862 research outputs found

    Algunas consideraciones sobre la acuicultura

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    El crecimiento de la acuicultura en las últimas décadas en España y en el mundo, ha convertido esta actividad en el sector de la producción primaria de más rápido crecimiento. Sin embargo este crecimiento ha ido acompañado de una considerable evolución en los mercados y de importantes cambios que han sido dirigidos fundamentalmente a la mejora del producto y al aumento de la diversidad de especies, para ofrecer al consumidor un alimento de confianza, variado y sano desde el punto de vista económico, nutricional y sanitario. Esto también ha llevado a la regulación de zonas consideradas protegidas en algunos casos, o de dominio público en otros, para su utilización en acuicultura de forma racional. De la misma manera, no podemos olvidar el papel fundamental que esa desarrollando la acuicultura en los países en vías de desarrollo, como un elemento indispensable para erradicar el hambre, ni los efectos drásticos que pueda tener el cambio climático en el futuro de la acuiculturaDuring the last decades, aquaculture has become the activity with the fastest growth in the primary sector in Spain. Nevertheless, this growth has been accompanied by a remarkable evolution of the market and important changes towards mainly to the improvement of quality product and species diversification, in order to deliver a trust worthy, healthy, nutritional and reliable product for the consumer. This has also contributed to new regulations, regarding protected areas in some cases, or of public domain in others, allowing their utilization in aquaculture in a rational and responsible manner. Furthermore, we can not forget the important role that aquaculture has in developing countries, as a vital element to eradicate hunger, nor the drastic effect that climate change could have in the future of aquaculture

    Effect of light and temperature on the development of turbot eggs

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    Different experiments were done to determine the effeets of light and temperature on the embryonie development of turbot eggs (Seophthalmus maximus L.) obtained in eaptivity. No signifieant differen~es have from fertilization to hC'tehing in the been found between time elapsed trials earried out wi th 24 hours of light and those done in dark eonditions,therefore light is not a determining faetor in the embryonie development of turbot eggs. The relation between temperature and time needed to reaeh eaeh embryonie stage, shows a elear inverse relationship. The exponential-potential equation whieh relates temperature and the age of the eggs, defined as the time in hours elapsed sinee fertilization, is: Y = 27.64 . e -0.11 T + 0.05 i . 1.21 1 r = 0.9904 paper also provides for eaeh experimental From the applieation of this equation, this th~ development eurves for eaeh embryonie stage temperature (in the range 10 QC to 20 QC)

    Individual spawning control in different turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) broodstock under artificial and natural photoperiod

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    As fry output depends highly on management and control of the spawners, this paper examines the results with spawn obtained under a natural and artificial light cycle over a one-year period. The broodstock consisted of 55 females and 69 males, distributed with the same age and sex ratio in 5 tanks. Two of tanks were subjected to controlled photoperiod (group A) and the other three to natural conditions (group B). The spawning period of group A lasted from March until June, and that of group B from May to October. During this period, the spawning sequences of females were monitored individually. The total production of larvae was 2,233,254 larvae, of which 71.72 % were from the tanks with controlled photoperiod. In the fifth tank, fema1es which had not spawned in the previous years were tested, and no 1arvae were produced. This confirmed that the criterion for se1ection was adequate. A mean of 260,933 eggs per Kg of females were obtained, of which 45.56% were of good qua1ity. The mean ferti1ization and hatching indices were 71.40% for group A and 21.99% for group B (not inc1uding tank T-5).0,000

    Growth under laboratory conditions of wild juvenile black-spot sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo B.)

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    As an alternative to the culture of traditional fish, experiments have been started with black-spot sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo) and are summarized here. Two groups of bream (B-1 and B-2) with 63 fish of mean weight 173 g and 67fish of mean weight 217 g, respectively, were captured on the NW coast of Spain between September and December 1991, transported to the laboratory, and maintained in 12 m tanks. After about 30 days acclimation, lengths and weights of all fish were measured. These measurements were repeated at 2 month intervals,for 14 months in the first group and 10 months in the second. The mean weights reached at the end of these periods were 462 g and 383 s. respectively. Fish were fed with laboratory prepared moist food. and the amount eaten daily was controlled. Survival rate at the end of the experiment was 90.5% in group B-1 and95.5% in group B-2. Temperature, measured daily, ranged from 12ºC to 20°C. This paper provides information on the capture, transport, acclimation and maintenance of the fish throughout the experiment.Versión del editor0,000
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