9 research outputs found

    Transient expression of organophosphorus hydrolase to enhance the degrading activity of tomato fruit on coumaphos*

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    We constructed an expression cassette of the organophosphorus pesticide degrading (opd) gene under the control of the E8 promoter. Then opd was transformed into tomato fruit using an agroinfiltration transient expression system. β-Glucuronidase (GUS) staining, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), wavelength scanning, and fluorescent reaction were performed to examine the expression of the opd gene and the hydrolysis activity on coumaphos of organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH) in tomato fruit. The results show that the agroinfiltrated tomato fruit-expressed OPH had the maximum hydrolysis activity of about 11.59 U/mg total soluble protein. These results will allow us to focus on breeding transgenic plants that could not only enhance the degrading capability of fruit and but also hold no negative effects on pest control when spraying organophosphorus pesticides onto the seedlings in fields

    HistĂłria como alegoria

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    Neste artigo abordam-se as diferentes circunstâncias nas quais se tecem comentários sobre um evento (geralmente no passado) quando os comentadores estão, na verdade, preocupados com um outro evento (geralmente no presente). Nele, distingue-se a alegoria pragmática - que se encontra onde quer que haja restrições à liberdade de agilidade política - da alegoria mística - que pressupõe algum tipo de conexão oculta entre os dois acontecimentos. Este segundo tipo de alegoria entrou em declínio no fim do século xvii, mas poderá permanecer mais influente do que todos nós pensamos.<br>This article is concerned with the different circunstances in wich comments are made as one event (usually in the past) when the commentators are really preoccupied with another (usually in the present). It distinguishes pragmatic allegory, to be found whenever there are restrictions on freedom of political speed, from mystical allegory, which assumes some kind of occult connection between the two events. This second kind of allegory has been in decline since the end of the seventeenth century, but it may remain more influential on us all than we think

    Language lateralization to the dominant hemisphere: Tool use, gesture and language in hominid evolution

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