782 research outputs found

    Oblique triangular antiferromagnetic phase in CsCu1x_{1-x}Cox_xCl3_3

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    The spin-1/2 stacked triangular antiferromagnet CsCu1x_{1-x}Cox_xCl3_3 with 0.015<x<0.0320.015<x<0.032 undergoes two phase transitions at zero field. The low-temperature phase is produced by the small amount of Co2+^{2+} doping. In order to investigate the magnetic structures of the two ordered phases, the neutron elastic scattering experiments have been carried out for the sample with x0.03x\approx 0.03. It is found that the intermediate phase is identical to the ordered phase of CsCuCl3_3, and that the low-temperature phase is an oblique triangular antiferromagnetic phase in which the spins form a triangular structure in a plane tilted from the basal plane. The tilting angle which is 42^{\circ} at T=1.6T=1.6 K decreases with increasing temperature, and becomes zero at TN2=7.2T_{\rm N2} =7.2 K. An off-diagonal exchange term is proposed as the origin of the oblique phase.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    A novel tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3 mutation reveals a common molecular phenotype in sorsby's fundus dystrophy

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    Sorsby’s fundus dystrophy (SFD) is a dominantly inherited degenerative disease of the retina that leads to loss of vision in middle age. It has been shown to be caused by mutations in the gene for tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3 (TIMP-3). Five different mutations have previously been identified, all introducing an extra cysteine residue into exon 5 (which forms part of the C-terminal domain) of the TIMP-3 molecule; however, the significance of these mutations to the disease phenotype was unknown. In this report, we describe the expression of several of these mutated genes, together with a previously unreported novel TIMP-3 mutation from a family with SFD that results in truncation of most of the C-terminal domain of the molecule. Despite these differences, all of these molecules are expressed and exhibit characteristics of the normal protein, including inhibition of metalloproteinases and binding to the extracellular matrix. However, unlike wild-type TIMP-3, they all form dimers. These observations, together with the recent finding that expression of TIMP-3 is increased, rather than decreased, in eyes from patients with SFD, provides compelling evidence that dimerized TIMP-3 plays an active role in the disease process by accumulating in the eye. Increased expression of TIMP-3 is also observed in other degenerative retinal diseases, including the more severe forms of agerelated macular degeneration, the most common cause of blindness in the elderly in developed countries. We hypothesize that overexpression of TIMP-3 may prove to be a critical step in the progression of a variety of degenerative retinopathies

    Clustering of 27,525,663 death records from the United States based on health conditions associated with death: an example of big health data exploration

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    Background: Insight into health conditions associated with death can inform healthcare policy. We aimed to cluster 27,525,663 deceased people based on the health conditions associated with death to study the associations between the health condition clusters, demographics, the recorded underlying cause and place of death. Methods: Data from all deaths in the United States registered between 2006 and 2016 from the National Vital Statistics System of the National Center for Health Statistics were analyzed. A self-organizing map (SOM) was used to create an ordered representation of the mortality data. Results: 16 clusters based on the health conditions associated with death were found showing significant differences in socio-demographics, place, and cause of death. Most people died at old age (73.1 (18.0) years) and had multiple health conditions. Chronic ischemic heart disease was the main cause of death. Most people died in the hospital or at home. Conclusions: The prevalence of multiple health conditions at death requires a shift from disease-oriented towards person-centred palliative care at the end of life, including timely advance care planning. Understanding differences in population-based patterns and clusters of end-of-life experiences is an important step toward developing a strategy for implementing population-based palliative care

    The Metallicity Distribution and Hot Jupiter Rate of the Kepler Field: Hectochelle High-resolution Spectroscopy for 776 Kepler Target Stars

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    The occurrence rate of hot Jupiters from the Kepler transit survey is roughly half that of radial velocity surveys targeting solar neighborhood stars. One hypothesis to explain this difference is that the two surveys target stars with different stellar metallicity distributions. To test this hypothesis, we measure the metallicity distribution of the Kepler targets using the Hectochelle multi-fiber, high-resolution spectrograph. Limiting our spectroscopic analysis to 610 dwarf stars in our sample with &gt; 3.5, we measure a metallicity distribution characterized by a mean of [M H]mean = -0.045 ± 0.009, in agreement with previous studies of the Kepler field target stars. In comparison, the metallicity distribution of the California Planet Search radial velocity sample has a mean of [M H]CPS,mean = -0.005 ± 0.006, and the samples come from different parent populations according to a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. We refit the exponential relation between the fraction of stars hosting a close-in giant planet and the host star metallicity using a sample of dwarf stars from the California Planet Search with updated metallicities. The best-fit relation tells us that the difference in metallicity between the two samples is insufficient to explain the discrepant hot Jupiter occurrence rates; the metallicity difference would need to be ≃0.2-0.3 dex for perfect agreement. We also show that (sub)giant contamination in the Kepler sample cannot reconcile the two occurrence calculations. We conclude that other factors, such as binary contamination and imperfect stellar properties, must also be at play

    A rule driven approach for developing adaptive service oriented business collaboration

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    Current composite web service development and management solutions, e.g. BPEL, do not cater for flexible and adaptive business collaborations due to their pre-defined and inflexible nature that precludes them accommodating business dynamics. In this paper we propose a rule driven approach for adaptive business collaboration development in which rules drive and govern the development process. We introduce the Business Collaboration Development Framework (BCDF), which provides enterprizes with the context to define their capabilities and business collaboration agreements. Subsequently, we explain how rules can drive and control the business collaboration development process to develop complete, correct and consistent business collaboration agreements that are conform the conditions under which parties wish to cooperate.12 page(s

    The JCMT Legacy Survey of the Gould Belt: a first look at Orion B with HARP

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    ‘The definitive version is available at www3.interscience.wiley.com '. Copyright Royal Astronomical Society.The Gould Belt Legacy Survey will survey nearby star-forming regions (within 500 pc), using Heterodyne Array Receiver Programme (HARP), Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 and Polarimeter 2 on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. This paper describes the initial data obtained using HARP to observe 12CO, 13CO and C18O J= 3 → 2 towards two regions in Orion B, NGC 2024 and NGC 2071. We describe the physical characteristics of the two clouds, calculating temperatures and opacities utilizing all the three isotopologues. We find good agreement between temperatures calculated from CO and from dust emission in the dense, energetic regions. We determine the mass and energetics of the clouds, and of the high-velocity material seen in 12CO emission, and compare the relative energetics of the high- and low-velocity material in the two clouds. We present a clumpfind analysis of the 13CO condensations. The slope of the condensation mass functions, at the high-mass ends, is similar to the slope of the initial mass function.Peer reviewe

    Fermions on an Interval: Quark and Lepton Masses without a Higgs

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    We consider fermions on an extra dimensional interval. We find the boundary conditions at the ends of the interval that are consistent with the variational principle, and explain which ones arise in various physical circumstances. We apply these results to higgsless models of electroweak symmetry breaking, where electroweak symmetry is not broken by a scalar vacuum expectation value, but rather by the boundary conditions of the gauge fields. We show that it is possible to find a set of boundary conditions for bulk fermions that would give a realistic fermion mass spectrum without the presence of a Higgs scalar, and present some sample fermion mass spectra for the standard model quarks and leptons as well as their resonances.Comment: LaTeX, 36 pages, 5 figure

    Palaeoproterozoic magnesite: lithological and isotopic evidence for playa/sabkha environments

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    Magnesite forms a series of 1- to 15-m-thick beds within the approximate to2.0 Ga (Palaeoproterozoic) Tulomozerskaya Formation, NW Fennoscandian Shield, Russia. Drillcore material together with natural exposures reveal that the 680-m-thick formation is composed of a stromatolite-dolomite-'red bed' sequence formed in a complex combination of shallow-marine and non-marine, evaporitic environments. Dolomite-collapse breccia, stromatolitic and micritic dolostones and sparry allochemical dolostones are the principal rocks hosting the magnesite beds. All dolomite lithologies are marked by delta C-13 values from +7.1 parts per thousand to +11.6 parts per thousand (V-PDB) and delta O-18 ranging from 17.4 parts per thousand to 26.3 parts per thousand (V-SMOW). Magnesite occurs in different forms: finely laminated micritic; stromatolitic magnesite; and structureless micritic, crystalline and coarsely crystalline magnesite. All varieties exhibit anomalously high delta C-13 values ranging from +9.0 parts per thousand to +11.6 parts per thousand and delta O-18 values of 20.0-25.7 parts per thousand. Laminated and structureless micritic magnesite forms as a secondary phase replacing dolomite during early diagenesis, and replaced dolomite before the major phase of burial. Crystalline and coarsely crystalline magnesite replacing micritic magnesite formed late in the diagenetic/metamorphic history. Magnesite apparently precipitated from sea water-derived brine, diluted by meteoric fluids. Magnesitization was accomplished under evaporitic conditions (sabkha to playa lake environment) proposed to be similar to the Coorong or Lake Walyungup coastal playa magnesite. Magnesite and host dolostones formed in evaporative and partly restricted environments; consequently, extremely high delta C-13 values reflect a combined contribution from both global and local carbon reservoirs. A C- 13-rich global carbon reservoir (delta C-13 at around +5 parts per thousand) is related to the perturbation of the carbon cycle at 2.0 Ga, whereas the local enhancement in C-13 (up to +12 parts per thousand) is associated with evaporative and restricted environments with high bioproductivity

    The Rolling Tachyon as a Matrix Model

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    We express all correlation functions in timelike boundary Liouville theory as unitary matrix integrals and develop efficient techniques to evaluate these integrals. We compute large classes of correlation functions explicitly, including an infinite number of terms in the boundary state of the rolling tachyon. The matrix integrals arising here also determine the correlation functions of gauge invariant operators in two dimensional Yang-Mills theory, suggesting an equivalence between the rolling tachyon and QCD_2.Comment: 22pages. 3 figures. v2: added reference, fixed minor typo