203 research outputs found

    Compton scattering beyond the impulse approximation

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    We treat the non-relativistic Compton scattering process in which an incoming photon scatters from an N-electron many-body state to yield an outgoing photon and a recoil electron, without invoking the commonly used frameworks of either the impulse approximation (IA) or the independent particle model (IPM). An expression for the associated triple differential scattering cross section is obtained in terms of Dyson orbitals, which give the overlap amplitudes between the N-electron initial state and the (N-1) electron singly ionized quantum states of the target. We show how in the high energy transfer regime, one can recover from our general formalism the standard IA based formula for the cross section which involves the ground state electron momentum density (EMD) of the initial state. Our formalism will permit the analysis and interpretation of electronic transitions in correlated electron systems via inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS) spectroscopy beyond the constraints of the IA and the IPM.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Physiological temperatures reduce dimerization of dengue and Zika virus recombinant envelope proteins

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    The spread of dengue (DENV) and Zika virus (ZIKV) is a major public health concern. The primary target of antibodies that neutralize DENV and ZIKV is the envelope (E) glycoprotein, and there is interest in using soluble recombinant E (sRecE) proteins as subunit vaccines. However, the most potent neutralizing antibodies against DENV and ZIKV recognize epitopes on the virion surface that span two or more E proteins. Therefore, to create effective DENV and ZIKV vaccines, presentation of these quaternary epitopes may be necessary. The sRecE proteins from DENV and ZIKV crystallize as native-like dimers, but studies in solution suggest that these dimers are marginally stable. To better understand the challenges associated with creating stable sRecE dimers, we characterized the thermostability of sRecE proteins from ZIKV and three DENV serotypes, DENV2– 4. All four proteins irreversibly unfolded at moderate temperatures (46 –53 °C). At 23 °C and low micromolar concentrations, DENV2 and ZIKV were primarily dimeric, and DENV3– 4 were primarily monomeric, whereas at 37 °C, all four proteins were predominantly monomeric. We further show that the dissociation constant for DENV2 dimerization is very temperature-sensitive, ranging from <1 M at 25 °C to 50 M at 41 °C, due to a large exothermic enthalpy of binding of 79 kcal/mol. We also found that quaternary epitope antibody binding to DENV2– 4 and ZIKV sRecE is reduced at 37 °C. Our observation of reduced sRecE dimerization at physiological temperature highlights the need for stabilizing the dimer as part of its development as a subunit vaccine

    Predictive powers of chiral perturbation theory in Compton scattering off protons

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    We study low-energy nucleon Compton scattering in the framework of baryon chiral perturbation theory (Bχ\chiPT) with pion, nucleon, and Δ\Delta(1232) degrees of freedom, up to and including the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO). We include the effects of order p2p^2, p3p^3 and p4/Δp^4/\varDelta, with Δ300\varDelta\approx 300 MeV the Δ\Delta-resonance excitation energy. These are all "predictive" powers in the sense that no unknown low-energy constants enter until at least one order higher (i.e, p4p^4). Estimating the theoretical uncertainty on the basis of natural size for p4p^4 effects, we find that uncertainty of such a NNLO result is comparable to the uncertainty of the present experimental data for low-energy Compton scattering. We find an excellent agreement with the experimental cross section data up to at least the pion-production threshold. Nevertheless, for the proton's magnetic polarizability we obtain a value of (4.0±0.7)×104(4.0\pm 0.7)\times 10^{-4} fm3^3, in significant disagreement with the current PDG value. Unlike the previous χ\chiPT studies of Compton scattering, we perform the calculations in a manifestly Lorentz-covariant fashion, refraining from the heavy-baryon (HB) expansion. The difference between the lowest order HBχ\chiPT and Bχ\chiPT results for polarizabilities is found to be appreciable. We discuss the chiral behavior of proton polarizabilities in both HBχ\chiPT and Bχ\chiPT with the hope to confront it with lattice QCD calculations in a near future. In studying some of the polarized observables, we identify the regime where their naive low-energy expansion begins to break down, thus addressing the forthcoming precision measurements at the HIGS facility.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, RevTeX4, revised version published in EPJ

    The future of the CDM: same same, but differentiated?

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    Policy-makers and scientists have raised concerns about the functioning of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), in particular regarding its low contribution to sustainable development, unbalanced regional and sectoral distribution of projects, and its limited contribution to global emission reductions. Differentiation between countries or project types has been proposed as a possible way forward to address these problems. An overview is provided of the different ways in which CDM differentiation could be implemented. The implications for the actors involved in the CDM are analysed, along with a quantitative assessment of the impacts on the carbon market, using bottom-up marginal abatement cost curves. The discounting of CDM credits, quota systems, or differentiated eligibility of countries could help to address several of the concerns raised. Preferential treatment may also make a limited contribution to achieving the aims of CDM differentiation by increasing opportunities for under-represented host countries. The impact on the carbon market appears to be limited for most options

    Chronic nodular prurigo : clinical profile and burden. A European cross-sectional study

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    Chronic nodular prurigo (CNPG) is a condition characterized by chronic itch, a prolonged scratching behaviour and the presence of pruriginous nodules. A comprehensive understanding of this condition, especially regarding its clinical characteristics and impact on quality of life is still lacking. Aim of this pan-European multicentre cross-sectional study was to establish the clinical profile of CNPG, including its associated burden. Fifteen centres from 12 European countries recruited CNPG patients presenting at the centre or using the centres' own databases. Patients were asked to complete a questionnaire in paper or electronic format. Demography, current co-morbidities, underlying disease, itch intensity, additional sensory symptoms, quality of life, highest burden and emotional experience of itch were assessed. A total of 509 patients (210 male, median age: 64 years [52; 72]) were enrolled. Of these, 406 reported itch and CNPG lesions in the previous 7 days and qualified to complete the whole questionnaire. We recorded moderate to severe worst itch intensity scores in the previous 24 h. Scores were higher in patients with lower educational levels and those coming from Eastern or Southern Europe. Most patients experience itch often or always (71%) and report that their everyday life is negatively affected (53%). Itch intensity was considered to be the most burdensome aspect of the disease by 49% of the patients, followed by the visibility of skin lesions (21%) and bleeding of lesions (21%). The majority of patients was unaware of an underlying condition contributing to CNPG (64%), while psychiatric diseases were the conditions most often mentioned in association with CNPG (19%). This multicentre cross-sectional study shows that itch is the dominant symptom in CNPG and reveals that the profile of the disease is similar throughout Europe

    Human antibody response to Zika targets type-specific quaternary structure epitopes

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    The recent Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic in the Americas has revealed rare but serious manifestations of infection. ZIKV has emerged in regions endemic for dengue virus (DENV), a closely related mosquito-borne flavivirus. Cross-reactive antibodies confound studies of ZIKV epidemiology and pathogenesis. The immune responses to ZIKV may be different in people, depending on their DENV immune status. Here, we focus on the human B cell and antibody response to ZIKV as a primary flavivirus infection to define the properties of neutralizing and protective antibodies generated in the absence of preexisting immunity to DENV. The plasma antibody and memory B cell response is highly ZIKV type–specific, and ZIKV-neutralizing antibodies mainly target quaternary structure epitopes on the viral envelope. To map viral epitopes targeted by protective antibodies, we isolated 2 type-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) from a ZIKV case. Both mAbs were strongly neutralizing in vitro and protective in vivo. The mAbs recognize distinct epitopes centered on domains I and II of the envelope protein. We also demonstrate that the epitopes of these mAbs define antigenic regions commonly targeted by plasma antibodies in individuals from endemic and nonendemic regions who have recovered from ZIKV infections

    Qualitative characteristics of meat from confined crossbred heifers fed with lipid sources

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    Lipids have been used in ruminant feed to replace high amounts of grain for increasing the diet energy density, performance and meat quality. This study evaluated the qualitative characteristics of meat from feedlot heifers fed with sources of lipid supplements. Twenty-one crossbred heifers (1/4Nelore × 1/4Santa Gertrudis × 1/2Braunvieh) were used. Each heifer received 60 % forage with a base of corn silage and 40 % concentrate, resulting in 5.8 % lipid content in the total diet. The following sources of lipids were used: soybeans, protected fat and soybean oil. There were no differences on physical characteristics of meat samples from heifers fed with the lipid sources. Soybeans increased the concentration of linoleic acid, content of polyunsaturated fatty acid and activity of the &#916;9-desaturase C16 enzyme in the Longissimus muscle. The use of soybean oil in the diet increased the oleic acid, monounsaturated fatty acid, total cis- and trans-fatty acids (C18:0) and the activity of the &#916;9-desaturase C16 enzyme in the subcutaneous fat. Diets with soybean grain had greater deposition of linoleic and linolenic acids than diets with fat protected and greater presence of these essential fatty acids are associated to a better composition and meat quality

    Developing a predictive modelling capacity for a climate change-vulnerable blanket bog habitat: Assessing 1961-1990 baseline relationships

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    Aim: Understanding the spatial distribution of high priority habitats and developing predictive models using climate and environmental variables to replicate these distributions are desirable conservation goals. The aim of this study was to model and elucidate the contributions of climate and topography to the distribution of a priority blanket bog habitat in Ireland, and to examine how this might inform the development of a climate change predictive capacity for peat-lands in Ireland. Methods: Ten climatic and two topographic variables were recorded for grid cells with a spatial resolution of 1010 km, covering 87% of the mainland land surface of Ireland. Presence-absence data were matched to these variables and generalised linear models (GLMs) fitted to identify the main climatic and terrain predictor variables for occurrence of the habitat. Candidate predictor variables were screened for collinearity, and the accuracy of the final fitted GLM was evaluated using fourfold cross-validation based on the area under the curve (AUC) derived from a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plot. The GLM predicted habitat occurrence probability maps were mapped against the actual distributions using GIS techniques. Results: Despite the apparent parsimony of the initial GLM using only climatic variables, further testing indicated collinearity among temperature and precipitation variables for example. Subsequent elimination of the collinear variables and inclusion of elevation data produced an excellent performance based on the AUC scores of the final GLM. Mean annual temperature and total mean annual precipitation in combination with elevation range were the most powerful explanatory variable group among those explored for the presence of blanket bog habitat. Main conclusions: The results confirm that this habitat distribution in general can be modelled well using the non-collinear climatic and terrain variables tested at the grid resolution used. Mapping the GLM-predicted distribution to the observed distribution produced useful results in replicating the projected occurrence of the habitat distribution over an extensive area. The methods developed will usefully inform future climate change predictive modelling for Irelan