114 research outputs found

    The linewidth of a non-Markovian atom laser

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    We present a fully quantum mechanical treatment of a single mode atom laser including pumping and output coupling. By ignoring atom-atom interactions, we have solved this model without making the Born-Markov approximation. We find substantially less gain narrowing than is predicted under that approximation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 encapsulated postscript figur

    Adiabatic Elimination in Compound Quantum Systems with Feedback

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    Feedback in compound quantum systems is effected by using the output from one sub-system (``the system'') to control the evolution of a second sub-system (``the ancilla'') which is reversibly coupled to the system. In the limit where the ancilla responds to fluctuations on a much shorter time scale than does the system, we show that it can be adiabatically eliminated, yielding a master equation for the system alone. This is very significant as it decreases the necessary basis size for numerical simulation and allows the effect of the ancilla to be understood more easily. We consider two types of ancilla: a two-level ancilla (e.g. a two-level atom) and an infinite-level ancilla (e.g. an optical mode). For each, we consider two forms of feedback: coherent (for which a quantum mechanical description of the feedback loop is required) and incoherent (for which a classical description is sufficient). We test the master equations we obtain using numerical simulation of the full dynamics of the compound system. For the system (a parametric oscillator) and feedback (intensity-dependent detuning) we choose, good agreement is found in the limit of heavy damping of the ancilla. We discuss the relation of our work to previous work on feedback in compound quantum systems, and also to previous work on adiabatic elimination in general.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures including two subplots as jpeg attachment

    Stimulation of Beta Decay due to a Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    Nuclear processes can be stimulated by the presence of a macroscopic number of bosons in one of the final states. We describe the conditions necessary to observe the atom-stimulation of a beta decay process. The stimulation may be observable if it becomes possible to produce a Bose-Einstein condensate with the order of 101410^{14} atoms in a trap.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, uses elsart.cls, home page at http://online.anu.edu.au/Physics/Welcome.htm

    Mode Selectivity and Stability of Continuously Pumped Atom Lasers

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    A semiclassical, multimode model of a continuously pumped atom laser is presented. For a spatially independent coupling process it is found that the system is unstable below a critical scattering length. As large atomic interactions will increase the phase diffusion of the lasing mode, it is desirable to obtain a stable atom laser with low nonlinearity. It is shown that spatially dependent pumping stabilizes the atom laser to a finite number of modes, and can induce single-mode operation

    An Atom Laser Based on Raman Transitions

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    In this paper we present an atom laser scheme using a Raman transition for the output coupling of atoms. A beam of thermal atoms (bosons) in a metastable atomic state 1>|1 > are pumped into a multimode atomic cavity. This cavity is coupled through spontaneous emission to a single mode of another cavity for the ground atomic state, 2>|2 >. Above a certain threshold pumping rate a large number of atoms, N2N_2, builds up in this single quantum state and transitions to the ground state of the cavity become enhanced by a factor (N2+1)(N_2 + 1). Atoms in this state are then coupled to the outside of the cavity with a Raman transition. This changes the internal state of the atom and imparts a momentum kick, allowing the atoms to leave the system.Comment: 8 pages, 4 postscript figures, uses RevTex, home page at http://online.anu.edu.au/Physics/Welcome.html (Some aspects of the exact physical model have changed from original version. Other general improvements included

    Input-output theory for fermions in an atom cavity

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    We generalize the quantum optical input-output theory developed for optical cavities to ultracold fermionic atoms confined in a trapping potential, which forms an "atom cavity". In order to account for the Pauli exclusion principle, quantum Langevin equations for all cavity modes are derived. The dissipative part of these multi-mode Langevin equations includes a coupling between cavity modes. We also derive a set of boundary conditions for the Fermi field that relate the output fields to the input fields and the field radiated by the cavity. Starting from a constant uniform current of fermions incident on one side of the cavity, we use the boundary conditions to calculate the occupation numbers and current density for the fermions that are reflected and transmitted by the cavity

    Stationary quantum statistics of a non-Markovian atom laser

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    We present a steady state analysis of a quantum-mechanical model of an atom laser. A single-mode atomic trap coupled to a continuum of external modes is driven by a saturable pumping mechanism. In the dilute flux regime, where atom-atom interactions are negligible in the output, we have been able to solve this model without making the Born-Markov approximation. The more exact treatment has a different effective damping rate and occupation of the lasing mode, as well as a shifted frequency and linewidth of the output. We examine gravitational damping numerically, finding linewidths and frequency shifts for a range of pumping rates. We treat mean field damping analytically, finding a memory function for the Thomas-Fermi regime. The occupation and linewidth are found to have a nonlinear scaling behavior which has implications for the stability of atom lasers.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    The steady state quantum statistics of a non-Markovian atom laser

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    We present a fully quantum mechanical treatment of a single-mode atomic cavity with a pumping mechanism and an output coupling to a continuum of external modes. This system is a schematic description of an atom laser. In the dilute limit where atom-atom interactions are negligible, we have been able to solve this model without making the Born and Markov approximations. When coupling into free space, it is shown that for reasonable parameters there is a bound state which does not disperse, which means that there is no steady state. This bound state does not exist when gravity is included, and in that case the system reaches a steady state. We develop equations of motion for the two-time correlation in the presence of pumping and gravity in the output modes. We then calculate the steady-state output energy flux from the laser.Comment: 14 pages (twocloumn), 6 figure

    Control of an atom laser using feedback

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    A generalised method of using feedback to control Bose-Einstein condensates is introduced. The condensates are modelled by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, so only semiclassical fluctations can be suppressed, and back-action from the measurement is ignored. We show that for any available control, a feedback scheme can be found to reduce the energy while the appropriate moment is still dynamic. We demonstrate these schemes by considering a condensate trapped in a harmonic potential that can be modulated in strength and position. The formalism of our feedback scheme also allows the inclusion of certain types of non-linear controls. If the non-linear interaction between the atoms can be controlled via a Feshbach resonance, we show that the feedback process can operate with a much higher efficiency.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Exploring the effects of non-monetary reimbursement for participants in HCI research

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    When running experiments within the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) it is common practice to ask participants to come to a specified lab location, and reimburse them monetarily for their time and travel costs. This, however, is not the only means by which to encourage participation in scientific study. Citizen science projects, which encourage the public to become involved in scientific research, have had great success in getting people to act as sensors to collect data or to volunteer their idling computer or brain power to classify large data sets across a broad range of fields including biology, cosmology and physical and environmental science. This is often done without the expectation of payment. Additionally, data collection need not be done on behalf of an external researcher; the Quantified Self (QS) movement allows people to reflect on data they have collected about themselves. This too, then, is a form of non-reimbursed data collection. Here we investigate whether citizen HCI scientists and those interested in personal data produce reliable results compared to participants in more traditional lab-based studies. Through six studies, we explore how participation rates and data quality are affected by recruiting participants without monetary reimbursement: either by providing participants with data about themselves as reward (a QS approach), or by simply requesting help with no extrinsic reward (as in citizen science projects). We show that people are indeed willing to take part in online HCI research in the absence of extrinsic monetary reward, and that the data generated by participants who take part for selfless reasons, rather than for monetary reward, can be as high quality as data gathered in the lab and in addition may be of higher quality than data generated by participants given monetary reimbursement online. This suggests that large HCI experiments could be run online in the future, without having to incur the equally large reimbursement costs alongside the possibility of running experiments in environments outside of the lab