1,839 research outputs found

    Geometrical Well Posed Systems for the Einstein Equations

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    We show that, given an arbitrary shift, the lapse NN can be chosen so that the extrinsic curvature KK of the space slices with metric g‾\overline g in arbitrary coordinates of a solution of Einstein's equations satisfies a quasi-linear wave equation. We give a geometric first order symmetric hyperbolic system verified in vacuum by g‾\overline g, KK and NN. We show that one can also obtain a quasi-linear wave equation for KK by requiring NN to satisfy at each time an elliptic equation which fixes the value of the mean extrinsic curvature of the space slices.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figure

    Local and global properties of conformally flat initial data for black hole collisions

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    We study physical properties of conformal initial value data for single and binary black hole configurations obtained using conformal-imaging and conformal-puncture methods. We investigate how the total mass M_tot of a dataset with two black holes depends on the configuration of linear or angular momentum and separation of the holes. The asymptotic behavior of M_tot with increasing separation allows us to make conclusions about an unphysical ``junk'' gravitation field introduced in the solutions by the conformal approaches. We also calculate the spatial distribution of scalar invariants of the Riemann tensor which determine the gravitational tidal forces. For single black hole configurations, these are compared to known analytical solutions. Spatial distribution of the invariants allows us to make certain conclusions about the local distribution of the additional field in the numerical datasets

    Excision boundary conditions for black hole initial data

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    We define and extensively test a set of boundary conditions that can be applied at black hole excision surfaces when the Hamiltonian and momentum constraints of general relativity are solved within the conformal thin-sandwich formalism. These boundary conditions have been designed to result in black holes that are in quasiequilibrium and are completely general in the sense that they can be applied with any conformal three-geometry and slicing condition. Furthermore, we show that they retain precisely the freedom to specify an arbitrary spin on each black hole. Interestingly, we have been unable to find a boundary condition on the lapse that can be derived from a quasiequilibrium condition. Rather, we find evidence that the lapse boundary condition is part of the initial temporal gauge choice. To test these boundary conditions, we have extensively explored the case of a single black hole and the case of a binary system of equal-mass black holes, including the computation of quasi-circular orbits and the determination of the inner-most stable circular orbit. Our tests show that the boundary conditions work well.Comment: 23 pages, 23 figures, revtex4, corrected typos, added reference, minor content changes including additional post-Newtonian comparison. Version accepted by PR

    An axisymmetric generalized harmonic evolution code

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    We describe the first axisymmetric numerical code based on the generalized harmonic formulation of the Einstein equations which is regular at the axis. We test the code by investigating gravitational collapse of distributions of complex scalar field in a Kaluza-Klein spacetime. One of the key issues of the harmonic formulation is the choice of the gauge source functions, and we conclude that a damped wave gauge is remarkably robust in this case. Our preliminary study indicates that evolution of regular initial data leads to formation both of black holes with spherical and cylindrical horizon topologies. Intriguingly, we find evidence that near threshold for black hole formation the number of outcomes proliferates. Specifically, the collapsing matter splits into individual pulses, two of which travel in the opposite directions along the compact dimension and one which is ejected radially from the axis. Depending on the initial conditions, a curvature singularity develops inside the pulses.Comment: 21 page, 18 figures. v2: minor corrections, added references, new Fig. 9; journal version

    Path Integral Over Black Hole Fluctuations

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    Evaluating a functional integral exactly over a subset of metrics that represent the quantum fluctuations of the horizon of a black hole, we obtain a Schroedinger equation in null coordinate time for the key component of the metric. The equation yields a current that preserves probability if we use the most natural choice of functional measure. This establishes the existence of blurred horizons and a thermal atmosphere. It has been argued previously that the existence of a thermal atmosphere is a direct concomitant of the thermal radiation of black holes when the temperature of the hole is greater than that of its larger environment, which we take as zero.Comment: 5 pages, added a couple of clarification

    Uniqueness and Non-uniqueness in the Einstein Constraints

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    The conformal thin sandwich (CTS) equations are a set of four of the Einstein equations, which generalize the Laplace-Poisson equation of Newton's theory. We examine numerically solutions of the CTS equations describing perturbed Minkowski space, and find only one solution. However, we find {\em two} distinct solutions, one even containing a black hole, when the lapse is determined by a fifth elliptic equation through specification of the mean curvature. While the relationship of the two systems and their solutions is a fundamental property of general relativity, this fairly simple example of an elliptic system with non-unique solutions is also of broader interest.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; abstract and introduction rewritte

    A Liquid Model Analogue for Black Hole Thermodynamics

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    We are able to characterize a 2--dimensional classical fluid sharing some of the same thermodynamic state functions as the Schwarzschild black hole. This phenomenological correspondence between black holes and fluids is established by means of the model liquid's pair-correlation function and the two-body atomic interaction potential. These latter two functions are calculated exactly in terms of the black hole internal (quasilocal) energy and the isothermal compressibility. We find the existence of a ``screening" like effect for the components of the liquid.Comment: 20 pages and 6 Encapsulated PostScript figure

    Simulating merging binary black holes with nearly extremal spins

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    Astrophysically realistic black holes may have spins that are nearly extremal (i.e., close to 1 in dimensionless units). Numerical simulations of binary black holes are important tools both for calibrating analytical templates for gravitational-wave detection and for exploring the nonlinear dynamics of curved spacetime. However, all previous simulations of binary-black-hole inspiral, merger, and ringdown have been limited by an apparently insurmountable barrier: the merging holes' spins could not exceed 0.93, which is still a long way from the maximum possible value in terms of the physical effects of the spin. In this paper, we surpass this limit for the first time, opening the way to explore numerically the behavior of merging, nearly extremal black holes. Specifically, using an improved initial-data method suitable for binary black holes with nearly extremal spins, we simulate the inspiral (through 12.5 orbits), merger and ringdown of two equal-mass black holes with equal spins of magnitude 0.95 antialigned with the orbital angular momentum.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, updated with version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D, removed a plot that was incorrectly included at the end of the article in version v
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