3,950 research outputs found

    Antecedents and consequences of bank reputation: a comparison of the United Kingdom and Spain

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    Purpose: – The purpose of this paper is to identify the key antecedents and consequences of bank reputation and whether their relative importance varies across countries. Design /methodological approach – The sample consists of 900 bank customers, representative of the national populations in the United Kingdom (500) and Spain (400), two of the countries in which the weight of the financial system on the GDP is much bigger than that of other European countries. The research hypotheses were tested by conducting a multi-group analysis with covariance-based structural equation modelling (CB-SEM). Findings: – In contrast with previous studies, it was discovered that the most important cognitive antecedent of banks’ reputation is reliability/financial strength. This study reinforces the prominence of satisfaction as a key emotional aspect of reputation. Differences between the United Kingdom and Spain were found in the impact of employer branding and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The positive effect of bank reputation on consumer behaviour (loyalty and word of mouth) and the existence of cross-country differences as regards loyalty were also confirmed. Originality/value: – This is a systematic cross-country analysis of corporate reputation which includes not only cognitive antecedents but also emotional determinants that have been repeatedly ignored. This paper sheds light on whether the antecedents and consequences of corporate reputation vary across countries. The choice of the banking sector provides a unique opportunity to observe the determinants and outcomes of corporate reputation following an unstable time in the banking sector

    De geometría y arquitectura

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    Intercalary membrane as the inner wall overlying optic and chorio-retinal colobomas. Deep penetration Swept Source-OCT study.

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    Five eyes of four patients were studied to analyze the structure of the inner wall of optic and chorioretinal colobomas using swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT). The colobomatous cavities and their relationship with adjacent structures were examined. SS-OCT permitted the study of the colobomatous cavities in all cases. In four of those cases, a Y-shaped intercalary membrane (ICM) was identified, with an origin in the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), which covered the coloboma and in one case the coloboma was in contact with the vitreous cavity. Vitreous adhesion to the internal wall of the coloboma was found in three cases. No clinical or tomographic maculopathy was observed in any patient. High-resolution deep penetration SS-OCT allows in vivo study of optic and chorioretinal colobomas, identifying the RNFL as the main component of the ICM overlying the colobomatous cavities

    Los servicios ambientales de los bosques

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    La relación social con el bosque y los servicios que éste ofrece han experimentado modificaciones a lo largo de la historia. La incorporación de los nuevos conceptos de valor total a los bosques y la ampliación de su marco de interés desde las ciencias forestales hacia otros agentes sociales y otras disciplinas del conocimiento han abierto la puerta a una apreciación renovada de los servicios ofrecidos por los ecosistemas forestales. En la actualidad se intentan desarrollar mecanismos que permitan captar parte de este valor como estrategia para conservar y gestionar los bosques de un modo sostenible. En este artículo se revisan los sistemas de valoración de los servicios ambientales de los bosques y su comercialización, concluyendo con algunas observaciones sobre las dificultades de su implementación práctica y el papel que puedan desempeñar en el futuro de los bosques

    Leaders among the leaders in Economics: a network analysis of the Nobel Prize laureates

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    We analyse the production and networks of Nobel laureates in Economics, employing the Normalized Impact Factor (NIF) of their publications in the Journal of Citation Report (Economics), to identify the academic leaders among those laureates awarded between 1969 and 2016. Our results indicate that direct collaborations among laureates are, in general, rare, but when we add all the co-authors of the laureates, there appears a very large component containing 70% of the nodes, so that more than two thirds of the laureates can be connected through only two steps. Deaton, Tirole, Arrow, and Stiglitz are identified as leaders according to the total production of their respective networks

    Evaluation of the presence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) estuarine-wild from southern Sinaloa and northern Nayarit by microbiological analysis and PCR

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    Given the incidence of human poisonings attributed to raw shrimp consumption in southern of Sinaloa and northern of Nayarit in recent years, white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) was sampled from three wildestuaries where it’s been captured and one sample was taken from a sale center in order to determine the possible presence of toxigenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus, from May to December of 2012. Samples were analyzed by Biochemical test and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), they were also tested for the specific an toxicological identification, using molecular oligo nucleotides markers tlh, tdh and trh. The number of positives results were recorded to a table of most probable number (MPN).The number of samples positive for V. parahaemolyticus, weren’t toxigenic and it was demonstrated that they were below the limit established in the Mexican Official Standard NOM-242-SSA1-2009. In conclusion, the present study revealed that consumption of raw shrimp from the dates and sites sampled did not show to be a risk for human gastrointestinal diseases