agri-environment schemes (AES) are one of the most significant mechanism for delivering environmental policy within England, both in terms of expenditure and coverage of land. AES are multi-objective, primarily addressing conservation of wildlife, landscapes and the historic environment and providing public access as well as addressing broader environmental issues such as climate change and flood management. This project contributes to evaluation of the Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) AES, which was designed to achieve the highest standards of environmental management and target features of the greatest conservation value, including Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs). Monitoring is a key element of scheme delivery in order to assess the efficacy of AES, and determine which factors contribute to successful AES outcomes. Here, we resurveyed a sample of HLS agreements (surveyed 6-7 years previously), to assess environmental outcomes and in particular change in plant communities over time in relation to AES management. The assessment of change over time allowed the effects of AES management to be quantified against defined objectives, as opposed to drawing conclusions from a single assessment where the conservation value of land entered into an AES can be confounded with AES management effects

    Designing a survey to monitor multi-scale impacts of agri-environment schemes on mobile taxa

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    Agri-environment schemes (AES) are key mechanisms to deliver conservation policy, and include management to provide resources for target taxa. Mobile species may move to areas where resources are increased, without this necessarily having an effect across the wider countryside or on populations over time. Most assessments of AES efficacy have been at small spatial scales, over short timescales, and shown varying results. We developed a survey design based on orthogonal gradients of AES management at local and landscape scales, which will enable the response of several taxa to be monitored. An evidence review of management effects on butterflies, birds and pollinating insects provided data to score AES options. Predicted gradients were calculated using AES uptake, weighted by the evidence scores. Predicted AES gradients for each taxon correlated strongly, and with the average gradient across taxa, supporting the co-location of surveys across different taxa. Nine 1 × 1 km survey squares were selected in each of four regional blocks with broadly homogenous background habitat characteristics. Squares in each block covered orthogonal contrasts across the range of AES gradients at local and landscape scales. This allows the effects of AES on species at each scale, and the interaction between scales, to be tested. AES options and broad habitats were mapped in field surveys, to verify predicted gradients which were based on AES option uptake data. The verified AES gradient had a strong positive relationship with the predicted gradient. AES gradients were broadly independent of background habitat within each block, likely allowing AES effects to be distinguished from potential effects of other habitat variables. Surveys of several mobile taxa are ongoing. This design will allow mobile taxa responses to AES to be tested in the surrounding countryside, as well as on land under AES management, and potentially in terms of population change over time. The design developed here provides a novel, pseudo-experimental approach for assessing the response of mobile species to gradients of management at two spatial scales. A similar design process could be applied in other regions that require a standardized approach to monitoring the impacts of management interventions on target taxa at landscape scales, if equivalent spatial data are available

    Landscape-scale species monitoring of agri-environment schemes (LandSpAES project). Final project report, 2022

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    In this project, we applied a novel, pseudo-experimental design in order to collect a baseline survey dataset of the responses of mobile taxa to local and landscape AES gradients over four years, from 54 survey squares across six regions (NCAs) in England. This is the first project to monitor the responses of multiple mobile taxa to generalised AES gradients across large spatial extents, which were applied to arable, grassland and upland agricultural systems, in order specifically to address impacts beyond AES option or agreement boundaries. This baseline dataset supported a spatial assessment of relationships between the AES gradients and taxon abundance (or activity), species richness and diversity. Strong evidence for relationships with local and / or landscape AES gradients were found for one or more response variable for butterflies, moths and bats. Little or no evidence of AES gradient relationships were found for either bees or hoverflies and weak evidence for associations with bird metrics. A future resurvey would allow analyses of the longer-term changes in target taxa in response to AES management, against this baseline. The identification of various spatial relationships is encouraging in terms of the likely power to detect AES effects on biodiversity change in the future