69 research outputs found

    Un Spongiaire Sphinctozoaire colonial apparenté aux constructeurs de récifs triasiques survivant dans le bathyal de Nouvelle-Calédonie

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    Un second représentant actuel des Sphinctozoaires, importants constructeurs de récifs au Permo-Trias, a été découvert dans la zone bathyale de la NouvelleCalédonie. Contrairement au survivant déjà connu, #Valecetia crypta$, il a conservé le mode de croissance colonial et les capacités constructrices de ses analogues fossiles. Sa croissance est bien plus lente que celle des coraux récifaux actuels. La base d'une construction de 10 cm d'épaisseur a été datée de 700 ans. (Résumé d'auteur

    Dedicated front-end and readout electronics developments for real time 3D directional detection of dark matter with MIMAC

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    A complete dedicated electronics, from front-end to back-end, was developed to instrument a MIMAC prototype. A front end ASIC able to monitor 64 strips of pixels and to provide their individual "Time Over Threshold" information has been designed. An associated acquisition electronics and a real time track reconstruction software have been developed to monitor a 512 channel prototype. This auto-triggered electronic uses embedded processing to reduce the data transfer to its useful part only, i.e. decoded coordinates of hit tracks and corresponding energy measurements. The electronic designs, acquisition software and the results obtained are presented.Comment: Proceedings of the 3rd International conference on Directional Detection of Dark Matter (CYGNUS 2011), Aussois, France, 8-10 June 201

    Very late antigen-4 in CD18-independent neutrophil emigration during acute bacterial pneumonia in mice

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    This study tested the hypothesis that very late antigen (VLA)-4 mediates CD18-independent neutrophil emigration into the air-spaces induced by either Streptococcus pneumoniae, a stimulus that induces primarily CD18-independent neutrophil emigration, or Escherichia coli, toward which only 20-30% of the total number of neutrophils emigrate through CD18-independent pathways. In wild-type (WT) mice, VLA-4 expression was less on neutrophils that emigrated into the airspaces than on circulating neutrophils. Vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) mRNA, the major endothelial cell ligand for VLA-4, increased more in E. coli than in S. pneumoniae pneumonia. VCAM-1 protein expression was not detected in capillaries, the major site of neutrophil emigration. Neutrophil emigration during E. coli or S. pneumoniae pneumonia was similar in mice given antibodies against both CD18 and VLA-4 compared with mice given the anti-CD18 antibody and a control antibody. However, in hematopoietically reconstituted mice with both WT and CD18-deficient neutrophils in their blood, the migration of CD18-deficient neutrophils in response to S. pneumoniae was slightly but significantly less in animals pretreated with the anti-VLA-4 antibody than in those receiving a control antibody. These data suggest that VLA-4 plays a small role in CD18-independent neutrophil emigration, but the majority of CD18-independent neutrophil emigration induced by bacteria in the lungs occurs through VLA-4-independent mechanisms

    Micromegas detector developments for MIMAC

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    The aim of the MIMAC project is to detect non-baryonic Dark Matter with a directional TPC. The recent Micromegas efforts towards building a large size detector will be described, in particular the characterization measurements of a prototype detector of 10 ×\times 10 cm2^2 with a 2 dimensional readout plane. Track reconstruction with alpha particles will be shown.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures Proceedings of the 3rd International conference on Directional Detection of Dark Matter (CYGNUS 2011), Aussois, France, 8-10 June 2011; corrections on author affiliation

    Data acquisition electronics and reconstruction software for real time 3D track reconstruction within the MIMAC project

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    Directional detection of non-baryonic Dark Matter requires 3D reconstruction of low energy nuclear recoils tracks. A gaseous micro-TPC matrix, filled with either 3He, CF4 or C4H10 has been developed within the MIMAC project. A dedicated acquisition electronics and a real time track reconstruction software have been developed to monitor a 512 channel prototype. This autotriggered electronic uses embedded processing to reduce the data transfer to its useful part only, i.e. decoded coordinates of hit tracks and corresponding energy measurements. An acquisition software with on-line monitoring and 3D track reconstruction is also presented.Comment: Proceedings of TWEPP-11, Vienna, Austria, 26-30 September 201

    Star and Planet Formation with ALMA: an Overview

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    Submillimeter observations with ALMA will be the essential next step in our understanding of how stars and planets form. Key projects range from detailed imaging of the collapse of pre-stellar cores and measuring the accretion rate of matter onto deeply embedded protostars, to unravelling the chemistry and dynamics of high-mass star-forming clusters and high-spatial resolution studies of protoplanetary disks down to the 1 AU scale.Comment: Invited review, 8 pages, 5 figures; to appear in the proceedings of "Science with ALMA: a New Era for Astrophysics". Astrophysics & Space Science, in pres

    Attentive Learning of Sequential Handwriting Movements: A Neural Network Model

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    Defense Advanced research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409, N00014-92-J-1309); National Science Foundation (IRI-97-20333); National Institutes of Health (I-R29-DC02952-01)


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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar mata pelajaran akuntansi dengan metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Team Game Tournament (TGT) pada siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura tahun ajaran 2009/2010. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Obyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPS 4 SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura yang berjumlah 46 siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan kolaborasi antara guru kelas, peneliti, dan melibatkan siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, angket, tes dan dokumentasi. Prosedur penelitian meliputi 6 tahap, yaitu: (1) identifikasi masalah, (2) persiapan tindakan, (3) penyusunan rencana tindakan, (4) implementasi tindakan, (5) pengamatan, dan (6) penyusunan laporan. Proses penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, masing-masing siklus terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu: (1) perencanaan tindakan, (2) pelaksanaan tindakan, (3) observasi dan interprestasi, dan (4) analisis dan refleksi. Setiap siklus dilaksanakan dalam tiga kali pertemuan, selama 6 x 45 menit. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan prestasi balajar mata pelajaran akuntansi dengan metode pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Team Game Tournament (TGT) pada siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura tahun ajaran 2009/2010. Hal tersebut terefleksi dari beberapa indikator sebagai berikut: (1) Motivasi berprestasi siswa meningkat sebesar 5,43% dari 79,70% pada siklus pertama menjadi 85,13% pada siklus kedua, (2) Siswa semakin antusias, berpartisispasi dalam pembelajaran dan bersemangat pada saat pemberian apersepsi, penjelasan materi dan diskusi kelompok sebesar 68,93% pada siklus pertama menjadi 78% pada siklus kedua, (3) Siswa semakin antusias, berpartisispasi dalam pembelajaran dan bersemangat pada saat pelaksanaan turnamen sebesar 66,67% pada siklus pertama menjadi 71,43% pada siklus kedua, (4) Siswa semakin antusias, berpartisispasi dalam pembelajaran dan bersemangat pada saat pelaksanaan evaluasi individu sebesar 69,22% pada siklus pertama menjadi 73,65% pada siklus kedua, (5) Adanya peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa sebesar 10,87%, dari 84,78% sebanyak 39 siswa pada siklus pertama meningkat menjadi 44 siswa sebesar 95,65% pada siklus kedua. Peningkatan tersebut terjadi setelah guru melakukan beberapa upaya, antara lain: (1) Guru sudah menerapkan metode Team Game Tournament (TGT) dan mengelola kelas dengan cukup baik, hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari: (a) kemampuan guru dalam meningkatkan motivasi berprestasi siswa melalui pembelajaran dengan metode Team Game Tournament (TGT), (b) kemampuan guru dalam memotivasi siswa untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses pembelajaran yang berlangsung, (c) guru sudah dapat meningkatkan rasa tanggung jawab dan kompetisi dalam diri siswa, guna meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar melalui game tournament; (2) Guru menyadari perlunya melakukan suatu evaluasi terhadap proses pembelajaran, agar segala kelemahan yang ada dapat teratasi dengan baik dan tidak terulang dalam proses pembelajaran berikutnya