5 research outputs found

    Un score individuel de reconnaissance d'une série de stimuli intermédiaires entre deux sources : la perception catégorielle des expressions faciales

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    Morphing is a computerized tool allowing the generation of pictures which are "hybrids" of two sources-pictures, in controlled proportions. Over the last decade, this tool did contribute greatly to the knowledge of mechanisms underlying facial expressions recognition. Especially, it appeared that categorical perception is involved. Indeed, while the physical variation from one source to the other is continuous and linear, the perceptual variation takes the form of a sigmoidal or threshold function. The same applies to facial identity recognition and to recognition of face's gender. The present paper shows that data collected to evidence categorical perception can also be used to assess accuracy of expression recognition, whatever categorical or not, and to compare, say, the performance of an individual subject to that of a control group. In short, the proportion of subjects of the control group making the same choice as the individual subject is used as an estimator of the probability that this subject is issued from a normal population. This procedure furnishes criteria to decide if a given response is correct or not, which is not possible when free choices are recorded. This adaptation can be generalized to every tool designed to evaluate categorical perception. (C) 2006 Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits reserves

    La reconnaissance visuelle des émotions faciales dans la schizophrénie chronique

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    We studied the visual recognition of the facial emotions, on 20 chronic and institutionalized schizophrenics. They were paired ill age, sex, educational level with a reference group. We used the MARIE battery which uses a binary pairing in a continuum of intermediate images. The recognition of the disgust is decreased followed by the fear. The surprise is the least overdrawn. The recognition of anger and the bipolar series (emotion-emotion) is strictly identical to that of the controls. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Determinants of ethics auditing: Structural equation model approach

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    It is generally accepted that behaving ethically is essential to the success of organizations. The failure to behave ethically in the eyes of key stakeholders can impair the health of organizations. This is particularly the case with organizations who are potentially vulnerable to direct consumer action and also the state agencies who provide various services for their citizens. In this paper, we analyze the involvement of internal audit in the provision of assurance in relation to the ethics implementations in organizations. Internal audit is expected to conduct an effective ethical audit as a high priority in a risk-based internal audit planning process which is required by the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). The provision of assurance concerning successful implementation of an ethics policy as a contribution to the achievement of organizational objectives is becoming increasingly critical. That’s why, it is examined whether internal audit is ready for responding to this challenge globally. The Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK) data of IIA are used for analyzing the current situation about determinants of ethics auditing all over the world. We propose a structural equation model (SEM) utilizing a worldwide dataset of CBOK data with responses from internal auditors. The determinants of ethics auditing is estimated by using SEM with 20 observed variables loaded to six factors namely, Audit Policy Documents, Auditor Integrity, Audit Policy Documents, Ethics Standards, Ethics Audit, and Corporate Governance. Finally, policy recommendations are made based on empirical findings to add value to internal audit profession and stakeholders. © 2019, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd