495 research outputs found


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    Perlindungan pengungsi terdapat dalam konvensi Jenewa 1951 dan protokol 1967 dan yang menjadi kewenangan dari UNHCR “United Nation High Commisionerfor Refugees” atau Komisioner tinggi perserikatan bangsa-bangsa dibidang pengungsi. Indonesia bukan negara yang meratifikasi Konvensi Jenewa 1951 dan Protokol 1967 namun Indonesia mengakui salah satu prinsip internasional yaitu prinsip Non Refoulement. Dalam perlindungan pengungsi di Indonesia di jamin oleh Undang-Undang No.39 Tahun 1999 tentang Hak Asasi Manusia karena pengungsi merupakan manusia yang rentan terhadap pelanggaran ham dan dalam masuk arus pengungsi terdapat dalam  Undang-Undang No.6 Tahun 2011 serta dalam penanganan pengungsi di jamin oleh Undang-Undang No.37 Tahun 1999 tentang Hubungan luar Negeri. Setelah adanya Peraturan Presiden No.125 Tahun 2016 penanganan pengungsi dilakukan berdasarkan kerja sama antara Pemerintah Pusat dengan Perserikatan BangsaBangsa (PBB) melalui Komisariat Tinggi Urusan Pengungsi di Indonesia. Saat Pandemi Pandemi Covid-19 pemerintah Indonesia dalam penanganan pengungsi melakukan berbagai upaya agar para pengungsi mendapatkan fasilitas keshatan terlebih hak agar pengungsi tidak terdiskriminasi dan tertinngal dalam Pandemi Covid-19. Kata Kunci: Konvensi Jenewa 1951, Protokol 1967, Pasca Peraturan Presiden No.125 Tahun 2016, Pengungsi

    Diverging Ambitions and Instruments for Citizen Participation across Different Stages in Green Infrastructure Projects

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    Both theory and practice increasingly argue that creating green infrastructure in order to make cities climate-proof requires joint public service delivery across the green infrastructure’s lifecycle. Accordingly, citizen participation in each green infrastructure project stage is required, but the type of participation may differ. So far, limited research has been conducted to detangle how participation in green infrastructure projects is operationalised along the different project stages. This article, therefore, presents a comparative case study of nine European green infrastructure projects, in which we aim to determine: (1) how participatory ambitions may differ across green infrastructure project phases; and (2) which instruments are used to realise the participatory ambitions for each phase and whether these instruments differ across stages. The cases demonstrate different participation ambitions and means in the three project phases distinguished in this article (i.e., design, delivery, and maintenance). The design and maintenance stages resulted in high participation ambitions using organisational instruments (e.g., living labs, partnerships with community groups) and market-based instruments (e.g., open calls). In the delivery phase, participation ambitions decreased significantly in our cases, relying on legal instruments (e.g., statutory consultation) and communicative instruments (e.g., community events). Altogether, our exploratory study helps to define participation across the green infrastructure lifecycle: Early stages focus on creating shared commitment that legitimises the green infrastructure, while later stages are also driven by instrumental motives (lowering management costs). Although theory argues for profound participation in the delivery stage as well, our cases show the contrary. Future research can assess this discrepancy

    Inflationary potentials in DBI models

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    We study DBI inflation based upon a general model characterized by a power-law flow parameter ϵ(ϕ)ϕα\epsilon(\phi)\propto\phi^{\alpha} and speed of sound cs(ϕ)ϕβc_s(\phi)\propto\phi^{\beta}, where α\alpha and β\beta are constants. We show that in the slow-roll limit this general model gives rise to distinct inflationary classes according to the relation between α\alpha and β\beta and to the time evolution of the inflaton field, each one corresponding to a specific potential; in particular, we find that the well-known canonical polynomial (large- and small-field), hybrid and exponential potentials also arise in this non-canonical model. We find that these non-canonical classes have the same physical features as their canonical analogs, except for the fact that the inflaton field evolves with varying speed of sound; also, we show that a broad class of canonical and D-brane inflation models are particular cases of this general non-canonical model. Next, we compare the predictions of large-field polynomial models with the current observational data, showing that models with low speed of sound have red-tilted scalar spectrum with low tensor-to-scalar ratio, in good agreement with the observed values. These models also show a correlation between large non-gaussianity with low tensor amplitudes, which is a distinct signature of DBI inflation with large-field polynomial potentials.Comment: Minor changes, reference added. Version submitted to JCA

    Price to win through value modelling for service offering

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    a contract to deliver product service systems, and make a profit. Design/methodology/approach: Industrial case studies are used as the test bed. Combinations of subjective probability and value modelling have been used in this research. Findings: Current approaches to determine the price to win for a product oriented service contract have mainly focussed on the cost of the physical asset and its’ specification. There is little research, where the ‘value’ of the tangible and intangible aspects of a product service system to the customer is considered. The proposed approach provides the decision-maker with information on the value of their/and their competitors offering, assisting in selecting the price to bid for the service contract. Practical implications: Our approach can be used by industry to model the key value drivers for their customers and provide information on the probability of winning and probability of making a profit. This research provides a step-by-step approach for identifying uncertainties eliciting the value of the service being offered to the customer and modelling these to estimate the probability of winning. Social implications: This research provides practical guidance to decision makers and bid teams. Originality/value: Highlights how the tangible and intangible aspects of a Product Service System can be quantified in monetary terms to assist in decision-making

    Classtalk: A Classroom Communication System for Active Learning

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    This pdf file is an article describing the advantages of using Classtalk technology in the classroom to enhance classroom communication. Classtalk technology cab facilitate the presentation of questions for small group work, collec the student answers and then display histograms showing how the class answered. This new communication technology can help instructors create a more interactive, student centered classroom, especially when teaching large courses. The article describes Classtalk as a very useful tool not only for engaging students in active learning, but also for enhancing the overall communication within the classroom. This article is a selection from the electronic Journal for Computing in Higher Education. Educational levels: Graduate or professional

    Habitat expansion of a tropical chironomid by seasonal alternation in use of littoral and profundal zones

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    The consistent warming of tropical lakes at all depths causes rapid development and long persistence of seasonal anoxia in the hypolimnion, which greatly reduces the biodiversity of hypolimnetic benthic invertebrates. Full mixing of the water column in a typically annual cool-season creates a benthic habitat suitable for invertebrates but offers little time for colonization before the return of anoxia. In Lake Alchichica, Mexico, the endemic midge Chironomus alchichica has evolved a life cycle consisting of reproduction in waters of the littoral zone, which is suboptimal for development, followed by colonization of the hypolimnetic benthic zone during its oxic phase. As shown by the sampling of both littoral and benthic habitats over an annual cycle, the development of Ch. alchichica in the profundal zone is favoured by minimal competition (only one other invertebrate species present) and no significant predation. The rapid maturation of the midge leads to a high density of pupation before the seasonal anoxia

    Summer CO2 evasion from streams and rivers in the Kolyma River basin, north-east Siberia

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    Inland water systems are generally supersaturated in carbon dioxide (CO2) and are increasingly recognized as playing an important role in the global carbon cycle. The Arctic may be particularly important in this respect, given the abundance of inland waters and carbon contained in Arctic soils; however, a lack of trace gas measurements from small streams in the Arctic currently limits this understanding.We investigated the spatial variability of CO2 evasion during the summer low-flow period from streams and rivers in the northern portion of the Kolyma River basin in north-eastern Siberia. To this end, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) and gas exchange velocities (k) were measured at a diverse set of streams and rivers to calculate CO2 evasion fluxes. We combined these CO2 evasion estimates with satellite remote sensing and geographic information system techniques to calculate total areal CO2 emissions. Our results show that small streams are substantial sources of atmospheric CO2 owing to high pCO2 and k, despite being a small portion of total inland water surface area. In contrast, large rivers were generally near equilibrium with atmospheric CO2. Extrapolating our findings across the Panteleikha-Ambolikha sub-watersheds demonstrated that small streams play a major role in CO2 evasion, accounting for 86% of the total summer CO2 emissions from inland waters within these two sub-watersheds. Further expansion of these regional CO2 emission estimates across time and space will be critical to accurately quantify and understand the role of Arctic streams and rivers in the global carbon budget

    Noncentral generalized multivariate Beta Type II distribution

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    The distribution of the variables that originates from monitoring the variance when the mean encountered a sustained shift is considered — specifically for the case when measurements from each sample are independent and identically distributed normal random variables. It is shown that the solution to this problem involves a sequence of dependent random variables that are constructed from independent noncentral chi- squared random variables. This sequence of dependent random variables are the key to understanding the performance of the process used to monitor the variance and are the focus of this article. For simplicity, the marginal (i.e. the univariate and bivariate) distributions and the joint (i.e. the trivariate) distribution of only the first three random variables following a change in the variance is considered. A multivariate generalization is proposed which can be used to calculate the entire run-length (i.e. the waiting time until the first signal) distribution.The National Research Foundation, South Africa (Grant: FA2007043000003 and the Thuthuka programme : TTK20100707000011868)http://www.ine.pt/revstat/inicio.htmlam201

    Personalization, privatization, and campaign strategies in newspaper coverage of two Chilean presidential elections, 1989-2009

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    We investigate the evolution of the coverage of political campaigns in Chile, through a content analysis of the issues highlighted in four national newspapers in the 1989 and 2009 campaigns. We seek to determine the increases of two types of personalization and the coverage of the candidates’ strategies. We focus on personalization, understood first as “competences” (the coverage of political-personal characteristics of the candidates) which differ from the “privatization” (highlights the private lives of the candidates). Results show an expected increase in the space allocated to privatization and strategies, but no change in the coverage of the political traits of the candidates