536 research outputs found

    Ladder type operators and recurrence relations for the radial wave functions of the N-th dimensional oscillators and hydrogenlike atoms

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    Using the method described in [11], we present some new ladder type operators and recurrence relations for the radial wave functions of the N-th dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillators and the hydrogenlike atoms

    On the Properties of Special Functions on the linear-type lattices

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    We present a general theory for studying the difference analogues of special functions of hypergeometric type on the linear-type lattices, i.e., the solutions of the second order linear difference equation of hypergeometric type on a special kind of lattices: the linear type lattices. In particular, using the integral representation of the solutions we obtain several difference-recurrence relations for such functions. Finally, applications to qq-classical polynomials are given

    Electromagnetic radiation from collisions at almost the speed of light: an extremely relativistic charged particle falling into a Schwarzschild black hole

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    We investigate the electromagnetic radiation released during the high energy collision of a charged point particle with a four-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole. We show that the spectra is flat, and well described by a classical calculation. We also compare the total electromagnetic and gravitational energies emitted, and find that the former is supressed in relation to the latter for very high energies. These results could apply to the astrophysical world in the case charged stars and small charged black holes are out there colliding into large black holes, and to a very high energy collision experiment in a four-dimensional world. In this latter scenario the calculation is to be used for the moments just after the black hole formation, when the collision of charged debris with the newly formed black hole is certainly expected. Since the calculation is four-dimensional, it does not directly apply to Tev-scale gravity black holes, as these inhabit a world of six to eleven dimensions, although our results should qualitatively hold when extrapolated with some care to higher dimensions.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Musical Audio Source Separation Based on User-Selected F0 Track

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    Quasinormal modes of Schwarzschild black holes in four and higher dimensions

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    We make a thorough investigation of the asymptotic quasinormal modes of the four and five-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole for scalar, electromagnetic and gravitational perturbations. Our numerical results give full support to all the analytical predictions by Motl and Neitzke, for the leading term. We also compute the first order corrections analytically, by extending to higher dimensions, previous work of Musiri and Siopsis, and find excellent agreement with the numerical results. For generic spacetime dimension number D the first-order corrections go as 1n(D3)/(D2)\frac{1}{n^{(D-3)/(D-2)}}. This means that there is a more rapid convergence to the asymptotic value for the five dimensional case than for the four dimensional case, as we also show numerically.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX4. v2. Typos corrected, references adde

    A lapa do Bugio

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    A jazida pré-histórica do Bugio constitui uma das mais importantes grutas sepulcrais da faixa estremenha. Encontrava-se intacta à data das primeiras escavações, realizadas em 1957 e 1958. Vicissitudes várias que motivaram a dissolução da primeira equipa e favoreceram diversas depredações, entretanto realizadas, impediram que, antes do recomeço dos trabalhos, em 1966, mesmo dos materiais recuperados, se pudessem extrair todas as informações neles potencialmente contidas. Foi possível, a partir do estudo exaustivo do espólio conservado no Museu de Sesimbra e no recolhido nas escavações de 1966, estabelecer a seguinte sucessão cronológica-cultural: Primeira ocupação - corresponde talvez à ocupação mais importante, integrável no Neolítico recente-final estremenho. Estreitas analogias com o "horizonte dolménico" identificado na vizinha Lapa do Fumo e datado pelo rádio-carbono de 3090 ± 160 a. C. (SERRÃO,1978). A datação realizada no Bugio deu 2800 ± 45 a.C. Segunda ocupação- corresponde muito provavelmente a momento inicial (ou pleno) do Calcolítico, definido pela presença de raros produtos, como o recipiente de osso recolhido na sep. 7 e "ídolos" de calcário, de osso e marfim. Terceira ocupação - Calcolítico final, campaniforme - representada pelos Grupos de Palmela e Inciso. Trata-se da ocupação menos importante, excessivamente valorizada em trabalhos anteriores, talvez pela grande dispersão de fragmentos cerâmicos que não ultrapassam, contudo, nove recipientes (alguns deles representados por apenas um fragmento): taças em calote - (I), de bordo espessado - (I), de tipo Palmela - (I), caçoilas acampanadas - (2), e vasos campaniformes - (2), além de dois recipientes de tipologia mal definida.Le gisement préhistorique de Bugio est l 'une des plus importantes grottes sépulcrales du littoral de l'Estrémadure. Elle a été trouvée intacte lors des premières fouilles, réalisées en 1957 et 1958. Diverses vicissitudes, qui devaient aboutir à la dissolution de la première équipe de fouilleurs et favoriser le pillage du site, empêchèrent la difusion de toute information avant la reprise des travaux en 1966, même sur le matériel récupéré. A partir de l' étude exhaustive du mobilier conservé au Musée de Sesimbra et de celui qui a été découvert en 1966, on a pu établir les niveaux chronologiques suivants: Première occupation, peut-être la plus importante, s'intégrant dans le Néolithique récent et final de l'Estrémadure, présentant d' étroites analogies avec "l'horizon dolménique" identifié sur le site voisin de Lapa do Fumo, daté de 3090 ± 160 a.C. par radio-carbone (SERRÃO, 1978). La datation obtenue à Bugio est de 2800 ± 45 a.C.. Seconde occupation, correspondant très probablement à la phase initiale ou médiane du Chalcolithique, définie par de rares productions, comme le récipient en os recueilli dans la sépulture 7 et les "idoles" en calcaire, en os et en ivoire. Troisième occupation (Chalcolithique final, Campaniforme) représentée par les Groupes de Palmela et incisé. Il s'agit d'une occupation moins importante, surévaluée dans les travaux antérieurs, peut-être en raison de la grande dispersion des fragments de céramiques qui ne correspondaient, cependant, qu'à neuf récipients: coupes en calotte (1 ), coupes au bord épais (1), coupes de type de Palmela (1), casseroles en forme de cloche (2), vases campaniformes (2) et deux récipients à la typologie mal définie

    Quasinormal modes of a Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by free static spherically symmetric quintessence: Electromagnetic perturbations

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    In this paper, we evaluated the quasinormal modes of electromagnetic perturbation in a Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by the static spherically symmetric quintessence by using the third-order WKB approximation when the quintessential state parameter wq w_{q} in the range of 1/3<wq<0-1/3<w_{q}<0. Due to the presence of quintessence, Maxwell field damps more slowly. And when at 1<wq<1/3-1<w_{q}<-1/3, it is similar to the black hole solution in the ds/Ads spacetime. The appropriate boundary conditions need to be modified.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    A Multi-agent System for Outliers Accommodation in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This work has been partially supported by the European Commission under the contract FP7-ICT-224282 (GINSENG) and Project CENTRO-07-ST24-FEDER-002003 (iCIS-Intelligent Computing in the Internet of Services).In monitoring applications the accuracy of data is paramount. When considering wireless sensor networks the quality of readings taken from the environment may be hampered by outliers in raw data collected from transmitters attached to nodes' analogue-to-digital converter ports. To improve the data quality sent to the base-station, a real-time data analysis should be implemented at nodes' level, while taking into account their computing power and storage limitations. This paper deals with the problem of outliers detection and accommodation in raw data. The proposed approach relies on univariate statistics within an hierarchical multi-agent framework. Results from experiments on a real monitoring scenario, at a major oil refinery plant, show the relevance of the proposed approach.publishersversionpublishe