373 research outputs found

    Brownian motion in AdS/CFT

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    We study Brownian motion and the associated Langevin equation in AdS/CFT. The Brownian particle is realized in the bulk spacetime as a probe fundamental string in an asymptotically AdS black hole background, stretching between the AdS boundary and the horizon. The modes on the string are excited by the thermal black hole environment and consequently the string endpoint at the boundary undergoes an erratic motion, which is identified with an external quark in the boundary CFT exhibiting Brownian motion. Semiclassically, the modes on the string are thermally excited due to Hawking radiation, which translates into the random force appearing in the boundary Langevin equation, while the friction in the Langevin equation corresponds to the excitation on the string being absorbed by the black hole. We give a bulk proof of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem relating the random force and friction. This work can be regarded as a step toward understanding the quantum microphysics underlying the fluid-gravity correspondence. We also initiate a study of the properties of the effective membrane or stretched horizon picture of black holes using our bulk description of Brownian motion.Comment: 54 pages (38 pages + 5 appendices), 5 figures. v2: references added, clarifications in 6.2. v3: clarifications, version submitted to JHE

    Hot nuclear matter with dilatons

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    We study hot nuclear matter in a model based on nucleon interactions deriving from the exchange of scalar and vector mesons. The main new feature of our work is the treatment of the scale breaking of quantum chromodynamics through the introduction of a dilaton field. Although the dilaton effects are quite small quantitatively, they affect the high-temperature phase transition appreciably. We find that inclusion of the dilaton leads to a metastable high-density state at zero pressure, similar to that found by Glendenning who considered instead the admixture of higher baryon resonances.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX with equation.sty (optional) and epsfig.sty, 11 figures packed with uufiles. Final, published version (small changes from original preprint

    Fluctuation, time-correlation function and geometric Phase

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    We establish a fluctuation-correlation theorem by relating the quantum fluctuations in the generator of the parameter change to the time integral of the quantum correlation function between the projection operator and force operator of the ``fast'' system. By taking a cue from linear response theory we relate the quantum fluctuation in the generator to the generalised susceptibility. Relation between the open-path geometric phase, diagonal elements of the quantum metric tensor and the force-force correlation function is provided and the classical limit of the fluctuation-correlation theorem is also discussed.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, no figures, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math & Ge

    Non-Universal Power Law of the "Hall Scattering Rate" in a Single-Layer Cuprate Bi_{2}Sr_{2-x}La_{x}CuO_{6}

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    In-plane resistivity \rho_{ab}, Hall coefficient, and magnetoresistance (MR) are measured in a series of high-quality Bi_{2}Sr_{2-x}La_{x}CuO_{6} crystals with various carrier concentrations, from underdope to overdope. Our crystals show the highest T_c (33 K) and the smallest residual resistivity ever reported for Bi-2201 at optimum doping. It is found that the temperature dependence of the Hall angle obeys a power law T^n with n systematically decreasing with increasing doping, which questions the universality of the Fermi-liquid-like T^2 dependence of the "Hall scattering rate". In particular, the Hall angle of the optimally-doped sample changes as T^{1.7}, not as T^2, while \rho_{ab} shows a good T-linear behavior. The systematics of the MR indicates an increasing role of spin scattering in underdoped samples.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Superdiffusive Conduction: AC Conductivity with Correlated Noise

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    We present evidence of the existence of a superdiffusive regime in systems with correlated disorder for which localization is suppressed. An expression for anomalous electrical conductivity at low frequencies is found by using a generalized Langevin equation whose memory function accounts for the interactions between the carriers. New mechanisms inducing a superdiffusive conductivity are discussed and experimental possibilities for observing that phenomenon in nanotubes and superlattices are presented.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Correlations and scaling in one-dimensional heat conduction

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    We examine numerically the full spatio-temporal correlation functions for all hydrodynamic quantities for the random collision model introduced recently. The autocorrelation function of the heat current, through the Kubo formula, gives a thermal conductivity exponent of 1/3 in agreement with the analytical prediction and previous numerical work. Remarkably, this result depends crucially on the choice of boundary conditions: for periodic boundary conditions (as opposed to open boundary conditions with heat baths) the exponent is approximately 1/2. This is expected to be a generic feature of systems with singular transport coefficients. All primitive hydrodynamic quantities scale with the dynamic critical exponent predicted analytically.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    Brownian dynamics approach to interacting magnetic moments

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    The question how to introduce thermal fluctuations in the equation of motion of a magnetic system is addressed. Using the approach of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem we calculate the properties of the noise for both, the fluctuating field and fluctuating torque (force) representation. In contrast to earlier calculations we consider the general case of a system of interacting magnetic moments without the assumption of axial symmetry. We show that the interactions do not result in any correlations of thermal fluctuations in the field representation and that the same widely used formula can be used in the most general case. We further prove that close to the equilibrium where the fluctuation-dissipation theorem is valid, both, field and torque (force) representations coincide, being different far away from it

    Diffusion in an Expanding Plasma using AdS/CFT

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    We consider the diffusion of a non-relativistic heavy quark of fixed mass M, in a one-dimensionally expanding and strongly coupled plasma using the AdS/CFT duality. The Green's function constructed around a static string embedded in a background with a moving horizon, is identified with the noise correlation function in a Langevin approach. The (electric) noise decorrelation is of order 1/T(\tau) while the velocity de-correlation is of order MD(\tau)/T(\tau). For MD>1, the diffusion regime is segregated and the energy loss is Langevin-like. The time dependent diffusion constant D(\tau) asymptotes its adiabatic limit 2/\pi\sqrt{\lambda} T(\tau) when \tau/\tau_0=(1/3\eta_0\tau_0)^3 where \eta_0 is the drag coefficient at the initial proper time \tau_0.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, minor corrections, version to appear in JHE

    Stochastic processes with finite correlation time: modeling and application to the generalized Langevin equation

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    The kangaroo process (KP) is characterized by various forms of the covariance and can serve as a useful model of random noises. We discuss properties of that process for the exponential, stretched exponential and algebraic (power-law) covariances. Then we apply the KP as a model of noise in the generalized Langevin equation and simulate solutions by a Monte Carlo method. Some results appear to be incompatible with requirements of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem because probability distributions change when the process is inserted into the equation. We demonstrate how one can construct a model of noise free of that difficulty. This form of the KP is especially suitable for physical applications.Comment: 22 pages (RevTeX) and 4 figure

    Diffusion of particles moving with constant speed

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    The propagation of light in a scattering medium is described as the motion of a special kind of a Brownian particle on which the fluctuating forces act only perpendicular to its velocity. This enforces strictly and dynamically the constraint of constant speed of the photon in the medium. A Fokker-Planck equation is derived for the probability distribution in the phase space assuming the transverse fluctuating force to be a white noise. Analytic expressions for the moments of the displacement along with an approximate expression for the marginal probability distribution function P(x,t)P(x,t) are obtained. Exact numerical solutions for the phase space probability distribution for various geometries are presented. The results show that the velocity distribution randomizes in a time of about eight times the mean free time (8t8t^*) only after which the diffusion approximation becomes valid. This factor of eight is a well known experimental fact. A persistence exponent of 0.435±0.0050.435 \pm 0.005 is calculated for this process in two dimensions by studying the survival probability of the particle in a semi-infinite medium. The case of a stochastic amplifying medium is also discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures(Submitted to Phys. Rev. E