402 research outputs found

    Local versus Nonlocal Order Parameter Field Theories for Quantum Phase Transitions

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    General conditions are formulated that allow to determine which quantum phase transitions in itinerant electron systems can be described by a local Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson or LGW theory solely in terms of the order parameter. A crucial question is the degree to which the order parameter fluctuations couple to other soft modes. Three general classes of zero-wavenumber order parameters, in the particle-hole spin-singlet and spin-triplet channels, and in the particle-particle channel, respectively, are considered. It is shown that the particle-hole spin-singlet class does allow for a local LGW theory, while the other two classes do not. The implications of this result for the critical behavior at various quantum phase transitions are discussed, as is the connection with nonanalyticities in the wavenumber dependence of order parameter susceptibilities in the disordered phase.Comment: 9 pp., LaTeX, no figs, final version as publishe

    Finite size effects and localization properties of disordered quantum wires with chiral symmetry

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    Finite size effects in the localization properties of disordered quantum wires are analyzed through conductance calculations. Disorder is induced by introducing vacancies at random positions in the wire and thus preserving the chiral symmetry. For quasi one-dimensional geometries and low concentration of vacancies, an exponential decay of the mean conductance with the wire length is obtained even at the center of the energy band. For wide wires, finite size effects cause the conductance to decay following a non-pure exponential law. We propose an analytical formula for the mean conductance that reproduces accurately the numerical data for both geometries. However, when the concentration of vacancies increases above a critical value, a transition towards the suppression of the conductance occurs. This is a signature of the presence of ultra-localized states trapped in finite regions of the sample.Comment: 5 figures, revtex

    Ground-state clusters of two-, three- and four-dimensional +-J Ising spin glasses

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    A huge number of independent true ground-state configurations is calculated for two-, three- and four-dimensional +- J spin-glass models. Using the genetic cluster-exact approximation method, system sizes up to N=20^2,8^3,6^4 spins are treated. A ``ballistic-search'' algorithm is applied which allows even for large system sizes to identify clusters of ground states which are connected by chains of zero-energy flips of spins. The number of clusters n_C diverges with N going to infinity. For all dimensions considered here, an exponential increase of n_C appears to be more likely than a growth with a power of N. The number of different ground states is found to grow clearly exponentially with N. A zero-temperature entropy per spin of s_0=0.078(5)k_B (2d), s_0=0.051(3)k_B (3d) respectively s_0=0.027(5)k_B (4d) is obtained.Comment: large extensions, now 12 pages, 9 figures, 27 reference

    Universal Scaling of Strong-Field Localization in an Integer Quantum Hall Liquid

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    We study the Landau level localization and scaling properties of a disordered two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of a strong external magnetic field. The impurities are treated as random distributed scattering centers with parameterized potentials. Using a transfer matrix for a finite-width strip geometry, we calculate the localization length as a function of system size and electron energy. The finite-size localization length is determined by calculating the Lyapunov exponents of the transfer matrix. A detailed finite-size scaling analysis is used to study the critical behavior near the center of the Landau bands. The influence of varying the impurity concentration, the scattering potential range and its nature, and the Landau level index on the scaling behavior and on the critical exponent is systematically investigated. Particular emphasis is put on studying the effects of finite range of the disorder potential and Landau level coupling on the quantum localization behavior. Our numerical results, which are carried out on systems much larger than those studied before, indicate that pure δ\delta-function disorder in the absence of any Landau level coupling gives rise to non-universal localization properties with the critical exponents in the lowest two Landau levels being substantially different. Inclusion of a finite potential range and/or Landau level mixing may be essential in producing universality in the localization.Comment: 28 pages, Latex, 17 figures (available upon request), #phd0

    Simulations of neutron background in a time projection chamber relevant to dark matter searches

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    Presented here are results of simulations of neutron background performed for a time projection chamber acting as a particle dark matter detector in an underground laboratory. The investigated background includes neutrons from rock and detector components, generated via spontaneous fission and (alpha, n) reactions, as well as those due to cosmic-ray muons. Neutrons were propagated to the sensitive volume of the detector and the nuclear recoil spectra were calculated. Methods of neutron background suppression were also examined and limitations to the sensitivity of a gaseous dark matter detector are discussed. Results indicate that neutrons should not limit sensitivity to WIMP-nucleon interactions down to a level of (1 - 3) x 10^{-8} pb in a 10 kg detector.Comment: 27 pages (total, including 3 tables and 11 figures). Accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research - Section

    Quantum field theory of metallic spin glasses

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    We introduce an effective field theory for the vicinity of a zero temperature quantum transition between a metallic spin glass (``spin density glass'') and a metallic quantum paramagnet. Following a mean field analysis, we perform a perturbative renormalization-group study and find that the critical properties are dominated by static disorder-induced fluctuations, and that dynamic quantum-mechanical effects are dangerously irrelevant. A Gaussian fixed point is stable for a finite range of couplings for spatial dimensionality d>8d > 8, but disorder effects always lead to runaway flows to strong coupling for d8d \leq 8. Scaling hypotheses for a {\em static\/} strong-coupling critical field theory are proposed. The non-linear susceptibility has an anomalously weak singularity at such a critical point. Although motivated by a perturbative study of metallic spin glasses, the scaling hypotheses are more general, and could apply to other quantum spin glass to paramagnet transitions.Comment: 16 pages, REVTEX 3.0, 2 postscript figures; version contains reference to related work in cond-mat/950412

    Universal corrections to the Fermi-liquid theory

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    We show that the singularities in the dynamical bosonic response functions of a generic 2D Fermi liquid give rise to universal, non-analytic corrections to the Fermi-liquid theory. These corrections yield a T2T^2 term in the specific heat, TT terms in the effective mass and the uniform spin susceptibility χs(Q=0,T)\chi_s (Q=0,T), and Q|Q| term in χs(Q,T=0)\chi_s (Q,T=0). The existence of these terms has been the subject of recent controversy, which is resolved in this paper. We present exact expressions for all non-analytic terms to second order in a generic interaction U(q)U(q) and show that only U(0) and U(2pF)U(2p_F) matter.Comment: references added, a typo correcte

    Mixtures of Bosonic and Fermionic Atoms in Optical Lattices

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    We discuss the theory of mixtures of Bosonic and Fermionic atoms in periodic potentials at zero temperature. We derive a general Bose--Fermi Hubbard Hamiltonian in a one--dimensional optical lattice with a superimposed harmonic trapping potential. We study the conditions for linear stability of the mixture and derive a mean field criterion for the onset of a Bosonic superfluid transition. We investigate the ground state properties of the mixture in the Gutzwiller formulation of mean field theory, and present numerical studies of finite systems. The Bosonic and Fermionic density distributions and the onset of quantum phase transitions to demixing and to a Bosonic Mott--insulator are studied as a function of the lattice potential strength. The existence is predicted of a disordered phase for mixtures loaded in very deep lattices. Such a disordered phase possessing many degenerate or quasi--degenerate ground states is related to a breaking of the mirror symmetry in the lattice.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures; added discussions; conclusions and references expande

    Spin-Glass State in CuGa2O4\rm CuGa_2O_4

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    Magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, specific heat and positive muon spin relaxation (\musr) measurements have been used to characterize the magnetic ground-state of the spinel compound CuGa2O4\rm CuGa_2O_4. We observe a spin-glass transition of the S=1/2 Cu2+\rm Cu^{2+} spins below Tf=2.5K\rm T_f=2.5K characterized by a cusp in the susceptibility curve which suppressed when a magnetic field is applied. We show that the magnetization of CuGa2O4\rm CuGa_2O_4 depends on the magnetic histo Well below Tf\rm T_f, the muon signal resembles the dynamical Kubo-Toyabe expression reflecting that the spin freezing process in CuGa2O4\rm CuGa_2O_4 results Gaussian distribution of the magnetic moments. By means of Monte-Carlo simulati we obtain the relevant exchange integrals between the Cu2+\rm Cu^{2+} spins in this compound.Comment: 6 pages, 16 figure

    Diamagnetic Persistent Currents and Spontaneous Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Mesoscopic Structures

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    Recently, new strongly interacting phases have been uncovered in mesoscopic systems with chaotic scattering at the boundaries by two of the present authors and R. Shankar. This analysis is reliable when the dimensionless conductance of the system is large, and is nonperturbative in both disorder and interactions. The new phases are the mesoscopic analogue of spontaneous distortions of the Fermi surface induced by interactions in bulk systems and can occur in any Fermi liquid channel with angular momentum mm. Here we show that the phase with mm even has a diamagnetic persistent current (seen experimentally but mysterious theoretically), while that with mm odd can be driven through a transition which spontaneously breaks time-reversal symmetry by increasing the coupling to dissipative leads.Comment: 4 pages, three eps figure