In the frame of the SELFDOTT project (From capture based to SELF-sustained aquaculture and Domestication Of bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus) captive-reared Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) (n=15, estimated body weight=90 Kg) maintained for 3 years in captivity in El Gorguel (Cartagena, Spain) were administered a gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) implant underwater, during the natural spawning period for this species in the Mediterranean Sea (June). Beginning 48-72 h later, massive spawnings occurred everyday for 17 days, with a daily maximum fecundity of 34 million eggs. Egg collection was accomplished by placing a special curtain around the perimeter of the cage and at 6 m allowed the floating eggs to be maintained within the cage and be collected at night and sunrise with 500 ìm mesh size nets from the surface of the water.Proyecto SELFDOTT. UE