759 research outputs found

    Creatius publicitaris: una visió del món

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    Generalment, l'estudi dels significats publicitaris s'aborda a partir de l'examen directe dels missatges, caracteritzats per un anonimat dels seus creadors, i bona part d'aquest estudi procedeix obviant programàticament els autors i els seus valors personals, com també el conjunt dels procesos interns de creació dels missatges publicitaris, a causa de l'imperi del present torn intel.lectual socioestructuralista, que entén els subjectes com el locus dels processos. Tenen sentit les preguntes sobre quins són de fet els valors que dominen en l'àmbit restringit dels anomenats creatius publicitaris; fins a quin punt aquests valors es traslladen a les seves obres, els anuncis; quines percepcions implícites hi ha del destinatari, el consumidor; i en quina mesura es veuen mediatitzats pel sistema del management, al servei del qual es troben al cap i a la fi

    Creativos publicitarios: una visión del mundo

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    Generalmente el estudio de los significados se aborda a partir del examen directo de los mensajes, caracterizados por un anonimato de sus creadores, y buena parte de ese estudio procede ignorando programáticamente a los autores y a sus valores personales, así como el conjunto de los procesos internos de creación de los mensajes publicitarios, debido al imperio del presente turno intelectual socioestructuralista que entiende a los sujetos sólo como locus de los procesos. Tiene sentido la pregunta acerca de cuáles son de hecho los valores que dominan en el ámbito restringido de los llamados creativos publicitarios, hasta qué punto esos valores se trasladan a sus obras, los anuncios, qué percepciones implícitas existen del destinatario, el consumidor, y en qué medida se ven mediatizados por el sistema del management, a cuyo servicio al fin y al cabo se encuentran

    Admen: a special worldvision

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    Normally, the approach to the study of advertising meaning is a direct examination of the message, characterised by the anonimity of the creator, and most of the study continues the programme ignoring authors and their personal values, as well as the scope of the internal processes of ad message creation, as the current socio-estructural intellectual regin only understands the subject as the locus processes. There is sense to the question on what, in fact, are the values prevailing in the limited environment of what are know as admen, to what point these values ara transmitted to their work (ads), what perceptions are implicit in the receiver (consumer), and to what extent they are determined by the management system which, in the end, they serve

    First Evidence of a Precessing Jet Excavating a Protostellar Envelope

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    We present new, sensitive, near-infrared images of the Class I protostar, Elias 29, in the Ophiuchus cloud core. To explore the relationship between the infall envelope and the outflow, narrowband H2 1-0 S(1), Br-gamma, and narrowband K-continuum filters were used to image the source with the Wide-Field Infrared Camera on the Hale 5m telescope and with Persson's Auxiliary Nasmyth Infrared Camera on the Baade 6.5 m telescope. The source appears as a bipolar, scattered light nebula, with a wide opening angle in all filters, as is typical for late-stage protostars. However, the pure H2 emission-line images point to the presence of a heretofore undetected precessing jet. It is argued that high-velocity, narrow, precessing jets provide the mechanism for creating the observed wide-angled outflow cavity in this source.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Out Online: The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth on the Internet

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    This report examines the online experiences of LGBT students in 6-12th grade. LGBT youth experience nearly three times as much bullying and harassment online as non-LGBT youth, but also find greater peer support, access to health information and opportunities to be civically engaged

    Biased Social Perceptions of Knowledge: Implications for Negotiators' Rapport and Egocentrism

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    This study examines how people manage uncertain competitive social interactions. To achieve positive interaction outcomes, individuals may engage in a social perception process that leads them to believe they have obtained more information about others than these others gained about them. We investigate how asymmetric knowledge perceptions contribute to important aspects of negotiation, namely rapport building among strangers and egocentric beliefs about fairness of resource distribution. In Study 1, dyads completed measures of knowledge acquisition and partner evaluation after a rapport‐building exercise. Results showed that individuals believed they gained more information about their partner than vice versa; notably, the magnitude of this knowledge bias was associated with more positive partner evaluations. Study 2 showed that the magnitude of the knowledge bias predicted lower egocentrism in a commons dilemma task. Together, these results suggest knowledge asymmetries facilitate rapport among strangers and may have important implications for cooperation in competitive negotiation settings.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111124/1/ncmr12047.pd

    “I h 8 u”: Findings from a five-year study of text and e-mail bullying

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    Copyright @ 2010 British Educational Research Association. The final version of this article is available at the link below.This study charts reports of nasty or threatening text and e-mail messages received by students in academic years 7 and 8 (11-13 years of age) attending 13 secondary schools in the North of England between 2002-2006. Annual surveys were undertaken on behalf of the local education authority (LEA) to monitor bullying. Results indicated that, over five years, the number of pupils receiving one or more nasty or threatening text messages or e-mails increased significantly, particularly among girls. However, receipt of frequent nasty or threatening text and e-mail messages remained relatively stable. For boys, being a victim of direct-physical bullying was associated with receiving nasty or threatening text and e-mail messages; for girls it was being unpopular among peers. Boys received more hate-related messages and girls were primarily the victims of name-calling, Findings are discussed with respect to theoretical and policy developments, and recommendations for future research are offered

    A new young stellar cluster embedded in a molecular cloud in the far outer Galaxy

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    We report the discovery of a new young stellar cluster and molecular cloud located in the far outer Galaxy, seen towards IRAS 06361-0142, and we characterise their properties. Near-infrared images were obtained with VLT/ISAAC through JHKs filters, millimetre line observations of CO(1-0) were obtained with SEST, and VLA 6 cm continuum maps obtained from archive data. The cloud and cluster are located at a distance of 7 kpc and a Galactocentric distance of 15 kpc, well in the far outer Galaxy. Morphologically, IRAS 06361-0142 appears as a cluster of several tens of stars surrounded by a nearly spherical nebular cavity centred at the position of the IRAS source. The cluster appears composed of low and intermediate-mass, young reddened stars with a large fraction having cleared the inner regions of their circumstellar discs responsible for (H - Ks) colour excess. The observations are compatible with a 4 Myr cluster with variable spatial extinction between Av = 6 and Av = 13.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure