74 research outputs found

    May the force be with you: measuring mosquito fitness in the field

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    Fitness of natural mosquito populations is discussed with relevance for the introduction of genetically modified (transonic) mosquitoes for the introgression of desired genetic traits into wild populations. Here fitness is considered with respect to selection pressures and mortality rates that affect wild mosquito populations. Selection pressures on different life stages are discussed, and examples for the estimates of population age structure and survival rate are presented. It is argued that the release of transgenic mosquitoes should be confined to males, with a critical assessment of mating success. Recent models of population replacement show that very high levels of population replacement are required for a transgenic trait to be effective, and that such replacement may take hundreds of year

    Fishery methods and fish diversity in the Kilombero River in south-eastern Tanzania

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    Assessment of common fishery methods and of fish diversity was undertaken in two fishing camps on the Kilombero River in south-eastern Tanzania in surveys towards the end of the dry season, 1994. Fishermen identified 23 different types of fish that they caught on a regular basis. Only 19 species of fish, belonging to 17 genera and 11 families were, however, identified according to Linnean taxonomy. Hooks, nets, traps and spears were used to catch fish. Fish were either sold fresh. or preserved for storage and long-distance tranport by smoking or frying. based un frequency distributions of the numbers of fish landed over a 4 day period at one of the camps, a Shannon-diversity index of 1.95 was calculted. The fork (or total) length of 480 fish and the weight of 413 fish were measured and length frequency distributions as well as length-weight relationships determined for the six most common species. It is concluded that local fishing methods applied in the Kilombero River allow for sustainable fish production

    Estimation of the infectious reservoir of Plasmodium falciparum in natural vector populations based on oocyst size

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    A method for determining the infectious reservoir of malaria (K) and vector survival rate (P) by measuring oocyst size and discriminating between the most recent and other infections is described. In the laboratory the mean diameter of 3 d oocysts in Anopheles gambiae, kept at 26 °C, was 11·5 μm and the mean diameter at day 5 was 24·5 μm. Oocyst sizes in wild caught mosquitoes from southern Tanzania, that had fed on the occupants of bed nets with holes in the sides, were more variable. 2060 A. gambiae s.l. and 1982 A. Funestus were examined for oocysts 3 d after feeding; 796 and 654 oocysts from the 153 and 170 infected females, respectively, were measured. Because of misclassification errors, the use of a simple cut-off model, in which all oocysts less than 17.5 μm in diameter were considered to have arisen from the most recent feed, was thought to overestimate K and underestimate P. A statistical model which allows for overlap in the oocyst size distributions is described. Estimates of the infectious reservoir derived from this model were 2.8% for A. gambiae s.l. and 4.2% for A. funestus, and the estimated survival rates per gonotrophic cycle were 65.5% and 52.9%, respectively. The utility of measuring oocyst size in naturally infected mosquitoes is discusse

    Density independent feeding success of malaria vectors (Diptera: Culicidae) in Tanzania

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    The possibility of density dependent feeding success in the African malaria vectors Anopheles gambiae Giles (sensu lato) and A. funestus Giles was investigated by examining the gonotrophic status of mosquitoes from 423 collections made in a Tanzanian village. Up to 500 mosquitoes were caught in any single 35 minute indoor resting collection. Estimates of the total numbers of mosquitoes resting were made by removal sampling. These indicated that the efficiency of resting collections decreased with increasing mosquito population. Of 1904 mosquito blood meals tested by ELISA, 95% were of human origin. There was no decrease in the proportion of mosquitoes fully fed at high population densities and the only demonstrable avoiding action by hosts in response to high densities of mosquitoes was the increased use of bednets during the wet season. The late biting cycle of these mosquitoes precludes many other density-dependent host defence mechanisms because the hosts are asleep at the time of attack. African malaria vectors have evolved with man and perhaps their evasion of density-dependent host responses has reinforced their preference for human bloo

    Survival and infection probabilities of anthropophagic anophelines from an area of high prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum in humans

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    Delayed and immediate oocyst rates; parous rates and sporozoite rates were obtained in Anopheles gambiae Giles, A. arabiensis Patten and A. funestus Giles from two villages in the Kilombero Valley, southern Tanzania during the wet season of 1991. Collection methods included light trap, indoor resting collection and nets with holes cut in their side. Mosquito survival estimates from parous rates obtained from light trap collections, were compared with estimates from capture-recapture experiments and from that obtained during a population decline. Methods of estimating the proportion of feeds infectious to mosquitoes, K, were also compared. This proportion varied between villages and species and was highest in the village with the greatest proportion of A. gambiae. We propose that absolute estimates of K should be obtained by determining the immediate oocyst rate and measuring the parous rate using the same host seeking mosquitoes. This estimate was only available from one village and ranged from 1.9% for A. gambiae s.l. to 3.4% for A. funestu

    The rise and fall of Anopheles arabiensis (Diptera: Culicidae) in a Tanzanian village

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    The continual recruitment of new individuals makes it difficult to study both the survival of multivoltine mosquitoes, and the size of the infectious reservoir in narural populations of malaria vectors. During long-term surveillance of a population of Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu lato in a Tanzanian village by daily light trapping, a temporary dry spell resulted in the cessation of recruitment for a period of 33 days, and a decline in numbers of A. arabiensis Patton caught from over 2000 to less than 10 in a sentinel house. Traps placed elsewhere in the village indicated similar proportionate declines although numbers caught varied according to location. A survival rate of 83% per day was estimated from the rate of population decline. Survival was unrelated to the size of the mosquitoes. The infectious reservoir (the chance of a mosquito acquiring an infection) was estimated to be 2% per feed. The exploitation of fortuitous events which temporarily eliminate a single stage in the life cycle has general applicability in the study of the bionomics of multivoltine insect

    Cost-sharing strategies combining targeted public subsidies with private-sector delivery achieve high bednet coverage and reduced malaria transmission in Kilombero Valley, southern Tanzania

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    Background: Cost-sharing schemes incorporating modest targeted subsidies have promoted insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) for malaria prevention in the Kilombero Valley, southern Tanzania, since 1996. Here we evaluate resulting changes in bednet coverage and malaria transmission. Methods: Bednets were sold through local agents at fixed prices representing a 34% subsidy relative to full delivery cost. A further targeted subsidy of 15% was provided to vulnerable groups through discount vouchers delivered through antenatal clinics and regular immunizations. Continuous entomological surveys (2,376 trap nights) were conducted from October 2001 to September 2003 in 25 randomly-selected population clusters of a demographic surveillance system which monitored net coverage. Results: Mean net usage of 75 % (11,982/16,086) across all age groups was achieved but now-obsolete technologies available at the time resulted in low insecticide treatment rates. Malaria transmission remained intense but was substantially reduced: Compared with an exceptionally high historical mean EIR of 1481, even non-users of nets were protected (EIR [fold reduction] = 349 infectious bites per person per year [×4]), while the average resident (244 [×6]), users of typical nets (210 [×7]) and users of insecticidal nets (105 [×14]) enjoyed increasing benefits. Conclusion: Despite low net treatment levels, community-level protection was equivalent to the personal protection of an ITN. Greater gains for net users and non-users are predicted if more expensive long-lasting ITN technologies can be similarly promoted with correspondingly augmented subsidies. Cost sharing strategies represent an important option for national programmes lacking adequate financing to fully subsidize comprehensive ITN coverage
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