470 research outputs found

    Fermions from Half-BPS Supergravity

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    We discuss collective coordinate quantization of the half-BPS geometries of Lin, Lunin and Maldacena (hep-th/0409174). The LLM geometries are parameterized by a single function uu on a plane. We treat this function as a collective coordinate. We arrive at the collective coordinate action as well as path integral measure by considering D3 branes in an arbitrary LLM geometry. The resulting functional integral is shown, using known methods (hep-th/9309028), to be the classical limit of a functional integral for free fermions in a harmonic oscillator. The function uu gets identified with the classical limit of the Wigner phase space distribution of the fermion theory which satisfies u * u = u. The calculation shows how configuration space of supergravity becomes a phase space (hence noncommutative) in the half-BPS sector. Our method sheds new light on counting supersymmetric configurations in supergravity.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures, epsf;(v3) eq. (3.3) clarified and notationally simplified; version to appear in JHE

    Sea lions develop human-like vernix caseosa delivering branched fats and squalene to the GI tract

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    Vernix caseosa, the white waxy coating found on newborn human skin, is thought to be a uniquely human substance. Its signature characteristic is exceptional richness in saturated branched chain fatty acids (BCFA) and squalene. Vernix particles sloughed from the skin suspended in amniotic fluid are swallowed by the human fetus, depositing BCFA/squalene throughout the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, thereby establishing a unique microbial niche that influences development of nascent microbiota. Here we show that late-term California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) fetuses have true vernix caseosa, delivering BCFA and squalene to the fetal GI tract thereby recapitulating the human fetal gut microbial niche. These are the first data demonstrating the production of true vernix caseosa in a species other than Homo sapiens. Its presence in a marine mammal supports the hypothesis of an aquatic habituation period in the evolution of modern humans

    Quantum disorder in the two-dimensional pyrochlore Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    We present the results of an exact diagonalization study of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a two-dimensional version of the pyrochlore lattice, also known as the square lattice with crossings or the checkerboard lattice. Examining the low energy spectra for systems of up to 24 spins, we find that all clusters studied have non-degenerate ground states with total spin zero, and big energy gaps to states with higher total spin. We also find a large number of non-magnetic excitations at energies within this spin gap. Spin-spin and spin-Peierls correlation functions appear to be short-ranged, and we suggest that the ground state is a spin liquid.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, RevTeX minor changes made, Figure 6 correcte

    Implantable microelectromechanical sensors for diagnostic monitoring and post-surgical prediction of bone fracture healing

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    The relationship between modern clinical diagnostic data, such as from radiographs or computed tomography, and the temporal biomechanical integrity of bone fracture healing has not been well-established. A diagnostic tool that could quantitatively describe the biomechanical stability of the fracture site in order to predict the course of healing would represent a paradigm shift in the way fracture healing is evaluated. This paper describes the development and evaluation of a wireless, biocompatible, implantable, microelectromechanical system (bioMEMS) sensor, and its implementation in a large animal (ovine) model, that utilized both normal and delayed healing variants. The in vivo data indicated that the bioMEMS sensor was capable of detecting statistically significant differences (p-value <0.04) between the two fracture healing groups as early as 21 days post-fracture. In addition, post-sacrifice micro-computed tomography, and histology data demonstrated that the two model variants represented significantly different fracture healing outcomes, providing explicit supporting evidence that the sensor has the ability to predict differential healing cascades. These data verify that the bioMEMS sensor can be used as a diagnostic tool for detecting the in vivo course of fracture healing in the acute post-treatment period. © 2015 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Gammaretrovirus-mediated correction of SCID-X1 is associated with skewed vector integration site distribution in vivo

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    We treated 10 children with X-linked SCID (SCID-X1) using gammaretrovirus-mediated gene transfer. Those with sufficient follow-up were found to have recovered substantial immunity in the absence of any serious adverse events up to 5 years after treatment. To determine the influence of vector integration on lymphoid reconstitution, we compared retroviral integration sites (RISs) from peripheral blood CD3(+) T lymphocytes of 5 patients taken between 9 and 30 months after transplantation with transduced CD34(+) progenitor cells derived from 1 further patient and I healthy donor. Integration occurred preferentially in gene regions on either side of transcription start sites, was clustered, and correlated with the expression level in CD34(+) progenitors during transduction. In contrast to those in CD34(+) cells, RISs recovered from engrafted CD3(+)T cells were significantly overrepresented within or near genes encoding proteins with kinase or transferase activity or involved in phosphorus metabolism. Although gross patterns of gene expression were unchanged in transduced cells, the divergence of RIS target frequency between transduced progenitor cells and post-thymic T lymphocytes indicates that vector integration influences cell survival, engraftment, or proliferation

    Susceptibility and dilution effects of the kagome bi-layer geometrically frustrated network. A Ga-NMR study of SrCr_(9p)Ga_(12-9p)O_(19)

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    We present an extensive gallium NMR study of the geometrically frustrated kagome bi-layer compound SrCr_(9p)Ga_(12-9p)O_(19) (Cr^3+, S=3/2) over a broad Cr-concentration range (.72<p<.95). This allows us to probe locally the kagome bi-layer susceptibility and separate the intrinsic properties due to the geometric frustration from those related to the site dilution. Our major findings are: 1) The intrinsic kagome bi-layer susceptibility exhibits a maximum in temperature at 40-50 K and is robust to a dilution as high as ~20%. The maximum reveals the development of short range antiferromagnetic correlations; 2) At low-T, a highly dynamical state induces a strong wipe-out of the NMR intensity, regardless of dilution; 3) The low-T upturn observed in the macroscopic susceptibility is associated to paramagnetic defects which stem from the dilution of the kagome bi-layer. The low-T analysis of the NMR lineshape suggests that the defect can be associated with a staggered spin-response to the vacancies on the kagome bi-layer. This, altogether with the maximum in the kagome bi-layer susceptibility, is very similar to what is observed in most low-dimensional antiferromagnetic correlated systems; 4) The spin glass-like freezing observed at T_g=2-4 K is not driven by the dilution-induced defects.Comment: 19 pages, 19 figures, revised version resubmitted to PRB Minor modifications: Fig.11 and discussion in Sec.V on the NMR shif

    Clinical mastitis in cows treated with sometribove (recombinant bovine somatotropin) and its relationship to milk yield.

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    Effect of sometribove (methionyl bovine somatotropin) on mastitis in 15 full lactation trials (914 cows) in Europe and the US and 70 short-term studies (2697 cows) in eight countries was investigated. In full lactation studies, sometribove (500 mg/2 wk) was given for 252 d, commencing 60 d postpartum. Although herds varied considerably, incidence of clinical mastitis within a herd was similar for cows receiving control and sometribove treatments. Relative risk analyses indicated no treatment effect, and percentage of mastitis during treatment was similar for control and sometribove groups. A positive linear relationship existed between peak milk yield and mastitis incidence (percentage of cows contracting mastitis or cases per 100 cow days); sometribove treatment did not alter this relationship. Increases in mastitis related to milk yield increase from sometribove or related to genetic selection were similar. When expressed per unit of milk, mastitis incidence declined slightly as milk yield increased; this relationship was not altered by sometribove. No effect on clinical mastitis was observed in 70 commercial herds utilizing sometribove for 84 d. However, effects were significant for stage of lactation and milk yield. Overall, studies represented a wide range of research and commercial situations demonstrating that sometribove had no effect on incidence of clinical mastitis during the lactation of treatment. Furthermore, sometribove did not alter typical relationships between milk yield or herd factors and incidence of clinical mastitis

    Genetic variation in the insulin, insulin-like growth factor, growth hormone, and leptin pathways in relation to breast cancer in African-American women: The AMBER consortium

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    The insulin/insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system and related pathways such as growth hormone, and leptin signaling have a key role in cancer development. It is unclear how germline variation in these pathways affects breast cancer risk. We conducted gene-based analyses of 184 genes in the insulin/IGF, growth hormone, and leptin pathways to identify genetic variation associated with risk of breast cancer overall, and for estrogen receptor (ER) subtypes. Tag single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for each gene were selected and genotyped on a customized Illumina SNP array. Imputation was carried out using 1000 Genomes haplotypes. The analysis included 91,627 SNPs genotyped or imputed in 3,663 breast cancer cases, (1,983 ER-positive and 1,098 ER-negative) and 4,687 controls from the African American Breast Cancer Epidemiology and Risk consortium, a collaborative project of four large studies of breast cancer in African-American women (Carolina Breast Cancer Study, Black Women's Health Study, Women's Circle of Health Study, and Multiethnic Cohort). We used a multi-locus adaptive joint test to determine the association of each gene with overall breast cancer and ER subtypes. The most significant gene associations (P ≤ 0.01) were BAIAP2 and CALM2 for overall breast cancer; BAIAP2 and CSNK2A1 for ER + breast cancer; and BRAF, BAD, and MAPK3 for ER − breast cancer. The association of BAD with ER − breast cancer was explained by a two-SNP risk model; all other associations were best explained by one-SNP risk models. In total, six genes and seven SNPs had suggestive associations with overall breast cancer or ER subtypes in African-American women

    Quantum magnetism in two dimensions: From semi-classical N\'eel order to magnetic disorder

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    This is a review of ground-state features of the s=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on two-dimensional lattices. A central issue is the interplay of lattice topology (e.g. coordination number, non-equivalent nearest-neighbor bonds, geometric frustration) and quantum fluctuations and their impact on possible long-range order. This article presents a unified summary of all 11 two-dimensional uniform Archimedean lattices which include e.g. the square, triangular and kagome lattice. We find that the ground state of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet is likely to be semi-classically ordered in most cases. However, the interplay of geometric frustration and quantum fluctuations gives rise to a quantum paramagnetic ground state without semi-classical long-range order on two lattices which are precisely those among the 11 uniform Archimedean lattices with a highly degenerate ground state in the classical limit. The first one is the famous kagome lattice where many low-lying singlet excitations are known to arise in the spin gap. The second lattice is called star lattice and has a clear gap to all excitations. Modification of certain bonds leads to quantum phase transitions which are also discussed briefly. Furthermore, we discuss the magnetization process of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the 11 Archimedean lattices, focusing on anomalies like plateaus and a magnetization jump just below the saturation field. As an illustration we discuss the two-dimensional Shastry-Sutherland model which is used to describe SrCu2(BO3)2.Comment: This is now the complete 72-page preprint version of the 2004 review article. This version corrects two further typographic errors (three total with respect to the published version), see page 2 for detail