1,693 research outputs found

    Differential Trial-Type Effects in an Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure:Extending the DAARRE Model

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    The differential arbitrarily applicable relational responding effects (DAARRE) model explains two effects commonly observed with the implicit relational assessment procedure (IRAP): the single trial-type dominance effect (STTDE) and the dissonant-target trial-type effect (DTTTE). We sought to explore variables that modulate these effects. Forty-two participants who completed an IRAP met the practice criteria (median latency ≤ 2,000 ms and accuracy ≥ 80% correct) and thus proceeded to six test blocks of trials. The IRAP had four trial-types: trial-type 1: happy-face—happy-word; trial-type 2: happy-face—fear-word; trial-type 3: fear-face—happy-word; trial-type 4: fear-face—fear-word. Participants were randomly assigned to start with a consistent (respond True, False, False, True, respectively, to the four trial-types) or inconsistent (opposite responding) block. Difference (DIRAP) scores were calculated (inconsistent minus consistent latencies). A significantly larger DIRAP score was observed in trial-type 2 relative to trial-type 3 (a DTTTE), but only for participants who started with the inconsistent block. A “happiness superiority” STTDE (i.e., larger DIRAP score on trial-type 1 relative to trial-type 4) was observed, but only for participants who failed to maintain the criteria at the trial-type level (in any of the trial-types). Overall, the findings highlight the importance of distinguishing between the functional versus relational properties of the stimuli presented within an IRAP. The modulation of the DTTTE is interpreted in terms of functional coherence between the target and response option in inconsistent blocks. A novel data-analytic algorithm is presented to identify performance criteria violations at the trial-type level. The findings suggest that a greater focus is required in relational frame theory on the impact of the functional properties of stimuli on relational framing

    On the ground state energy scaling in quasi-rung-dimerized spin ladders

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    On the basis of periodic boundary conditions we study perturbatively a large N asymptotics (N is the number of rungs) for the ground state energy density and gas parameter of a spin ladder with slightly destroyed rung-dimerization. Exactly rung-dimerized spin ladder is treated as the reference model. Explicit perturbative formulas are obtained for three special classes of spin ladders.Comment: 4 page

    Glueball spectrum based on a rigorous three-dimensional relativistic equation for two-gluon bound states II: calculation of the glueball spectrum

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    In the preceding paper, a rigorous three-dimensional relativistic equation for two-gluon bound states was derived from the QCD with massive gluons and represented in the angular momentum representation. In order to apply this equation to calculate the glueball spectrum, in this paper, the equation is recast in an equivalent three-dimensional relativistic equation satisfied by the two-gluon positive energy state amplitude. The interaction Hamiltonian in the equation is exactly derived and expressed as a perturbative series. The first term in the series describes the one-gluon exchange interaction which includes fully the retardation effect in it. This term plus the linear confining potential are chosen to be the interaction Hamiltonian and employed in the practical calculation. With the integrals containing three and four spherical Bessel functions in the QCD vertices being analytically calculated, the interaction Hamiltonian is given an explicit expression in the angular momentum representation. Numerically solving the relativistic equation with taking the contributions arising from the retardation effect and the longitudinal mode of gluon fields into account, a set of masses for the 0++,0+,1++,1+,2++0^{++},0^{-+},1^{++},1^{-+},2^{++} and 2+2^{-+\text{}} glueball states are obtained and are in fairly good agreement with the predictions given by the lattice simulatio

    Glueball spectrum based on a rigorous three-dimensional relativistic equation for two-gluon bound states I: Derivation of the relativistic equation

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    A rigorous three-dimensional relativistic equation satisfied by two-gluon bound states is derived from the QCD with massive gluons. With the gluon fields and the quark fields being expanded in terms of the gluon multipole fields and the spherical Dirac spinors respectively, the equation is well established in the angular momentum representation and hence is much convenient for solving the problem of two-gluon glueball spectra. In particular, the interaction kernel in the equation is exactly derived and given a closed expression which includes all the interactions taking place in the two-gluon glueballs. The kernel contains only a few types of Green's functions and commutators. Therefore, it is not only easily calculated by the perturbation method, but also provides a suitable basis for nonperturbative investigations

    A purely algebraic construction of a gauge and renormalization group invariant scalar glueball operator

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    This paper presents a complete algebraic proof of the renormalizability of the gauge invariant d=4d=4 operator Fμν2(x)F_{\mu\nu}^2(x) to all orders of perturbation theory in pure Yang-Mills gauge theory, whereby working in the Landau gauge. This renormalization is far from being trivial as mixing occurs with other d=4d=4 gauge variant operators, which we identify explicitly. We determine the mixing matrix ZZ to all orders in perturbation theory by using only algebraic arguments and consequently we can uncover a renormalization group invariant by using the anomalous dimension matrix Γ\Gamma derived from ZZ. We also present a future plan for calculating the mass of the lightest scalar glueball with the help of the framework we have set up.Comment: 17 page

    Inelastic Neutron Scattering from the Spin Ladder Compound (VO)2P2O7

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    We present results from an inelastic neutron scattering experiment on the candidate Heisenberg spin ladder vanadyl pyrophosphate, (VO)2P2O7. We find evidence for a spin-wave excitation gap of Egap=3.7±0.2E_{gap} = 3.7\pm 0.2 meV, at a band minimum near Q=0.8A1Q=0.8 A^{-1}. This is consistent with expectations for triplet spin waves in (VO)2P2O7 in the spin-ladder model, and is to our knowledge the first confirmation in nature of a Heisenberg antiferromagnetic spin ladder.Comment: 11 pages and 2 figures (available as hard copy or postscript files from the authors, send request to [email protected] or [email protected]), TEX using jnl, reforder and eqnorder, ORNL-CCIP-94-05 / RAL-94-04

    Electron self-trapping in intermediate-valent SmB6

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    SmB6 exhibits intermediate valence in the ground state and unusual behaviour at low temperatures. The resistivity and the Hall effect cannot be explained either by conventional sf-hybridization or by hopping transport in an impurity band. At least three different energy scales determine three temperature regimes of electron transport in this system. We consider the ground state properties, the soft valence fluctuations and the spectrum of band carriers in n-doped SmB6. The behaviour of excess conduction electrons in the presence of soft valence fluctuations and the origin of the three energy scales in the spectrum of elementary excitations is discussed. The carriers which determine the low-temperature transport in this system are self-trapped electron-polaron complexes rather than simply electrons in an impurity band. The mechanism of electron trapping is the interaction with soft valence fluctuations.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    A neutron scattering study of two-magnon states in the quantum magnet copper nitrate

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    We report measurements of the two-magnon states in a dimerized antiferromagnetic chain material, copper nitrate (Cu(NO3)2*2.5D2O). Using inelastic neutron scattering we have measured the one and two magnon excitation spectra in a large single crystal. The data are in excellent agreement with a perturbative expansion of the alternating Heisenberg Hamiltonian from the strongly dimerized limit. The expansion predicts a two-magnon bound state for q ~ (2n+1)pi*d which is consistent with the neutron scattering data.Comment: 11 pages of revtex style with 6 figures include

    The clinical and phenotypical assessment of seronegative villous atrophy; a prospective UK centre experience evaluating 200 adult cases over a 15-year period (2000-2015).

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    BACKGROUND: Seronegative villous atrophy (SNVA) is commonly attributed to coeliac disease (CD). However, there are other causes of SNVA. More recently angiotensin-2-receptor-blockers (A2RBs) have been reported as an association but data on SNVA have been limited to centres evaluating complex case referrals and not SNVA in general. OBJECTIVES: To provide clinical outcomes and associations in a large prospective study overseeing all newcomers with SNVA. DESIGN: Over a 15-year period (2000-2015) we evaluated 200 adult patients with SNVA at a UK centre. A diagnosis of either seronegative CD (SNCD) or seronegative non-CD (SN-non-CD) was reached. Baseline comparisons were made between the groups, with 343 seropositive CD subjects serving as controls. RESULTS: Of the 200 SNVA cases, SNCD represented 31% (n=62) and SN-non-CD 69% (n=138). The human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-DQ2 and/or DQ8 genotype was present in 61%, with a 51% positive predictive value for SNCD. The breakdown of identifiable causes in the SN-non-CD group comprised infections (27%, n=54), inflammatory/immune-mediated disorders (17.5%, n=35) and drugs (6.5%, n=13; two cases related to A2RBs). However, no cause was found in 18% (n=36) and of these 72% (n=26/36) spontaneously normalised duodenal histology while consuming a gluten-enriched diet. Following multivariable logistic regression analysis an independent factor associated with SN-non-CD was non-white ethnicity (OR 10.8, 95% CI 2.2 to 52.8); in fact, 66% of non-whites had GI infections. On immunohistochemistry all groups stained positive for CD8-T-cytotoxic intraepithelial lymphocytes. However, additional CD4-T helper intraepithelial lymphocytes were occasionally seen in SN-non-CD mimicking the changes associated with refractory CD. CONCLUSIONS: Most patients with SNVA do not have CD, in particular those who are not white. Furthermore, a subgroup with no obvious aetiology will show spontaneous histological resolution while consuming gluten. These findings suggest caution in empirically prescribing a gluten-free diet without investigation

    Coexistence of double alternating antiferromagnetic chains in (VO)_2P_2O_7 : NMR study

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    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of 31P and 51V nuclei has been measured in a spin-1/2 alternating-chain compound (VO)_2P_2O_7. By analyzing the temperature variation of the 31P NMR spectra, we have found that (VO)_2P_2O_7 has two independent spin components with different spin-gap energies. The spin gaps are determined from the temperature dependence of the shifts at 31P and 51V sites to be 35 K and 68 K, which are in excellent agreement with those observed in the recent inelastic neutron scattering experiments [A.W. Garrett et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 745 (1997)]. This suggests that (VO)_2P_2O_7 is composed of two magnetic subsystems showing distinct magnetic excitations, which are associated with the two crystallographically-inequivalent V chains running along the b axis. The difference of the spin-gap energies between the chains is attributed to the small differences in the V-V distances, which may result in the different exchange alternation in each magnetic chain. The exchange interactions in each alternating chain are estimated and are discussed based on the empirical relation between the exchange interaction and the interatomic distance.Comment: 10 pages, 11 embedded eps figures, REVTeX, Submitted to Phys. Rev.