3,993 research outputs found

    Non-adiabatic corrections to elastic scattering of halo nuclei

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    We derive the formalism for the leading order corrections to the adiabatic approximation to the scattering of composite projectiles. Assuming a two-body projectile of core plus loosely-bound valence particle and a model (the core recoil model) in which the interaction of the valence particle and the target can be neglected, we derive the non-adiabatic correction terms both exactly, using a partial wave analysis, and using the eikonal approximation. Along with the expected energy dependence of the corrections, there is also a strong dependence on the valence-to-core mass ratio and on the strength of the imaginary potential for the core-target interaction, which relates to absorption of the core in its scattering by the target. The strength and diffuseness of the core-target potential also determine the size of the corrections. The first order non-adiabatic corrections were found to be smaller than qualitative estimates would expect. The large absorption associated with the core-target interaction in such halo nuclei as Be11 kills off most of the non-adiabatic corrections. We give an improved estimate for the range of validity of the adiabatic approximation when the valence-target interaction is neglected, which includes the effect of core absorption. Some consideration was given to the validity of the eikonal approximation in our calculations.Comment: 14 pages with 10 figures, REVTeX4, AMS-LaTeX v2.13, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Increasing resilience of ATM networks using traffic monitoring and automated anomaly analysis

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    Systematic network monitoring can be the cornerstone for the dependable operation of safety-critical distributed systems. In this paper, we present our vision for informed anomaly detection through network monitoring and resilience measurements to increase the operators' visibility of ATM communication networks. We raise the question of how to determine the optimal level of automation in this safety-critical context, and we present a novel passive network monitoring system that can reveal network utilisation trends and traffic patterns in diverse timescales. Using network measurements, we derive resilience metrics and visualisations to enhance the operators' knowledge of the network and traffic behaviour, and allow for network planning and provisioning based on informed what-if analysis

    Rotation Number Associated with Difference Equations Satisfied by Polynomials Orthogonal on the Unit Circle

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    AbstractThe techniques of topological dynamics and differential-dynamical systems are used to study polynomials orthogonal with respect to a measure supported on the unit circle. It is assumed that the reflection coefficients associated with these polynomials form a stationary stochastic ergodic process. In particular, the techniques mentioned above are used to prove a gap labelling result

    Investigation of stratiform sulphide mineralisation at Meall Mor, South Knapdale, Argyll

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    A co-ordinated geochemical-geophysical-geological investigation of copper mineralisation in the Meal1 ?46r area, South Knapdale, Argyll was carried 0th in 1976 and followed by a drilling programme of 3 shallow holes in early 1977. The mineralisation occursin a zone of weak stratiform sulphide mineralisation (the pyrite zone) with a strike length of 1Okm in the Upper &ins Quartz&e of the Middle Dalradian. The geochemical drainage survey showed the existence of a strongly anomalous distribution of Cu and Sb in the Abhainn Srathain draining south from . Meal1 M&- and detailed soil sampling over the pyrite zone outlined a broad area enriched in copper. Deeper soil sampling confirmed the anomalously high copper values and a coincident IP anomaly was found stretching from Meal1 M& south to the old mine workings on Abhainn Srathain, and is probably caused by a local enrichment of pyrite and chalcopyrite within the pyrite zone. Three boreholes were drilled; two on coincident geochemical and geophysical anomalies, and the third beneath the old mines at Abhainn Srathain. Copper values in the first two holes range up to 0.24% Cu over 4.27m, but up to 1.06% Cu over 2.67m in the third and this enrichment may be related to a later remobilisation of the disseminated chalcopyrite. The results of subsequent drilling at two other sites are given in Appendix III

    Relationship of crop metabolism and water status to irrigation need

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    Irrigation represents the largest segment of consumptive water use in the U.S. Consequently, improvements in the efficiency of irrigation can have an important effect on the amount of water available for other uses. This research was initiated to determine the physiological limitations to crop yield during drought. The identification of these parameters may provide a way of estimating plant need for irrigation and avoiding unnecessary applications of water. Maize was grown to maturity, and photosynthesis and translocation of photosynthates were studied when drought occurred during grain development. Both carbon-14 labeling of the photosynthetic products and dry weight determinations indicated that net photosynthesis was substantially reduced whereas translocation was relatively rapid during drought. Furthermore, grain production occurred in proportion to the cumulative photosynthesis for the season. It was concluded that photosynthesis was more limiting than translocation to grain fill under dry conditions and that photosynthetic behavior could be used to reflect the need of maize crops for water.U.S. Geological SurveyU.S. Department of the InteriorOpe

    Local Charge Excesses in Metallic Alloys: a Local Field Coherent Potential Approximation Theory

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    Electronic structure calculations performed on very large supercells have shown that the local charge excesses in metallic alloys are related through simple linear relations to the local electrostatic field resulting from distribution of charges in the whole crystal. By including local external fields in the single site Coherent Potential Approximation theory, we develop a novel theoretical scheme in which the local charge excesses for random alloys can be obtained as the responses to local external fields. Our model maintains all the computational advantages of a single site theory but allows for full charge relaxation at the impurity sites. Through applications to CuPd and CuZn alloys, we find that, as a general rule, non linear charge rearrangements occur at the impurity site as a consequence of the complex phenomena related with the electronic screening of the external potential. This nothwithstanding, we observe that linear relations hold between charge excesses and external potentials, in quantitative agreement with the mentioned supercell calculations, and well beyond the limits of linearity for any other site property.Comment: 11 pages, 1 table, 7 figure

    Screened Coulomb interactions in metallic alloys: I. Universal screening in the atomic sphere approximation

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    We have used the locally self-consistent Green's function (LSGF) method in supercell calculations to establish the distribution of the net charges assigned to the atomic spheres of the alloy components in metallic alloys with different compositions and degrees of order. This allows us to determine the Madelung potential energy of a random alloy in the single-site mean field approximation which makes the conventional single-site density-functional- theory coherent potential approximation (SS-DFT-CPA) method practically identical to the supercell LSGF method with a single-site local interaction zone that yields an exact solution of the DFT problem. We demonstrate that the basic mechanism which governs the charge distribution is the screening of the net charges of the alloy components that makes the direct Coulomb interactions short-ranged. In the atomic sphere approximation, this screening appears to be almost independent of the alloy composition, lattice spacing, and crystal structure. A formalism which allows a consistent treatment of the screened Coulomb interactions within the single-site mean-filed approximation is outlined. We also derive the contribution of the screened Coulomb interactions to the S2 formalism and the generalized perturbation method.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    Observations of Wood Bison Swimming across the Liard River, Northwest Territories, Canada

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    We observed a group of 18 wood bison, of mixed sex and age classes, swimming across a 1.7 km wide section of the Liard River on 16 July 2002. Water levels and flow rates were above the long-term average for that time of year, and there was a river current of 14-16 km/h. The animals took at least 27 minutes to negotiate their 3.6 km swim. Younger animals were able to keep more of their head and body above the water level than older mature males. Calves of the year, observed swimming across a secondary channel of the river on 15 July 2003, had only their heads above water. Bison are capable of swimming across lakes and rivers (Wood Buffalo National Park, Yellowstone National Park), but well-documented cases of bison navigating rapidly flowing northern rivers are rare. Open-water crossings of the Liard River are important to the ecology of the Nahanni wood bison population, especially since seismic activity in the Liard River Valley is likely to increase.Le 16 juillet 2002, on a observĂ© un groupe de 18 bisons des bois, des deux sexes et de groupes d'Ăąge divers, traversant Ă  la nage une section de la riviĂšre Liard large de 1,7 km. Le niveau d'eau et le dĂ©bit fluvial dĂ©passaient la moyenne Ă  long terme pour cette pĂ©riode de l'annĂ©e, et le courant fluvial y Ă©tait de 14 Ă  16 km/h. Les animaux ont mis au moins 27 minutes pour nĂ©gocier leur traversĂ©e de 3,6 km. Les plus jeunes pouvaient garder hors de l'eau une plus grande partie de leur tĂȘte et de leur corps que d'autres mĂąles plus ĂągĂ©s. Les veaux de l'annĂ©e, que l'on a observĂ©s le 15 juillet 2003, durant leur traversĂ©e Ă  la nage d'une branche secondaire de la riviĂšre, n'avaient que la tĂȘte hors de l'eau. Les bisons sont capables de traverser des lacs et des riviĂšres (parc national Wood Buffalo, parc national Yellowstone), mais on ne connaĂźt que peu de cas bien documentĂ©s de bisons nĂ©gociant la traversĂ©e de cours d'eau nordiques Ă  courant rapide. La traversĂ©e des eaux libres de la Liard est importante pour l'Ă©cologie de la population du bison des bois de la Nahanni, en particulier si l'on considĂšre que la prospection sismique va probablement augmenter dans la vallĂ©e de la Liard

    Combined effect of coherent Z exchange and the hyperfine interaction in atomic PNC

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    The nuclear spin-dependent parity nonconserving (PNC) interaction arising from a combination of the hyperfine interaction and the coherent, spin-independent, PNC interaction from Z exchange is evaluated using many-body perturbation theory. For the 6s-7s transition in 133Cs, we obtain a result that is about 40% smaller than that found previously by Bouchiat and Piketty [Phys. Lett. B 269, 195 (1991)]. Applying this result to 133Cs, leads to an increase in the experimental value of nuclear anapole moment and exacerbates differences between constraints on PNC meson coupling constants obtained from the Cs anapole moment and those obtained from other nuclear parity violating experiments. Nuclear spin-dependent PNC dipole matrix elements, including contributions from the combined weak-hyperfine interaction, are also given for the 7s-8s transition in 211Fr and for transitions between ground-state hyperfine levels in K, Rb, Cs, Ba+, Au, Tl, Fr, and Ra+.Comment: Revtex4 preprint 19 pages 4 table
