24 research outputs found

    A comprehensive analysis of the (R13xR13)R13.9{\deg} type II structure of silicene on Ag(111)

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    In this paper, using the same geometrical approach than for the (2R3x2R3) R30{\deg} structure (H. Jamgotchian et al., 2015, Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter 27 395002), for the (R13xR13)R13.9{\deg} type II structure, we propose an atomic model of the silicene layer based on a periodic relaxation of the strain epitaxy. This relaxation creates periodic arrangements of perfect areas of (R13xR13)R13.9{\deg} type II structure surrounded by defect areas. A detailed analysis of the main published experimental results, obtained by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and by Low Energy Electron Diffraction, shows a good agreement with the geometrical model.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Peak positions and shapes in neutron pair correlation functions from powders of highly anisotropic crystals

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    The effect of the powder average on the peak shapes and positions in neutron pair distribution functions of polycrystalline materials is examined. It is shown that for highly anisotropic crystals, the powder average leads to shifts in peak positions and to non-Gaussian peak shapes. The peak shifts can be as large as several percent of the lattice spacing

    Physics And Chemistry Of Silicene Nano-Ribbons

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    We review our recent discovery of silicene in the form of silicon nano-ribbons epitaxially grown on silver (1 1 0) or (1 0 0) surfaces, which paves the way for the growth of graphene-like sheets. We further draw some perspectives for this unique novel material upon mild hydrogenation. © 2009 Elsevier B.V

    Structure and melting of submonolayer ethane films on graphite

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    URL:http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.43.1878 DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.43.1878Elastic neutron diffraction has been used to study the structure and melting of submonolayer ethane films physisorbed on exfoliated graphite. Analysis of the relative intensity of seven Bragg reflections of the film yields the molecular orientation in the close-packed solid structure observed below 63 K. At higher temperature a novel melting process occurs which we tentatively interpret as a first-order transition to an intermediate phase followed by continuous transition to the disordered state.We acknowledge partial support of this research by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMR-7905958, the NATO Research Grants Program, the Petroleum Research Fund administered by the Amnerican Chemical Society, a Dow Chemical Company Grant of the Research Corporation, the University of Missouri Research Concil, and the University of Missouri Research Reactor Facility. One of us (G.J.T.) is in receipt of an American Chemical Society - Petroleum Research Fund Fellowship