11 research outputs found

    Begroot, schat, vergoed en bewonder: de begroting van de kennelijk onredelijk ontslagvergoeding na 12 februari 2010

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    De recente arresten over kennelijk onredelijke opzegging nopen ertoe om de schadevergoeding bij kennelijk onredelijke opzeggingen anders te berekenen dan tot nu toe gebruikelijk was. Eerst moet de kennelijke onredelijkheid worden vastgesteld en vervolgens moet de schade zo concreet mogelijk worden berekend. De Hoge Raad moedigt aan om factoren concreet te benoemen en de berekening inzichtelijker te maken. In dit artikel wordt een aantal elementen van de nieuwe wijze van berekening benoemd en besproken. Hiermee wordt beoogd de rechtspraktijk te stimuleren de voorspelbaarheid van beslissingen over deze schadevergoeding te vergroten

    Proteomics for Low Cell Numbers: How to Optimize the Sample Preparation Workflow for Mass Spectrometry Analysis

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    Nowadays, massive genomics and transcriptomics data can be generated at the single-cell level. However, proteomics in this setting is still a big challenge. Despite the great improvements in sensitivity and performance of mass spectrometry instruments and the better knowledge on sample preparation processing, it is widely acknowledged that multistep proteomics workflows may lead to substantial sample loss, especially when working with paucicellular samples. Still, in clinical fields, frequently limited sample amounts are available for downstream analysis, thereby hampering comprehensive characterization at protein level. To aim at better protein and peptide recoveries, we compare existing and novel approaches in the multistep sample preparation protocols for mass spectrometry studies, from sample collection, cell lysis, protein quantification, and electrophoresis/ staining to protein digestion, peptide recovery, and LC-MS/MS instruments. From this critical evaluation, we conclude that the recent innovations and technologies, together with high quality management of samples, make proteomics on paucicellular samples possible, which will have immediate impact for the proteomics community.Stemcel biology/Regenerative medicine (incl. bloodtransfusion

    Proteomics for Low Cell Numbers: How to Optimize the Sample Preparation Workflow for Mass Spectrometry Analysis

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    Nowadays, massive genomics and transcriptomics data can be generated at the single-cell level. However, proteomics in this setting is still a big challenge. Despite the great improvements in sensitivity and performance of mass spectrometry instruments and the better knowledge on sample preparation processing, it is widely acknowledged that multistep proteomics workflows may lead to substantial sample loss, especially when working with paucicellular samples. Still, in clinical fields, frequently limited sample amounts are available for downstream analysis, thereby hampering comprehensive characterization at protein level. To aim at better protein and peptide recoveries, we compare existing and novel approaches in the multistep sample preparation protocols for mass spectrometry studies, from sample collection, cell lysis, protein quantification, and electrophoresis/ staining to protein digestion, peptide recovery, and LC-MS/MS instruments. From this critical evaluation, we conclude that the recent innovations and technologies, together with high quality management of samples, make proteomics on paucicellular samples possible, which will have immediate impact for the proteomics community

    Quantitative proteomics of small numbers of closely-related cells: Selection of the optimal method for a clinical setting

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    Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics profiling has undoubtedly increased the knowledge about cellular processes and functions. However, its applicability for paucicellular sample analyses is currently limited. Although new approaches have been developed for single-cell studies, most of them have not (yet) been standardized and/or require highly specific (often home-built) devices, thereby limiting their broad implementation, particularly in non-specialized settings. To select an optimal MS-oriented proteomics approach applicable in translational research and clinical settings, we assessed 10 different sample preparation procedures in paucicellular samples of closely-related cell types. Particularly, five cell lysis protocols using different chemistries and mechanical forces were combined with two sample clean-up techniques (C18 filter- and SP3-based), followed by tandem mass tag (TMT)-based protein quantification. The evaluation was structured in three phases: first, cell lines from hematopoietic (THP-1) and non-hematopoietic (HT-29) origins were used to test the approaches showing the combination of a urea-based lysis buffer with the SP3 bead-based clean-up system as the best performer. Parameters such as reproducibility, accessibility, spatial distribution, ease of use, processing time and cost were considered. In the second phase, the performance of the method was tested on maturation-related cell populations: three different monocyte subsets from peripheral blood and, for the first time, macrophages/microglia (MAC) from glioblastoma samples, together with T cells from both tissues. The analysis of 50,000 cells down to only 2,500 cells revealed different protein expression profiles associated with the distinct cell populations. Accordingly, a closer relationship was observed between non-classical monocytes and MAC, with the latter showing the co-expression of M1 and M2 macrophage markers, although pro-tumoral and anti-inflammatory proteins were more represented. In the third phase, the results were validated by high-end spectral flow cytometry on paired monocyte/MAC samples to further determine the sensitivity of the MS approach selected. Finally, the feasibility of the method was proven in 194 additional samples corresponding to 38 different cell types, including cells from different tissue origins, cellular lineages, maturation stages and stimuli. In summary, we selected a reproducible, easy-to-implement sample preparation method for MS-based proteomic characterization of paucicellular samples, also applicable in the setting of functionally closely-related cell populations.Proteomic

    Development of a standardized and validated flow cytometry approach for monitoring of innate myeloid immune cells in human blood

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    Innate myeloid cell (IMC) populations form an essential part of innate immunity. Flow cytometric (FCM) monitoring of IMCs in peripheral blood (PB) has great clinical potential for disease monitoring due to their role in maintenance of tissue homeostasis and ability to sense micro-environmental changes, such as inflammatory processes and tissue damage. However, the lack of standardized and validated approaches has hampered broad clinical implementation. For accurate identification and separation of IMC populations, 62 antibodies against 44 different proteins were evaluated. In multiple rounds of EuroFlow-based design-testing-evaluation-redesign, finally 16 antibodies were selected for their non-redundancy and separation power. Accordingly, two antibody combinations were designed for fast, sensitive, and reproducible FCM monitoring of IMC populations in PB in clinical settings (11-color; 13 antibodies) and translational research (14-color; 16 antibodies). Performance of pre-analytical and analytical variables among different instruments, together with optimized post-analytical data analysis and reference values were assessed. Overall, 265 blood samples were used for design and validation of the antibody combinations and in vitro functional assays, as well as for assessing the impact of sample preparation procedures and conditions. The two (11- and 14-color) antibody combinations allowed for robust and sensitive detection of 19 and 23 IMC populations, respectively. Highly reproducible identification and enumeration of IMC populations was achieved, independently of anticoagulant, type of FCM instrument and center, particularly when database/software-guided automated (vs. manual "expert-based") gating was used. Whereas no significant changes were observed in identification of IMC populations for up to 24h delayed sample processing, a significant impact was observed in their absolute counts after >12h delay. Therefore, accurate identification and quantitation of IMC populations requires sample processing on the same day. Significantly different counts were observed in PB for multiple IMC populations according to age and sex. Consequently, PB samples from 116 healthy donors (8-69 years) were used for collecting age and sex related reference values for all IMC populations. In summary, the two antibody combinations and FCM approach allow for rapid, standardized, automated and reproducible identification of 19 and 23 IMC populations in PB, suited for monitoring of innate immune responses in clinical and translational research settings

    Development of a standardized and validated flow cytometry approach for monitoring of innate myeloid immune cells in human blood.

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    Innate myeloid cell (IMC) populations form an essential part of innate immunity. Flow cytometric (FCM) monitoring of IMCs in peripheral blood (PB) has great clinical potential for disease monitoring due to their role in maintenance of tissue homeostasis and ability to sense micro-environmental changes, such as inflammatory processes and tissue damage. However, the lack of standardized and validated approaches has hampered broad clinical implementation. For accurate identification and separation of IMC populations, 62 antibodies against 44 different proteins were evaluated. In multiple rounds of EuroFlow-based design-testing-evaluation-redesign, finally 16 antibodies were selected for their non-redundancy and separation power. Accordingly, two antibody combinations were designed for fast, sensitive, and reproducible FCM monitoring of IMC populations in PB in clinical settings (11-color; 13 antibodies) and translational research (14-color; 16 antibodies). Performance of pre-analytical and analytical variables among different instruments, together with optimized post-analytical data analysis and reference values were assessed. Overall, 265 blood samples were used for design and validation of the antibody combinations and in vitro functional assays, as well as for assessing the impact of sample preparation procedures and conditions. The two (11- and 14-color) antibody combinations allowed for robust and sensitive detection of 19 and 23 IMC populations, respectively. Highly reproducible identification and enumeration of IMC populations was achieved, independently of anticoagulant, type of FCM instrument and center, particularly when database/software-guided automated (vs. manual "expert-based") gating was used. Whereas no significant changes were observed in identification of IMC populations for up to 24h delayed sample processing, a significant impact was observed in their absolute counts after >12h delay. Therefore, accurate identification and quantitation of IMC populations requires sample processing on the same day. Significantly different counts were observed in PB for multiple IMC populations according to age and sex. Consequently, PB samples from 116 healthy donors (8-69 years) were used for collecting age and sex related reference values for all IMC populations. In summary, the two antibody combinations and FCM approach allow for rapid, standardized, automated and reproducible identification of 19 and 23 IMC populations in PB, suited for monitoring of innate immune responses in clinical and translational research settings