848 research outputs found

    Achillea ageratum L. (Asteraceae), novidade para o Norte de Portugal

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    A descoberta deste caméfito lenhoso, próprio de sítios húmidos, pousios e incultos (Franco, Nova Flora de Portugal, II: 395, 1984), na Serra de Chavães, numa zona de transição entre as regiões biogeográficas Eurosiberiana e Mediterrânica, constitui uma novidade não só para a província de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (cf. Rozeira, A Flora da província de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro in Memórias da Sociedade Broteriana, III, 1944), como também para todo o Norte e Centro de Portugal, excluído o Sector Divisório Português

    Pimpinella major (L.) Huds., uma nova Apiaceae para a flora de Portugal

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    Anuncia-se a descoberta de Pimpinella major nas margens do Rio Tuela, no interior Parque Natural de Montesinho. Trata-se de uma espécie pan-europeia, própria de orlas de bosque (Trifolio-Geranietea) ou prados pouco intensificados (Arrhenatherion), com solos húmidos, relativamente ricos em nutrientes. Este taxon vem engrossar o contingente de espécies que encontra no sistema constituído pelas Serras de Montesinho, Coroa e Nogueira o limite sul da sua distribuição no NW da Península Ibéric

    Rubus galloecicus Pau, uma nova silva para a flora de Portugal

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    O achado de Rubus galloecicus Pau em duas localidades muito distantes na província de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro constitui novidade para a flora de Portugal. No entanto, Monasterio-Huelin in Castroviejo et al. [Flora Iberica VI: 45, 1998] já tinha previsto que esta espécie poderia encontrar-se no nosso País, através da frase seguinte: "por el momento, no se conoce de Portugal". Rubus galloecicus distingue-se facilmente das outras espécies da Série Radula (Focke) Focke pelo facto de os cinco folíolos que constituem as folhas serem estreitos, digitados e claramente serrados

    La flora exótica e invasora de Portugal.

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    Daucus muricatus (L.) L. e Daucus setifolius Desf. (Apiaceae), duas novidades para o Norte de Portugal

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    O Daucus muricatus é uma planta anual, ruderal e arvense, própria de margas argilosas (Pujadas Salvà in Flora Iberica, X: 120, 2003). A descoberta de uma população desta espécie na Serra de Chavães, no contacto entre as regiões Eurosiberiana e Mediterrânica, constitui uma novidade não só para a província de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (cf. Rozeira, A Flora da província de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro in Memórias da Sociedade Broteriana, III, 1944), como também para todo o Norte e Centro de Portugal, excluído o Sector Divisório Português. Assim, em relação à distribuição indicada para o D. muricatus por Franco (Nova Flora de Portugal, I: 545, 1971): "CW. calc. e olissip., CS, SE e Península de Sagres" e por Pujadas Salvà (loc. cit.): "AAl Ag BAl BL E R", podemos concluir que a descoberta desta espécie no concelho de Tabuaço representa um alargamento muito significativo da sua área de distribuição e, certamente, o local mais elevado onde, até hoje, foi encontrada em Portugal (900 m). Este valor altitudinal é apresentado por Pujadas Salvà (loc. cit.) como o valor máximo provável para se encontrar esta espécie na Península Ibérica, claramente acima do intervalo habitual (que vai dos 30 até aos 800 m)

    Genista scorpius (L.) DC., uma fabácea arbustiva nova para a flora de Portugal

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    Genista scorpius foi herborizada no concelho de Vinhais, em Outubro de 1938, por Artur Augusto Taborda de Moraes [1900-1959]. O achado desta espécie na província de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro constituiu novidade para a flora de Portugal

    Association Between Oxygenation And Ventilation Index With The Time On Mechanical Ventilation In Pediatric Intensive Care Patients [relação Entre índice De Oxigenação E Ventilação Com O Tempo Em Ventilação Mecânica De Pacientes Em Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica]

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    Objective: To correlate the oxygenation index (OI) and the ventilation index (VI) with the time of invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) in pediatric patients. Methods: This prospective and observational study enrolled patients from 28 days to 14 years of age, admitted in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of a university hospital. The values of age, weight, pH, partial pressure of oxygen (PaO 2), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO 2), OI and VI were measured from day one to the day five and they were correlated with the time on IMV. The total time on mechanical ventilation was divided into: <7 days and ≥7 days. Results: 28 patients were studied. The time spent on IMV showed a significant negative correlation with the pH on the fourth day and with the PaO 2 on the fifth day. The time on IMV showed a positive correlation with the OI on the third and fourth days and with the VI on the third, fourth and fifth days. There were significant differences in the age and pH on the fourth and fifth days and in the VI from the second to fifth days between the group that remained less than seven days and those that remained seven days or more on IMV. Conclusions: VI, OI, pH and PaO 2 measured during the first five days of IMV were associated with prolonged IMV, reflecting the severity of the initial ventilatory disturb.293348351Farias, J.A., Frutos, F., Esteban, A., Flores, J.C., Retta, A., Baltodano, A., What is the daily practice of mechanical ventilation in pediatric intensive care units? A multicenter study (2004) Intensive Care Med, 30, pp. 918-925Torres, A., Gatell, J.M., Aznar, E., El-Ebiary, M., de la, B.P.J., Gonzalez, J., Re-intubation increases the risk of nosocomial pneumonia in patients needing mechanical ventilation (1995) Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 152, pp. 137-141Almeida-Júnior, A.A., da Silva, M.T., Almeida, C.C., Jacomo, A.D., Nery, B.M., Ribeiro, J.D., Association between ventilation index and time on mechanical ventilation in infants with acute viral bronchiolits (2005) J Pediatr (Rio J), 81, pp. 466-470Khan, N., Brown, A.R., Venkataraman, S.T., Predictors of extubation success and failure in mechanically ventilated infants and children (1996) Crit Care Med, 24, pp. 1568-1579Paret, G., Ziv, T., Barzilai, A., Ben-Abraham, R., Vardi, A., Manisterski, Y., Ventilation index and outcome in children with acute respiratory distress syndrome (1998) Pediatr Pulmonol, 26, pp. 125-128Peters, M.J., Tasker, R.C., Kiff, K.M., Yates, R., Hatch, D.J., Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure in children: Case mix and the utility of respiratory severity indices (1998) Intensive Care Med, 24, pp. 699-705Trachsel, D., McCrindle, B.W., Nakagawa, S., Bohn, D., Oxygenation index predicts outcome in children with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure (2005) Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 172, pp. 206-211Venkataraman, S.T., Khan, N., Brown, A., Validation of predictors of extubation success and failure in mechanically ventilated infants and children (2000) Crit Care Med, 28, pp. 2991-2996Aggarwal, R., Downe, L., Use of high frequency ventilation as a rescue measure in premature babies with severe respiratory failure (2000) Indian Pediatr, 37, pp. 522-526Goldman, A.P., Tasker, R.C., Hosiasson, S., Henrichsen, T., Macrae, D.J., Early response to inhaled nitric oxide and its relationship to outcome in children with severe hypoxemic respiratory failure (1997) Chest, 112, pp. 752-758Relvas, M.S., Silver, P.C., Sagy, M., Prone positioning of pediatric patients with ARDS results in improvement in oxygenation if maintained > 12 h daily (2003) Chest, 124, pp. 269-274Wessel, D.L., Adatia, I., van Marter, L.J., Thompson, J.E., Kane, J.W., Stark, A.R., Improved oxygenation in a randomized trial of inhaled nitric oxide for persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (1997) Pediatrics, 100, pp. E7Yapicioǧlu, H., Yildizdaş, D., Bayram, I., Sertdemir, Y., Yilmaz, H.L., The use of surfactant in children with acute respiratory distress syndrome: Efficacy in terms of oxygenation, ventilation and mortality (2003) Pulm Pharmacol Ther, 16, pp. 327-33

    Hippocampal Insulin Signaling And Neuroprotection Mediated By Physical Exercise In Alzheimeŕs Disease

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    Epidemiological studies indicate continuous increases in the prevalence of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) in the next few decades. The key feature of this disease is hippocampal neurodegeneration. This structure has an important role in learning and memory. Intense research efforts have sought to elucidate neuroprotective mechanisms responsible for hippocampal integrity. Insulin signaling seems to be a very promising pathway for the prevention and treatment of AD. This hormone has been described as a powerful activator of neuronal survival. Recent research showed that reduced insulin sensitivity leads to low-grade inflammation, and both phenomena are closely related to AD genesis. Concomitantly, exercise has been shown to exert anti-inflammatory effects and to promote improvement in insulin signaling in the hippocampus, which supports neuronal survival and constitutes an interesting non-pharmacological alternative for the prevention and treatment of AD. This review examines recent advances in understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in hippocampal neuroprotection mediated by exercise.2

    Pair production of the heavy leptons in future high energy linear e^{+}e^{-} colliders

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    The littlest Higgs model with T-parity predicts the existence of the T-odd particles, which can only be produced in pair. We consider pair production of the T-odd leptons in future high energy linear e+ee^{+}e^{-} collider (ILCILC). Our numerical results show that, as long as the T-odd leptons are not too heavy, they can be copiously produced and their possible signals might be detected via the processes e+eLˉiLje^{+}e^{-}\to \bar{L}_{i}L_{j} in future ILCILC experiments.Comment: Discussions added, typos and references correcte

    Association Between Ventilation Index And Time On Mechanical Ventilation In Infants With Acute Viral Bronchiolitis

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    Objective: To evaluate the association between time on mechanical ventilation and anthropometric, clinical and pulmonary function variables, measured early, in infants on invasive mechanical ventilation with acute respiratory failure due to viral bronchiolitis, and the temporal progression of variables with significant correlations. Methods: Twenty-nine infants admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit of UNICAMP university hospital were studied. Acute viral bronchiolitis was defined according to clinical and radiological criteria. Children with chronic diseases and those that were hemodynamically unstable were excluded. All measurements were taken after 24 to 72 hours' mechanical ventilation, using volumetric capnography and blood gas analysis. Mechanical ventilation time was divided into: ≤ 7 days and > 7 days. Association between time on mechanical ventilation and the variables analyzed was determined by Spearman's Correlation Coefficient (r s). Results: Time on mechanical ventilation showed a significant positive correlation with PaCO 2 (r s = 0.45, p = 0.01) and ventilation index (r s = 0.51, p = 0.005), and a negative correlation with pH (r s = -0.40, p = 0.03). Ventilation indices of 37, measured between day one and day five, was associated with a progressively increased risk of more than 7 days on mechanical ventilation (OR = 4.2 on the first day to 15.71 on the fourth day). Conclusions: Ventilation index, PaCO 2 and pH, measured early, were associated with prolonged mechanical ventilation, reflecting the severity of ventilatory disturbance and the need for support. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.816466470Shay, D.K., Holman, R.C., Newman, R.D., Liu, L.L., Stout, J.W., Anderson, L.J., Bronchiolitis-associated hospitalizations among US children, 1980-1996 (1999) JAMA, 282, pp. 1440-1446Torres, A., Gatell, J.M., Aznar, E., El-Ebiary, M., Puig De La Bellacasa, J., Gonzalez, J., Re-intubation increases the risk for nosocomial pneumonia in patients needing mechanical ventilation (1995) Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 152, pp. 137-141Esteban, A., Alia, I., Gordo, F., Fernandez, R., Solsona, J.F., Vallverdu, I., Extubation outcome after spontaneous breathing trials with T-tube or pressure support ventilation (1997) Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 156, pp. 459-465. , The Spanish Lung Failure Collaborative GroupBont, L., Kavelaars, A., Heijnen, C.J., Van Vught, A.J., Kimpen, J.L., Monocyte interleukin-12 production is inversely related to duration of respiratory failure in respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis (2000) J Infect Dis, 181, pp. 1772-1775Tasker, R.C., Gordon, I., Kiff, K., Time course of severe respiratory syncytial virus infection in mechanically ventilated infants (2000) Acta Paediatr, 89, pp. 938-941Arnold, J.H., Thompson, J.E., Arnold, L.W., Single breath CO 2 analysis: Description and validation of a method (1996) Crit Care Med, 24, pp. 96-102Riou, Y., Leclerc, F., Neve, V., Dupuy, L., Noizet, O., Leteurtre, S., Reproducibility of the respiratory dead space measurements in mechanically ventilated children using the CO 2SMO monitor (2004) Intensive Care Med, 30, pp. 1461-1467Hubble, C.L., Gentile, M.A., Tripp, D.S., Craig, D.M., Meliones, J.N., Cheifetz, I.M., Deadspace to tidal volume ratio predicts successful extubation in infants and children (2000) Crit Care Med, 28, pp. 2034-2040Main, E., Stocks, J., The influence of physiotherapy and suction on respiratory deadspace in ventilated children (2004) Intensive Care Med, 30, pp. 1152-1159Law, B.J., Carbonell-Estrany, X., Simoes, E.A., An update on respiratory syncytial virus epidemiology: A developed country perspective (2002) Respir Med, 96 (SUPPL. B), pp. S1-7Davison, C., Ventre, K.M., Luchetti, M., Randolph, A.G., Efficacy of interventions for bronchiolitis in critically ill infants: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2004) Pediatr Crit Care Med, 5, pp. 482-489Frankel, L.R., Lewiston, N.J., Smith, D.W., Stevenson, D.K., Clinical observations on mechanical ventilation for respiratory failure in bronchiolitis (1986) Pediatr Pulmonol, 2, pp. 307-311Wang, E.E., Law, B.J., Boucher, F.D., Stephens, D., Robinson, J.L., Dobson, S., Pediatric Investigators Collaborative Network on Infections in Canada (PICNIC) study of admission and management variation in patients hospitalized with respiratory syncytial viral lower respiratory tract infection (1996) J Pediatr, 129, pp. 390-395Paret, G., Ziv, T., Barzilai, A., Bem-Abraham, R., Vardi, A., Manisterski, Y., Ventilation index and outcome in children with acute respiratory distress syndrome (1998) Pediatr Pulmonol, 26, pp. 125-12