984 research outputs found

    De commissie:Over de politiek-bestuurlijke logica van een publiek geheim

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    Besturen in commissie

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    Nederland bestuurt in commissie. Bepaald niet iedereen is daar gelukkig mee. Regelmatig klinkt de roep om het mes te zetten in het aantal commissies (zie bijvoorbeeld Duyvendak en Van de Koppel 2005).1 Commissies zouden vooral dienen als werkverschaffing voor bestuurders van weleer. Ze worden opgevat als synoniem voor alles wat stroperig is, geen resultaat oplevert en afbreuk doet aan het politieke primaat. In dat licht verzocht de Tweede Kamer al eerder per motie het aantal onderzoeks- en adviescommissies te beperken.2 De minister van Bestuurlijke Vernieuwing uit het vorige kabinet, Alexander Pechtold, liet weten ‘gek te worden van adviescommissies’ toen hij een bundel met opstellen over het verschijnsel kreeg aangeboden.3 Diverse ministers uit eerdere kabinetten hebben hun tanden er al op stukgebeten, maar een beroep doen op commissies lijkt onuitroeibaar als fenomeen. Dat vraagt om een nader onderzoek naar ‘besturen in commissie’. Want wat weten we er eigenlijk precies vanaf? Hoeveel commissies worden er ingesteld? Waarom worden ze ingesteld? Wie wil afrekenen met de veelheid aan commissies die Nederland kent, doet er goed aan zich eerst te verdiepen in de redenen die er zijn om keer op keer toch weer van hun diensten gebruik te maken

    Emotion dysregulation and heart rate variability improve in US veterans undergoing treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder: Secondary exploratory analyses from a randomised controlled trial

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    Background Emotion regulation (ER) is a key process underlying posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), yet, little is known about how ER changes with PTSD treatment. Understanding these effects may shed light on treatment processes. Methods We recently completed a non-inferiority design randomised controlled trial demonstrating that a breathing-based yoga practice (Sudarshan kriya yoga; SKY) was not clinically inferior to cognitive processing therapy (CPT) across symptoms of PTSD, depression, or negative affect. Here, in secondary exploratory analyses (intent-to-treat N = 85; per protocol N = 59), we examined whether self-reported ER (Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale; DERS) and physiological ER (heart rate variability; HRV) improved with treatment for clinically significant PTSD symptoms among US Veterans. Results DERS-Total and all six subscales improved with small-to-moderate effect sizes (d = .24–.66) following CPT or SKY, with no differences between treatment groups. Following SKY (but not CPT), HR max–min (average difference between maximum and minimum beats per minute), LF/HF (low-to-high frequency) ratio, and normalised HF-HRV (high frequency power) improved (moved towards a healthier profile; d = .42–.55). Conclusions To our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate that a breathing-based yoga (SKY) improved both voluntary/intentional and automatic/physiological ER. In contrast, trauma-focused therapy (CPT) only reliably improved self-reported ER. Findings have implications for PTSD treatment and interventions for emotional disorders more broadly. Trial registration Secondary analyses of ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02366403

    Superconductivity and Charge Density Wave in a Quasi-One-Dimensional Spin Gap System

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    We consider a model of spin-gapped chains weakly coupled by Josephson and Coulomb interactions. Combining such non-perturbative methods as bosonization and Bethe ansatz to treat the intra-chain interactions with the Random Phase Approximation for the inter-chain couplings and the first corrections to this, we investigate the phase diagram of this model. The phase diagram shows both charge density wave ordering and superconductivity. These phases are seperated by a line of critical points which exhibits an approximate an SU(2) symmetry. We consider the effects of a magnetic field on the system. We apply the theory to the material Sr_2 Ca_12 Cu_24 O_41 and suggest further experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure; submitted to PRB; Revised with new version: references added; section on the flux state remove

    Staggered flux and stripes in doped antiferromagnets

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    We have numerically investigated whether or not a mean-field theory of spin textures generate fictitious flux in the doped two dimensional tJt-J-model. First we consider the properties of uniform systems and then we extend the investigation to include models of striped phases where a fictitious flux is generated in the domain wall providing a possible source for lowering the kinetic energy of the holes. We have compared the energetics of uniform systems with stripes directed along the (10)- and (11)-directions of the lattice, finding that phase-separation generically turns out to be energetically favorable. In addition to the numerical calculations, we present topological arguments relating flux and staggered flux to geometric properties of the spin texture. The calculation is based on a projection of the electron operators of the tJt-J model into a spin texture with spinless fermions.Comment: RevTex, 19 pages including 20 figure

    Tomonaga-Luttinger features in the resonant Raman spectra of quantum wires

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    The differential cross section for resonant Raman scattering from the collective modes in a one dimensional system of interacting electrons is calculated non-perturbatively using the bosonization method. The results indicate that resonant Raman spectroscopy is a powerful tool for studying Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid behaviour in quasi-one dimensional electron systems.Comment: 4 pages, no figur

    Spin-orbit coupling and crystal-field splitting in the electronic and optical properties of nitride quantum dots with a wurtzite crystal structure

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    We present an sp3sp^3 tight-binding model for the calculation of the electronic and optical properties of wurtzite semiconductor quantum dots (QDs). The tight-binding model takes into account strain, piezoelectricity, spin-orbit coupling and crystal-field splitting. Excitonic absorption spectra are calculated using the configuration interaction scheme. We study the electronic and optical properties of InN/GaN QDs and their dependence on structural properties, crystal-field splitting, and spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    The potential of discs from a "mean Green function"

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    By using various properties of the complete elliptic integrals, we have derived an alternative expression for the gravitational potential of axially symmetric bodies, which is free of singular kernel in contrast with the classical form. This is mainly a radial integral of the local surface density weighted by a regular "mean Green function" which depends explicitly on the body's vertical thickness. Rigorously, this result stands for a wide variety of configurations, as soon as the density structure is vertically homogeneous. Nevertheless, the sensitivity to vertical stratification | the Gaussian profile has been considered | appears weak provided that the surface density is conserved. For bodies with small aspect ratio (i.e. geometrically thin discs), a first-order Taylor expansion furnishes an excellent approximation for this mean Green function, the absolute error being of the fourth order in the aspect ratio. This formula is therefore well suited to studying the structure of self-gravitating discs and rings in the spirit of the "standard model of thin discs" where the vertical structure is often ignored, but it remains accurate for discs and tori of finite thickness. This approximation which perfectly saves the properties of Newton's law everywhere (in particular at large separations), is also very useful for dynamical studies where the body is just a source of gravity acting on external test particles.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 11 page

    Genome-wide association analysis of the anthocyanin and carotenoid contents of rose petals

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    Petal color is one of the key characteristics determining the attractiveness and therefore the commercial value of an ornamental crop. Here, we present the first genome-wide association study for the important ornamental crop rose, focusing on the anthocyanin and carotenoid contents in petals of 96 diverse tetraploid garden rose genotypes. Cultivated roses display a vast phenotypic and genetic diversity and are therefore ideal targets for association genetics. For marker analysis, we used a recently designed Axiom SNP chip comprising 68,000 SNPs with additionally 281 SSRs, 400 AFLPs and 246 markers from candidate genes. An analysis of the structure of the rose population revealed three subpopulations with most of the genetic variation between individual genotypes rather than between clusters and with a high average proportion of heterozygous loci. The mapping of markers significantly associated with anthocyanin and carotenoid content to the related Fragaria and Prunus genomes revealed clusters of associated markers indicating five genomic regions associated with the total anthocyanin content and two large clusters associated with the carotenoid content. Among the marker clusters associated with the phenotypes, we found several candidate genes with known functions in either the anthocyanin or the carotenoid biosynthesis pathways. Among others, we identified a glutathione-S-transferase, 4CL, an auxin response factor and F3’H as candidate genes affecting anthocyanin concentration, and CCD4 and Zeaxanthine epoxidase as candidates affecting the concentration of carotenoids. These markers are starting points for future validation experiments in independent populations as well as for functional genomic studies to identify the causal factors for the observed color phenotypes. Furthermore, validated markers may be interesting tools for marker-assisted selection in commercial breeding programmes in that they provide the tools to identify superior parental combinations that combine several associated markers in higher dosages.BMWi/ZI

    Holons on a meandering stripe: quantum numbers

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    We attempt to access the regime of strong coupling between charge carriers and transverse dynamics of an isolated conducting ``stripe'', such as those found in cuprate superconductors. A stripe is modeled as a partially doped domain wall in an antiferromagnet (AF), introduced in the context of two different models: the t-J model with strong Ising anisotropy, and the Hubbard model in the Hartree-Fock approximation. The domain walls with a given linear charge density are supported artificially by boundary conditions. In both models we find a regime of parameters where doped holes lose their spin and become holons (charge Q=1, spin S_z=0), which can move along the stripe without frustrating AF environment. One aspect in which the holons on the AF domain wall differ from those in an ordinary one-dimensional electron gas is their transverse degree of freedom: a mobile holon always resides on a transverse kink (or antikink) of the domain wall. This gives rise to two holon flavors and to a strong coupling between doped charges and transverse fluctuations of a stripe.Comment: Minor revisions: references update