10 research outputs found

    First results on ongrowing of hatchery reared Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, kept in sea cages

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    Bluefin tuna (ABFT) fingerlings born in captivity were raised during 15 months in sea cages. ABFT were fed with raw fish, and they grew during this period from 4 gr to 8 kg. Mortality rate was great, mainly during the first three months. This is the first experience of ongrowing ABFT born in captivity.EU (SELFDOTT), Caladeros del Mediterráneo, S.A. Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Reproducción del atún rojo Thunnus thynnus en jaulas flotantes obtención de puestas masivas mediante implantes hormonales

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    In the frame of the SELFDOTT project (From capture based to SELF-sustained aquaculture and Domestication Of bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus) captive-reared Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) (n=15, estimated body weight=90 Kg) maintained for 3 years in captivity in El Gorguel (Cartagena, Spain) were administered a gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) implant underwater, during the natural spawning period for this species in the Mediterranean Sea (June). Beginning 48-72 h later, massive spawnings occurred everyday for 17 days, with a daily maximum fecundity of 34 million eggs. Egg collection was accomplished by placing a special curtain around the perimeter of the cage and at 6 m allowed the floating eggs to be maintained within the cage and be collected at night and sunrise with 500 ìm mesh size nets from the surface of the water.Proyecto SELFDOTT. UE

    Cultivo larvario de atún rojo (Thunnus thynnus) en el Centro Oceanográfico de Murcia (IEO)

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    In the frame of the SELFDOTT project (From capture based to SELF-sustained aquaculture and Domestication Of bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus) captive-reared Atlantic bluefin tuna housed in captivity for 4 years in El Gorguel (Cartagena, Spain) have produced massive spawning, during the natural spawning period for this species in the Mediterranean Sea (June-July) since 2009. Egg collection was accomplished by placing a special curtain around the perimeter of the cage and with collection taking place at night and at sunrise using nets from the surface of the water. Larval rearings were done using pseudogreenwater technique. The survival was of 73 days in 2009 and 110 days in 2010. In 2011 several thousand one month old fingerlings have been produced being transported to floating cages.Este trabajo ha sido llevado a cabo con el soporte financiero de la UE, Proyecto SELFDOTT. El Dr. Seoka participa en virtud de un Convenio firmado por la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia, la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena y las entidades financieras Caja Mar, Caja Murcia, Caja Mediterráneo y la Caixa

    Obtención de puestas masivas de huevos de atún rojo (Thunnus thynnus) en cautividad, durante 3 años consecutivos

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    Within the framework of the SELFDOTT project, captive-reared bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) maintained in captivity since 2007 in Cartagena (Spain) produced massive spawning during the natural period for this species in the Mediterranean Sea (June-July). The fish were induced with GnRHa implants in 2008 and 2009. In 2008 no spawnings were detected. From 2009, massive spawnings occurred being spontaneous (without hormone implants) in 2010 and 2011. The total egg collection was 140 million in 2009, 60 million in 2010 and 160 million in 2011.7º Programa Marco de la Unión Europea, “Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology" del Proyecto SELFDOTT (From capture based to SELF-sustained aquaculture and Domestication Of bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus)” GA 212797

    Influence of input streams on the construction and demolition waste (CDW) recycling performance of basic and advanced treatment plants

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    The most common method of handling construction and demolition waste (CDW) is recycling; this produces recycled aggregates that can replace natural aggregates in various applications while offering social, economic, and environmental benefits. However, from technological, environmental, and management perspectives, CDW recycling faces complicated issues that require resolution. This study proposes a methodology for investigating the influence of segregation and heterogeneity of the inlet CDW stream, and the technological level of the recycling facilities, on the quantity and composition of aggregated product streams. Four different scenarios with the combination of two different segregation levels and two homogeneity grades of CDW were developed; two recycling plants of different technological levels, basic and advanced, were used to treat the CDW in these scenarios. The two segregation levels represent the actual situation and the future situation in Spain; the two homogeneity levels represent the mixing of different types of waste due to the contamination of the fractions. The results obtained indicate that under low segregation levels, basic recycling plants can reach the minimum target of non-hazardous CDW resource recovery set at 70% before 2021 by the European Union, as backfilling is permitted. However, high segregation levels and advanced CDW recycling plants are required if backfilling is excluded since the recycling percentage is much lower than the resource recovery percentage