13 research outputs found

    Sobre la bionomía de los Celíferos (Orthoptera, Caelifera) de Cantabria (N. España)

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    En: Actas de la 5.ª Reunión Internacional de la Sociedad de Ortopterólogos. 17-20 julio, 1989 Valsaín (Segovia), EspañaSe presenta un estudio bianómico sobre cl muestreo de Ortópteros Celíferos realizado en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria desde el año 1985 hasta el actual. La Comunidad de Cantabria. situada en el norte de la Península Ibérica. tiene una extensión aproximada de 5.300 km' y una gradación altitudinal desde O hasta los 2.600 m. Presenta igualmente grandes variaciones climáticas con la consiguiente diversidad botánica. El citado muestreo se efectuó en un total de 119 localidades. de las que se han obtenido 162 muestras con las que se ha procurado recolectar ejemplares en todas las cuadrículas con coordenadas U.T.M. de 10 km de lado. así como todos los biotopos existentes. Esta prospección ha proporcionado un total de 6.496 ejemplares de Ortópteros Celiferos pertenecientes a 41 especies de 20 géneros agrupados en 3 familias (Tetrigidae. Catantopidae y Acrididae). de las cuales 12 especies y dos subespecies constituyen nuevas citas para Cantabria. Se describen las comunidades vegetales muestreadas y se relacionan las especies de Celíferos encontradas

    Second law analysis of two-stage vapour compression refrigeration plants

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    [EN] This paper describes a Second Law Analysis based on experimental data of a two-stage vapour compression facility driven by a compound compressor for medium and low-capacity refrigeration applications, which operates with the most usual inter-stage configurations (direct liquid injection and subcooler). The experimental analysis is performed for an evaporating temperature range between 36 degrees C and 20 degrees C and for a condensing temperature range between 30 degrees C and 47 degrees C using the refrigerant R-404A. The final results are compared with energy analysis from previous works. Additionally, a new criterion of equivalence between the simple vapour compression cycle and the two-stage compression cycle is given.The authors are indebted to the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (CTM2008-06468-C02-02/TECNO) and to the Spanish Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (200800050084716) for their economic support to this work.Torrella Alcaraz, E.; Llopis, R.; Cabello, R.; Sanchez, D.; Larumbe, J. (2010). Second law analysis of two-stage vapour compression refrigeration plants. International Journal of Exergy. 7(6):641-653. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJEX.2010.035512S6416537

    A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Healthcare Cost of Breast Cancer Patients

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    This paper presents a novel machine learning approach to per- form an early prediction of the healthcare cost of breast cancer patients. The learning phase of our prediction method considers the following two steps: i) in the first step, the patients are clustered taking into account the sequences of ac- tions undergoing similar clinical activities and ensuring similar healthcare costs, and ii) a Markov chain is then learned for each group to describe the action- sequences of the patients in the cluster. A two step procedure is undertaken in the prediction phase: i) first, the healthcare cost of a new patient’s treatment is estimated based on the average healthcare cost of its k−nearest neighbors in each group, and ii) finally, an aggregate measure of the healthcare cost estimated by each group is used as the final predicted cost. Experiments undertaken reveal a mean absolute percentage error as small as 6%, even when half of the clinical records of a patient is available, substantiating the early prediction capability of the proposed method. Comparative analysis substantiates the superiority of the proposed algorithm over the state-of-the-art techniques.IT1244-19 PID2019-104966GB-I00 TIN2016-78365-

    Correlaciones entre la SPECT cerebral y la evaluación neuropsicológica en los estadios leve y moderado de la enfermedad de Alzheimer

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    Se evaluaron 34 pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) probable (EA leve = 16; EA moderada = 18) y 12 controles mediante un estudio semicuantitativo de SPECT con 99mTc-HMPAO y la batería de tests neuropsicológicos CERAD. Resultados: La hipoperfusión temporal (p < 0,01) y los tests de memoria (p < 0,001) permitieron diferenciar los controles de los pacientes con EA leve. En estos pacientes se observaron también correlaciones significativas (p < 0,05) entre: test de recuerdo diferido-hipoperfusión temporal, test de aprendizaje-hipoperfusión temporoparietal y frontal y praxis visuoconstructiva-hipoperfusión temporal posterior. Los pacientes con EA moderada mostraron, respecto a la EA leve, una mayor hipoperfusión temporal (p < 0,01), parietal y frontal (p < 0,05), junto a un empeoramiento de la praxis (p < 0,001) y los test de memoria (p < 0,05). Conclusiones: La SPECT y la evaluación neuropsicológica permiten distinguir entre controles y pacientes con estadios leve y moderado de la EA, existiendo una estrecha correlación entre ambos métodos desde las etapas iniciales de la enfermedad

    Sobre la bionomía de los Celíferos (Orthoptera, Caelifera) de Cantabria (N. España)

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    En: Actas de la 5.ª Reunión Internacional de la Sociedad de Ortopterólogos. 17-20 julio, 1989 Valsaín (Segovia), EspañaSe presenta un estudio bianómico sobre cl muestreo de Ortópteros Celíferos realizado en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria desde el año 1985 hasta el actual. La Comunidad de Cantabria. situada en el norte de la Península Ibérica. tiene una extensión aproximada de 5.300 km' y una gradación altitudinal desde O hasta los 2.600 m. Presenta igualmente grandes variaciones climáticas con la consiguiente diversidad botánica. El citado muestreo se efectuó en un total de 119 localidades. de las que se han obtenido 162 muestras con las que se ha procurado recolectar ejemplares en todas las cuadrículas con coordenadas U.T.M. de 10 km de lado. así como todos los biotopos existentes. Esta prospección ha proporcionado un total de 6.496 ejemplares de Ortópteros Celiferos pertenecientes a 41 especies de 20 géneros agrupados en 3 familias (Tetrigidae. Catantopidae y Acrididae). de las cuales 12 especies y dos subespecies constituyen nuevas citas para Cantabria. Se describen las comunidades vegetales muestreadas y se relacionan las especies de Celíferos encontradas

    On-site real-time evaluation of an air-conditioning direct-fired double-effect absorption chiller

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    This work presents a procedure for calculating the COP and heat transfer rates, based on on-site experimental temperature measurements, of a lithium-bromide/water direct-fired double-effect absorption chiller in reverse parallel flow configuration, running on natural gas. The chiller was equipped with a set of thermocouples which allowed measuring its working temperature levels through all its operating stages. The chiller analysed in this work is the central cooling system of the air-conditioning installation of the Principe Felipe Science Museum, located at the Valencia's City of Arts and Sciences (Spain). This installation is capable of providing a cooling capacity of 4.5 millions of kcal/h (5.2 MW), by means of three direct-fired double-effect absorption chillers. From the experimental measurements a calculation procedure, based on energy and mass balances, has been developed, which allows estimating the specific powers by unit of mass flow rate through the evaporator. From these power values the instantaneous COP of the chiller could be obtained. Additionally, the paper analyzes different aspects that were not possible to be considered and details the actions taken in order to take them into account.Absorption chiller Double-effect cycle LiBr-water Coefficient of performance Air-conditioning

    Correlaciones entre la SPECT cerebral y la evaluación neuropsicológica en los estadios leve y moderado de la enfermedad de Alzheimer

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    Se evaluaron 34 pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) probable (EA leve = 16; EA moderada = 18) y 12 controles mediante un estudio semicuantitativo de SPECT con 99mTc-HMPAO y la batería de tests neuropsicológicos CERAD. Resultados: La hipoperfusión temporal (p < 0,01) y los tests de memoria (p < 0,001) permitieron diferenciar los controles de los pacientes con EA leve. En estos pacientes se observaron también correlaciones significativas (p < 0,05) entre: test de recuerdo diferido-hipoperfusión temporal, test de aprendizaje-hipoperfusión temporoparietal y frontal y praxis visuoconstructiva-hipoperfusión temporal posterior. Los pacientes con EA moderada mostraron, respecto a la EA leve, una mayor hipoperfusión temporal (p < 0,01), parietal y frontal (p < 0,05), junto a un empeoramiento de la praxis (p < 0,001) y los test de memoria (p < 0,05). Conclusiones: La SPECT y la evaluación neuropsicológica permiten distinguir entre controles y pacientes con estadios leve y moderado de la EA, existiendo una estrecha correlación entre ambos métodos desde las etapas iniciales de la enfermedad

    A general methodology for energy comparison of intermediate configurations in two-stage vapour compression refrigeration systems

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    The aim of the present paper is to describe a general methodology suitable for analysing any intermediate configuration considered in staged vapour compression refrigeration cycles. This general methodology only depends on two basic parameters related to the subcooling and desuperheating obtained in the inter-stage system. A COP expression based on the two basic parameters was obtained from the general configuration. By means of its particularization to seven common configurations, it was then possible to make an energy comparison of the various configurations working with two fluids appropriated for the low temperature domain such as ammonia and R-404A.The authors are indebted to the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (CTM2008-06468-C02-02/TECNO) and to the Spanish Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs (200800050084716) for their economic support to this work.Torrella Alcaraz, E.; Larumbe Bernad, JA.; Cabello, R.; Llopis, R.; Sanchez, D. (2011). A general methodology for energy comparison of intermediate configurations in two-stage vapour compression refrigeration systems. Energy. 36(7):4119-4124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2011.04.034S4119412436

    Energy influence of the IHX with R22 drop-in and long-term substitutes in refrigeration plants

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    This work focuses on the investigation of new drop-in or long-term refrigerants for low evaporating temperatures that can be used as substitutes for HCFC-22, which is gradually being phased-out. This process is already in progress in European countries (Regulation CE-1005/2009) and has been accelerated in Article 5 Countries of the Montreal Protocol. Specifically, in this work the energy influence of the suction line/liquid line heat exchanger on the new substitute fluids is addressed from an experimental approach. The study has been based on experimental measurements in a single-stage vapour compression refrigeration plant, which has been tested in the same external conditions operating with and without an Internal Heat Exchanger (IHX). The energy influence of the IHX working with R22 and three potential substitutes for low temperature applications, the chlorine-free drop-in fluids R417B and R422A and the chlorine-free long-term substitute R404A has been analysed. From the experimental results, reductions in capacity and COP have been observed when R22 is replaced by the drop-in fluids, although the presence of an IHX can help to lessen these reductions. Furthermore, the criteria that are usually employed to determine the energy advantage or disadvantage of the use of the IHX with the new refrigerants have been tested, the results confirming that they remain valid for them.Cabello, R.; Torrella Alcaraz, E.; Llopis, R.; Sanchez, D.; Larumbe, J. (2013). Energy influence of the IHX with R22 drop-in and long-term substitutes in refrigeration plants. Applied Thermal Engineering. 50(1):260-267. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2012.06.008S26026750