281 research outputs found

    Directed cooperation in multihop wireless sensors network

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    This paper proposes a relational abstraction for Wireless Sensors Network where node can identify its neighbors around it. Because of limited radio link range only some of nodes have a direct contact with the base station and transmission is carried out in a multihop way so information is send from one node to another towards the BS. We propose a relation π that represents cooperation between nodes and takes advantages of topological properties of the network. Based on the hop-distance from the BS any node k can determine a set N<(k) that consists of nodes to which/k should send messages in order to retain a data-flow direction towards the BS


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    Masalah gizi kurang sangat tinggi di NTT. Salah satu intervensi yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan pemberian makanan inovatif dan menarik yang diperkaya dengan vitamin dan mineral. Salah satu tanaman yang kaya akan vitamin dan mineral adalah kelor (Moringa oleifera). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh pemberian pudding sari daun kelor terhadap perubahan status gizi anak di SD Inpres Noelbaki Kabupaten Kupang. Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan pre-test and post-test with kontrol group yang dilakukan pada anak sekolah dasar berusia 10-12 tahun di SD Inpres Noelbaki Kabupaten Kupang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan probability sampling dengan jumlah sampel 66 anak, yang terdiri dari 33 anak pada kelompok perlakuan dan 33 anak pada kontrol. Pada kelompok perlakuan diberikan puding sari daun kelor selama 14 hari. Uji analisis yang digunakan adalah Paired T test untuk membandingkan perubahan nilai Pre-Post setiap kelompok dan Unpaired T Test untuk membandingkan nilai akhir kelompok Intervensi - kontrol. Hasil dari penelitian ini &nbsp;terdapat peningkatan status gizi yang signifikan pada kelompok perlakuan setelah diberikan pudding sari daun selama 14 hari. Pada kelompok terdapat 33 anak mengalami peningkatan satatus gizi. Sedangkan pada kelompok control hanya terdapat 3 anak mengalami peningkatan status gizi. Pada kelompok intervensi terdapat perubahan yang signifikan (p&lt;0,05) dan pada kelompok control tidak didapatkan adanya perubahan yang signifikan setelah dilakukan penelitian selama 14 hari. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini terdapat pengaruh pemberian pudding sari daun kelor terhadap perubahan status gizi anak di SD Inpres Noelbaki Kabupaten Kupang (p&lt;0,05) dengan cara meningkatkan nafsu makan ana

    Centrosome defects and genetic instability in malignant tumors

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    Genetic instability is a common feature of many human cancers. This condition is frequently characterized by an abnormal number of chromosomes, although little is known about the mechanism that generates this altered genetic state. One possibility is that chromosomes are missegregated during mitosis due to the assembly of dysfunctional mitotic spindles. Because centrosomes are involved in spindle assembly, they could contribute to chromosome missegregation through the organization of aberrant spindles. As an initial test of this idea, we examined malignant tumors for centrosome abnormalities using antibodies to the centrosome protein pericentrin. We found that centrosomes in nearly all tumors and tumor-derived cell lines were atypical in shape, size, and composition and were often present in multiple copies. In addition, virtually all pericentrin-staining structures in tumor cells nucleated microtubules, and they participated in formation of disorganized mitotic spindles, upon which chromosomes were missegregated. All tumor cell lines had both centrosome defects and abnormal chromosome numbers, whereas neither was observed in nontumor cells. These results indicate that centrosome defects are a common feature of malignant tumors and suggest that they may contribute to genetic instability in cancer

    Laryngeal mucous membrane plasmacytosis with 15 year follow-up: Case report and literature review

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    Mucous membrane plasmacytosis (MMP) is an uncommon variant of mucositis represented by a polyclonal plasma cell infiltration of mucosal tissue. Various clinical presentations in the upper airway have been reported ranging from erythematous mucosa to fungating masses. Histologic features include mucosal epithelial hyperplasia or psoriasiform changes with a dense submucosal infiltrate of polytypic plasma cells. Molecular studies for immunoglobulin gene rearrangement should be performed in all cases of MMP to rule out clonal neoplastic expansion of plasma cells. We present a case of MMP with over 15 years of clinical follow-up, emphasizing the relatively benign clinical course of this disorder

    PD-L1 expression in EBV-negative diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: clinicopathologic features and prognostic implications

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    Programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) is a cell surface glycoprotein that regulates the cellular immune response and serves as a targetable immune checkpoint molecule. PD-L1 is expressed on tumor cells and the immune microenvironment of several human malignancies, including a subset of aggressive lymphomas. We sought to investigate further the clinical and pathologic features of EBV-negative diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) cases that express PD-L1. Immunohistochemical staining using an anti-PD-L1 monoclonal antibody was performed on DLBCL cases from 86 patients. These patients received standard chemotherapy treatment and were followed for up to 175 months. Overall, 14 cases (16%) were considered positive for PD-L1 in tumor cells. In comparison with PD-L1 negative cases, PD-L1 positive cases had a higher rate of non-GCB type (71% vs. 30%, P=0.0060), and higher Ann Arbor stage (II-IV) (100% vs. 73%, P=0.0327). No significant differences were seen in the immunohistochemical expression of BCL2, MYC, or Ki67. Patients with tumors expressing PD-L1 demonstrated inferior overall survival (OS) upon long term follow up (P=0.0447). Both age/sex-adjusted and multivariate analyses identified PD-L1 as an independent predictor for OS (P=0.0101 and P=0.0424). There was no significant difference, however, in terms of remission rates after first treatment, relapse rates, and progression free survival between the groups. Identification of DLBCL cases that express PD-L1 may serve to select a subset of patients that could further benefit from targeted immunotherapy

    Pain management procedures used by dental and maxillofacial surgeons: an investigation with special regard to odontalgia

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about the procedures used by German dental and maxillofacial surgeons treating patients suffering from chronic orofacial pain (COP). This study aimed to evaluate the ambulatory management of COP. METHODS: Using a standardized questionnaire we collected data of dental and maxillofacial surgeons treating patients with COP. Therapists described variables as patients' demographics, chronic pain disorders and their aetiologies, own diagnostic and treatment principles during a period of 3 months. RESULTS: Although only 13.5% of the 520 addressed therapists returned completely evaluable questionnaires, 985 patients with COP could be identified. An orofacial pain syndrome named atypical odontalgia (17.0 %) was frequent. Although those patients revealed signs of chronification, pain therapists were rarely involved (12.5%). For assessing pain the use of Analogue Scales (7%) or interventional diagnostics (4.6%) was uncommon. Despite the fact that surgical procedures are cofactors of COP therapists preferred further surgery (41.9%) and neglected the prescription of analgesics (15.7%). However, most therapists self-evaluated the efficacy of their pain management as good (69.7 %). CONCLUSION: Often ambulatory dental and maxillofacial surgeons do not follow guidelines for COP management despite a high prevalence of severe orofacial pain syndromes

    Novel composite organic-inorganic semiconductor sensors for the quantitative detection of target organic vapours

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    Composites of tin dioxide (an n-type semiconductor) and derivatives of the conducting polymer polypyrrole (a p-type semiconductor) gave reversible changes in electrical resistance at room temperature when exposed to a range of organic vapours. The optimum amount of polymer giving highest sensitivity was found by experiment to be 2.5% by mass for the polypyrrole chloride-tin dioxide composite. Composites containing 2.5% polymer by mass, but differing in polymer derivative, were fabricated and exposed to low concentrations of ethanol, methanol, acetone, methyl acetate and ethyl acetate. All were found to give significant and reversible decreases in electrical resistance. Direct comparison with sensors constructed solely of tin dioxide or polypyrrole at room temperature showed the composites to be more sensitive. The gas sensitivity of the composite materials depended on the type of polymer derivative incorporated and the dopant anion associated with the polymer. The composites were simple to fabricate and gave differing response profiles to a range of organic vapours

    CONFIDENCE dissemination meeting: summary on the scenario-based workshop

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    The CONFIDENCE dissemination workshop “Coping with uncertainties for improved modelling and decision making in nuclear emergencies” was held in December 2–5, 2019 (Bratislava, Slovak Republic). About 90 scientists and decision makers attended the workshop. The dissemination workshop allowed the presentation of the CONFIDENCE project results, demonstration of the applicability of the developed methods and tools in interactive discussion sessions and the collection of feedback from the participants. The results were disseminated not only in the form of presentations and posters but also through interactive workshops where all participants were involved in round table working groups. A fictive accidental release scenario taking place at a nuclear power plant was developed and used by each work package in the workshop to provide the basis for interactive sessions and discussions
