4,187 research outputs found

    Calibration of a turbidity meter for making estimates of total suspended solids concentrations and beam attenuation coefficients in field experiments

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    Management of water resources such as a reservoir requires using analytical models which describe such parameters as the suspended sediment field. To select or develop an appropriate model requires making many measurements to describe the distribution of this parameter in the water column. One potential method for making those measurements expeditiously is to measure light transmission or turbidity and relate that parameter to total suspended solids concentrations. An instrument which may be used for this purpose was calibrated by generating curves of transmission measurements plotted against measured values of total suspended solids concentrations and beam attenuation coefficients. Results of these experiments indicate that field measurements made with this instrument using curves generated in this study should correlate with total suspended solids concentrations and beam attenuation coefficients in the water column within 20 percent

    Semi-analytical model for nonlinear light propagation in strongly interacting Rydberg gases

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    Rate equation models are extensively used to describe the many-body states of laser driven atomic gases. We show that the properties of the rate equation model used to describe nonlinear optical effects arising in interacting Rydberg gases can be understood by considering the excitation of individual super-atoms. From this we deduce a simple semi-analytic model that accurately describes the Rydberg density and optical susceptibility for different dimensionalities. We identify the previously reported universal dependence of the susceptibility on the Rydberg excited fraction as an intrinsic property of the rate equation model that is rooted in one-body properties. Benchmarking against exact master equation calculations, we identify regimes in which the semi-analytic model is particularly reliable. The performance of the model improves in the presence of dephasing which destroys higher order atomic coherences.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    GOES Satellite Observations for the FIRE/SRB Wisconsin Experiment Region from October 11 Through November 2, 1986

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    A map, concise tables, and satellite images are presented which show ground-site locations, GOES visible/infrared instrument counts above each site, and cloud spatial distribution for the experiment region from 11 October through 2 November 1986. The cloud images are presented near times of the afternoon NOAA-9 satellite overpasses in order to provide a qualitative aid in the interpretation of TOVS, AVHRR, and heat budget data during the FIRE/SRB experiment

    Technical innovation changes standard radiographic protocols in veterinary medicine: is it necessary to obtain two dorsoproximal-palmarodistal oblique views of the equine foot when using computerised radiography systems?

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    Since the 1950s, veterinary practitioners have included two separate dorsoproximal–palmarodistal oblique (DPr–PaDiO) radiographs as part of a standard series of the equine foot. One image is obtained to visualise the distal phalanx and the other to visualise the navicular bone. However, rapid development of computed radiography and digital radiography and their post-processing capabilities could mean that this practice is no longer required. The aim of this study was to determine differences in perceived image quality between DPr–PaDiO radiographs that were acquired with a computerised radiography system with exposures, centring and collimation recommended for the navicular bone versus images acquired for the distal phalanx but were subsequently manipulated post-acquisition to highlight the navicular bone. Thirty images were presented to four clinicians for quality assessment and graded using a 1–3 scale (1=textbook quality, 2=diagnostic quality, 3=non-diagnostic image). No significant difference in diagnostic quality was found between the original navicular bone images and the manipulated distal phalanx images. This finding suggests that a single DPr–PaDiO image of the distal phalanx is sufficient for an equine foot radiographic series, with appropriate post-processing and manipulation. This change in protocol will result in reduced radiographic study time and decreased patient/personnel radiation exposure

    Phase function, backscatter, extinction, and absorption for standard radiation atmosphere and El Chichon aerosol models at visible and near-infrared wavelengths

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    Tabular values of phase function, Legendre polynominal coefficients, 180 deg backscatter, and extinction cross section are given for eight wavelengths in the atmospheric windows between 0.4 and 2.2 microns. Also included are single scattering albedo, asymmetry factor, and refractive indices. These values are based on Mie theory calculations for the standard rediation atmospheres (continental, maritime, urban, unperturbed stratospheric, volcanic, upper atmospheric, soot, oceanic, dust, and water-soluble) assest measured volcanic aerosols at several time intervals following the El Chichon eruption. Comparisons of extinction to 180 deg backscatter for different aerosol models are presented and related to lidar data

    Sub-Poissonian atom number fluctuations by three-body loss in mesoscopic ensembles

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    We show that three-body loss of trapped atoms leads to sub-Poissonian atom number fluctuations. We prepare hundreds of dense ultracold ensembles in an array of magnetic microtraps which undergo rapid three-body decay. The shot-to-shot fluctuations of the number of atoms per trap are sub-Poissonian, for ensembles comprising 50--300 atoms. The measured relative variance or Fano factor F=0.53±0.22F=0.53\pm 0.22 agrees very well with the prediction by an analytic theory (F=3/5F=3/5) and numerical calculations. These results will facilitate studies of quantum information science with mesoscopic ensembles.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A lattice of microtraps for ultracold atoms based on patterned magnetic films

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    We have realized a two dimensional permanent magnetic lattice of Ioffe-Pritchard microtraps for ultracold atoms. The lattice is formed by a single 300 nm magnetized layer of FePt, patterned using optical lithography. Our magnetic lattice consists of more than 15000 tightly confining microtraps with a density of 1250 traps/mm2^2. Simple analytical approximations for the magnetic fields produced by the lattice are used to derive relevant trap parameters. We load ultracold atoms into at least 30 lattice sites at a distance of approximately 10 μ\mum from the film surface. The present result is an important first step towards quantum information processing with neutral atoms in magnetic lattice potentials.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Laboratory measurements of radiance and reflectance spectra of dilute secondary-treated sewage sludge

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), conducted a research program to evaluate the feasibility of remotely monitoring ocean dumping of waste products such as acid and sewage sludge. One aspect of the research program involved the measurements of upwelled spectral signatures for sewage-sludge mixtures of different concentrations in an 11600-liter tank. This paper describes the laboratory arrangement and presents radiance and reflectance spectra in the visible and near-infrared ranges for concentrations ranging from 9.7 to 180 ppm of secondary-treated sewage sludge mixed with two types of base water. Results indicate that upwelled radiance varies in a near-linear manner with concentration and that the sludge has a practically flat signal response between 420 and 970 nm. Reflectance spectra were obtained for the sewage-sludge mixtures at all wavelengths and concentrations

    Wave climate model of the Mid-Atlantic shelf and shoreline (Virginian Sea): Model development, shelf geomorphology, and preliminary results

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    A computerized wave climate model is developed that applies linear wave theory and shelf depth information to predict wave behavior as they pass over the continental shelf as well as the resulting wave energy distributions along the coastline. Reviewed are also the geomorphology of the Mid-Atlantic Continental Shelf, wave computations resulting from 122 wave input conditions, and a preliminary analysis of these data

    Fully permanent magnet atom chip for Bose-Einstein condensation

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    We describe a self-biased, fully permanent magnet atom chip used to study ultracold atoms and to produce a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). The magnetic trap is loaded efficiently by adiabatic transport of a magnetic trap via the application of uniform external fields. Radio frequency spectroscopy is used for in-trap analysis and to determine the temperature of the atomic cloud. The formation of a Bose-Einstein condensate is observed in time of flight images and as a narrow peak appearing in the radio frequency spectrum.Comment: changed title, substantial text modifications, journal reference adde
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