2,110 research outputs found

    A consistent pattern of minor immunodeficiency and subtle enteropathy in children with multiple food allergy

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    J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2004 Jul;39(1):101-2. A consistent pattern of minor immunodeficiency and subtle enteropathy in children with multiple food allergy. Gomes L, Dias JA. Hospital Santo António, Porto, Portugal. PMID: 15187791 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Effect of fresh spent coffee grounds on the oxidative stress and antioxidant response in lettuce plants

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    Spent coffee grounds (SCG) are widely used in the domestic cultures, apparently as fertilizer and due to its repellent effect. However, scientific evidences about their effect on plants remain unknown. The high residual amounts of caffeine (about 0.2%) in SCG, together with tannins and chlorogenic acids, might impose some toxicity to the plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the oxidative stress response of lettuce plants to fresh SCG. The roots of one month-old lettuces plantlets cv. “Wonder of four seasons” were immersed in aqueous solutions with different fresh SCG concentrations [0%, 5%, 10% and 15% (w/v)]. During the first 24 hours of elicitation, the roots and leaves were periodically harvested and the levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), as well as the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), were determined. The results indicated that fresh SCG induce oxidative stress in lettuce plants. An increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS), namely on H2O2, was more evident within the first 12 h of elicitation with increasing fresh SCG concentrations. This pattern was coincident with an increase of SOD activity, but not of CAT. Oxidative stress induction by fresh SCG was observed in both roots and leaves, being more noticed in the former. Altogether, the results show that the fresh SCG modify the equilibrium between production and scavenging of ROS, causing oxidative stress in lettuce plants, especially at the root level.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) através do Projeto PTDC/AGR-AAM/102447/2008

    Effect of fresh and composted spent coffee grounds on lettuce growth, photosynthetic pigments and mineral composition

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    The coffee industry has experienced a constant growth and, as a consequence, large amounts of residues are generated worldwide. One of the main coffee residues are spent coffee grounds (SCG), which are the solid residues obtained after preparation of the coffee beverages. References to its use as organic fertilizer in domestic cultures, especially in gardens, are common. However, scientific evidence of its effectiveness or even safety remains largely unknown. The main objective of this work was to assess the effect of SCG, both composted and uncomposted, on Lactuca sativa L. growth and mineral composition under greenhouse conditions. It is also expected to find the optimum dose of SCG that would give maximum lettuce growth. With this purpose, lettuce plants cv. “Four seasons” were grown on topsoil (control) or in topsoil mixed with different concentrations of fresh (2.5; 5; 10; 15; 20%, v/v) or composted (5; 10; 15; 20; 30%, v/v) SCG. After 39 days of transplantation, the plants were collected and used to evaluate several growth parameters, as well as photosynthetic pigments and mineral contents on leaves. The application of both fresh and composted SCG, as well as their concentrations, had significant influence on all the parameters measured. Fresh SCG stimulated the plant growth at low concentrations (2.5-5%) but without significant differences when compared to control. A similar effect was observed for composted SCG, but only when applied at high concentrations (≥10%). By contrast, the foliar-N, -P and K- contents were, in general, reduced by fresh and composted SCG. When comparing to fresh SCG, the composted SCG resulted, in average, in higher carotenoids content, foliar-N and -K contents, and plant growth. Both treatments could be used to recycle coffee grounds with demonstrated horticultural benefits.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) através do Projeto PTDC/AGR-AAM/102447/2008

    Endophytic and epiphytic phyllosphere fungal communities are shaped by different environmental factors in a Mediterranean ecosystem

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    The diversity and potential factors that influence fungal assemblages in the phyllosphere ofMediterranean tree species have been barely studied, especially when endophytic and epiphytic communities are simultaneously considered. The endophytic and epiphytic fungal communities in the phyllosphere of olive tree, a typically Mediterranean species adapted to grow under adverse climatic conditions, were studied for evaluating differences between both fungal communities, and examine whether different abiotic (climate-related) and biotic (plant organ) factors play a role in structuring these communities. Both communities differed in size and composition, being the epiphytic community richer and more abundant, displaying a dominance of melanized fungi. Season was the major driver of community composition, ~ especially of epiphytes. Other drivers shaping epiphytes were wind speed and temperature. Plant organ, rainfall, and temperature were drivers of endophytic composition. In contrast, limited variation is provided by canopy orientation, but its effect was distinct among seasons. In conclusion, epiphytic and endophytic communities are not driven by the same factors. Several sources of variation interact in complex ways to form and maintain the phyllosphere fungal community in Mediterranean climates. The importance of climatic parameters for these fungal communities suggests that they are likely to be affected by future climate change.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Clinical quiz.

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    J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2005 Oct;41(4):483-4, 484. Clinical quiz. Prior AC, Selores M, Pina R, Dias JA, Costa FM, Vale L, Gomes L. Department of Pediatrics, Hospital Geral de Santo António, Portugal. PMID: 16205521 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLIN

    Effect of addition of fresh and composted coffee grounds on antioxidant activity of lettuce

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    O café é um dos produtos agrícolas de maior importância no comércio mundial, sendo maioritariamente produzido nas regiões tropicais e consumido, principalmente, na Europa e Estados Unidos da América. Ao consumo elevado de café encontra-se associado a produção de resíduos de baixo valor. A reutilização de resíduos do café tem sido uma das prioridades dos países produtores, tanto por razões ecológicas como económicas e sociais. As potencialidades do aproveitamento da borra de café têm sido pouco exploradas. Nesse sentido no presente trabalho avaliou-se os efeitos da aplicação da borra de café, compostada e não compostada, e da sua concentração nas propriedades biológicas de plantas de alface (Lactuca sativa L.). Estudaram-se dois substratos para o cultivo das plantas: borra de café fresca e borra de café compostada, ambos misturados com terra vegetal em diversas proporções. Após obtenção de extratos das alfaces determinou-se a capacidade redutora total (CRT), o efeito bloqueador do radical livre de DPPH e o poder redutor. Em relação à aplicação de borra de café no cultivo de alface, verificou-se que ao usar borra de café compostada, o efeito bloqueador do radical livre DPPH e o poder redutor para essas plantas, foram semelhantes aos determinados para o controlo, independentemente da concentração em borra de café utilizada. Pelo contrário, foi obtida maior atividade antioxidante em alfaces cultivadas em borra de café fresca, principalmente para as concentrações de 15 e 20% (v/v). Estes resultados indicam que o uso de elevadas concentrações de borra de café fresca pode funcionar como um indutor de stress, originando uma maior produção de compostos com atividade antioxidante.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)através do projeto PTDC/AGR-AAM/102447/2008

    Application of response surface methodology for obtaining lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) by-products extracts with high antioxidative properties

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    The main objective of the present work was to optimize the extraction conditions for simultaneous maximization of total reducing (TRC) and antioxidant (AC) capacities for lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) by-products extracts, using response surface methodology. For this, a design of experiments (DOE) with different combinations of solvents (water, methanol and acetone) extraction temperatures (30–60 ◦C) and time (10–60 min) on the TRC and AC was applied. Higher and consistent fittings using second order polynomial models of the experimental data with regard to TRC (R2 = 0.529, p lack of fit > 0.05) and AC (R2 = 0.900, p lack of fit > 0.05) were obtained with methanol. The optimum extraction conditions based on combination responses for TRC and AC were: 30% methanol (v/v), 60 ◦C and 60 min. A close agreement between experimental and predicted values was found when applying these conditions. Furthermore, when aqueous extracts were prepared (e.g. 45 ◦ C, 10 min), these presented similar TRC and AC properties to those obtained by the above optimum extraction conditions, having the advantage of applying mild extraction conditions and avoiding the use of organic solvents in their preparation.FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) e o FEDER através do programa COMPETE através dos projetos projects FCOMP- 01-0124-FEDER-008703 (FCT/PTDC/AGR-AAM/102447/2008), PEst-C/EQB/LA0006/2011, e PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/201

    Acumulação de matéria seca e micronutrientes pela planta matriz da bananeira cv. prata (Musa AAB, subgrupo prata) em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento

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    A field experiment was conducted with banana plant cultivar Prata, in Cambissolic soil, at Espírito Santo State, Brazil, to study the curve of growth and boron, zinc, copper uptake, removed and returned to the soil. Three mother plants were selected at twelve different development stages. Samples of leaf, petiole, pseudostem, rhizome, stalk, bud flower and fruit were taken. Dry matter weight and percentage of micronutrients were measured, and the collected data were ajusted in a regression program. The following conclusions were drawn up: boron, zinc and copper uptake are influenced by dry matter production, except Cu in the petiole; the uptake ratio is 5 Zn: 2,5 B: 1 Cu; a high amount of B, Za and Cu can be returned to the soil with plant management; in a rational program for micronutrients fertilizer, it is necessary to take into account the amount of nutrients exported at the fruit harvest, especially boron.Visando estabelecer a curva de crescimento da matéria seca, marcha de absorção, quantidade exportada e reciclada de boro, zinco e cobre, instalou-se um ensaio no Estado do Espírito Santo, em solo cambissólico distrófico com declividade média de 40%. Sorteou-se três plantas matrizes, bimensalmente até 300 dias e mensalmente até 465 dias após o plantio, que foram separadas em folha, pecíolo, pseudo-caule, rizoma, engaço, botão floral e fruto. Determinou-se a massa de matéria seca e o teor de micronutrientes destes órgãos, cujos dados foram ajustados em programa de regressão, obtendo-se as curvas de acumulação de matéria seca e de absorção dos micronutrientes. Dos resultados conclui-se que: a absorção do boro, zinco e cobre pelos órgãos estudados, acompanha a acumulação de matéria seca, exceto o cobre, no pecíolo; 70% dos micronutrientes analisados são absorvidos a partir de 240 dias após o plantio; ocorre uma razão de absorção de 5 Zn, 2,5 B, 1 Cu; podem ser exportados com a colheita cerca de 10% B, 5,5% Zn e 3% Cu

    Acúmulo de macronutrientes pela bananeira cv. prata em diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento

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    A field experiment was conducted with the banana plant Prata cultivar, in a Cambisol, in Cariacica, Espírito Santo State, Brazil, to study the major nutrient uptake, removal and return to the soil. Three mother (up to harvest), and ratoon plants (up to months after emergence) were selected at twelve and nine different development stages , respectively. Samples of leaf, petiole, pseudostem, rhyzome, stalk, bud flower and fruit were taken. Percentages of N, P, K, Ca and Mg, were measured. The following conclusions, for mother and ratoon plants, were drawn: a large amount of major nutrients are needed for vegetative development and yield; major nutrient uptake are influenced by dry matter production, except K in the petiole; the uptake ratio between the major nutrients is 20 K : 12N : 10Mg: :9 Ca : 1 P for the mother plant and of 26 .5K:8N :4.5Mg: : 4.5Ca:l P for the ratoon plant. A high amount of major nutrients can be returned to the soil with plant management. In a rational program of major nutrient fertilizer, it is necessary to take into account the amount of nutrients exported by harvest, especially N, P and K. The ratoon plant accumulated a larger amount of major nutrients than the mother plant.Visando estabelecer a marcha de absorção, quantidade exportada e reciclada de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio e cálcio na bananeira cultivar Prata, instalou-se um ensaio no Estado do Espírito Santo, em janeiro de 1980, em terreno com declividade média de 40% e solo cambissólico distrófico. Sorteou-se três plantas matrizes do plantio até 465 dias após (colheita),sendo bimensal até 300 dias e mensal até o final, totalizando doze estádios de desenvolvimento, e três plantas rebento, mensalmente, da emissão até 300 dias após, atingindo nove estádios. Cada bananeira foi dividida em folha, pecíolo, pseudocaule, rizoma, engaço, botão floral e fruto para se analisar os macronutrientes. A partir dos dados coletados ajustou-se um programa de regressão e obteve-se as curvas de absorção de macronutrientes, cujos resultados permitiram concluir que, as plantas matriz e rebento: necessitam de expressivas quantidades de macronutrientes para desenvolver e produzir; apresentam uma absorção de macronutrientes que acompanha a matéria seca acumulada pelos órgãos, exceto para o potássio no período; absorvem mais de setenta e cinco por cento de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio após o estádio de 180 dias e acima de setenta por cento do cálcio e magnésio, a partir de 240 e 120 dias; podem repor ao solo grande parte dos macronutrientes absorvidos; apresentam uma razão de absorção de macronutrientes de 20 K:12 N:10 Mg: 9 Ca: 1 P e de 26,5:8 N:4,5 Mg: 4,5 Ca: 1 P. Conclui-se ainda que: deve-se considerar a quantidade de macronutrientes exportados com a colheita e consumo dos frutos, principalmente nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio, em um programa de adubação; a planta rebento acumula mais macronutrientes do que a planta matriz