17 research outputs found

    Investigating Children's Passwords using a Game-based Survey

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    This work describes how a simple Android game was used to study password and username creation with children aged 7 and 8. Children answered questions, made a username and password, and then later used these to log in. The novelty is in the use of the approach as well as in the findings. The findings confirm earlier work in regards to password length, suggesting six characters as adequate, and provide preliminary evidence that most children use familiar items in password and especially username creation

    O pH da calda de aplicação e a absorção de ácido giberélico por frutas de laranja cv. ‘Valência’ The solution pH on gibberellic acid uptake by cv. ‘Valência’ orange fruits

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    Com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos que o ácido giberélico causa em frutas de laranja ‘Valência’, quando aplicado em diferentes concentrações, e também sob diferentes pH na calda de aplicação, foi realizado experimento onde os tratamentos consistiram de 5 concentrações (0, 5, 10, 15 e 20 ppm) e 3 pHs (3, 4,5 e 6). A aplicação foi feita em maio, quando as frutas estavam com coloração verde-amarelada, e as coletas para avaliação feitas a cada 30 dias, até o mês de novembro. Foram feitas 7 coletas no total. As variáveis estudadas foram coloração da epiderme, espessura da casca, pH do suco, acidez total titulável (ATT), teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST), relação SST/ATT, índice tecnológico e rendimento de suco. Os resultados obtidos não permitiram concluir que o ácido giberélico tenha influência sobre as características fisico-químicas do suco, tais como pH, rendimento, SST, AT, Ratio e índice tecnológico. A espessura da casca também não foi influenciada pelo AG3. No entanto, o ácido giberélico reteve a coloração verde da casca, segundo um gradiente no que diz respeito à concentração, no sentido de que ao aumentá-la, manteve por mais tempo a coloração verde das frutas. Este comportamento foi observado em maior ou menor escala, em todos os pHs da solução. O pH=3 da calda de aplicação foi o que reteve por mais tempo a coloração verde nas frutas, indicando assim que o ácido giberélico foi mais absorvido neste pH, do que nos demais. O pH normal (4,5) reteve a coloração verde das frutas por mais tempo que o pH=6, indicando assim que pHs mais ácidos favorecem a absorção do ácido giberélico pelas plantas. Foi observado também que o ácido giberélico atrasou o fenômeno do reverdecimento, o qual ocorre quando as temperaturas se tornam mais altas.<br>The objective of this work was to study the effect of gibberellic acid on "Valência" orange fruits, when applied at various concentrations, under different solution pH. The treatments consisted of 5 concentrations of gibberellic acid (0; 5; 10; 15; and 20 ppm) and 3 pHs (3; 4.5; and 6). The aplication was made in May, when fruits were at green-yellow stage, and samples were collected every 30 days until November. The variables studied were coloration and thickness of the peel, total soluble solids (TSS), pH of juice, percent of juice, total acid (TA), ratio TSS/TA and technological index. The results obtained did not allow to conclude that gibberellic acid had any influence on the characteristics of the juice. The thickness of the peel was not affected by gibberellic acid. However, gibberellic acid caused a retaintion of the green color of the peel with increasing concentration, causing the fruits to remain greener. This was observed for all solution pHs. At pH 3, the fruits were greener than under the other pHs, and at the normal pH (4.5) The green coloration in the fruits persisted for a louger time than at pH=6, suggesting that acid pHs increase the uptake of gibberelic acid by the plants. It was also observed that gibberellic acid delayed the regreening of the fruits, what happens when the temperature becomes higher

    Variability and stability in blazar jets on time-scales of years: Optical polarization monitoring of OJ 287 in 2005-2009

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    OJ 287 is a BL Lac object at redshift.z= 0.306 that has shown double-peaked bursts at regular intervals of ∼12 yr during the last ∼40 yr. We analyse optical photopolarimetric monitoring data from 2005 to 2009, during which the latest double-peaked outburst occurred. The aim of this study is twofold: firstly, we aim to analyse variability patterns and statistical properties of the optical polarization light curve. We find a strong preferred position angle in optical polarization. The preferred position angle can be explained by separating the jet emission into two components: an optical polarization core and chaotic jet emission. The optical polarization core is stable on time-scales of years and can be explained as emission from an underlying quiescent jet component. The chaotic jet emission sometimes exhibits a circular movement in the Stokes plane. We find six such events, all on the time-scales of 10-20 d. We interpret these events as a shock front moving forwards and backwards in the jet, swiping through a helical magnetic field. Secondly, we use our data to assess different binary black hole models proposed to explain the regularly appearing double-peaked bursts in OJ 287. We compose a list of requirements a model has to fulfil to explain the mysterious behaviour observed in OJ 287. The list includes not only characteristics of the light curve but also other properties of OJ 287, such as the black hole mass and restrictions on accretion flow properties. We rate all existing models using this list and conclude that none of the models is able to explain all observations. We discuss possible new explanations and propose a new approach to understanding OJ 287. We suggest that both the double-peaked bursts and the evolution of the optical polarization position angle could be explained as a sign of resonant accretion of magnetic field lines, a &apos;magnetic breathing&apos; of the disc. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 RAS