19,098 research outputs found

    Innovation in X-Ray technology

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    In the Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) industry, the mayor trends are from film and stand alone applications to digital and inline inspection. Furthermore the quality requirements are growing driven by pushing design and material limits. Especially for field applications based on security reasons as well as image quality, replacement of isotopes can be monitored. With the move to digital the need for small focal spots at increased power requirements brought new challenges to the x-ray supplier. With the move to inline inspection systems, requirements for high uptime, fast throughput at the best possible resolution became the key challenges for the x-ray industry. The target to replace isotopes brings high challenges for weight size and energy. The innovation program of COMET delivers solutions for those challenges. Comparison between 600 Kilovolts (kV) and conventional 450kV x-ray sources will show the advantages in penetration and resolution and with this in defect recognition. The resolution gain with adaptive focal spots compared to standard focal spots will be presented and the advantages of maintenance reduced high voltage cables will be shown

    Influence of adaptive mesh refinement and the hydro solver on shear-induced mass stripping in a minor-merger scenario

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    We compare two different codes for simulations of cosmological structure formation to investigate the sensitivity of hydrodynamical instabilities to numerics, in particular, the hydro solver and the application of adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). As a simple test problem, we consider an initially spherical gas cloud in a wind, which is an idealized model for the merger of a subcluster or galaxy with a big cluster. Based on an entropy criterion, we calculate the mass stripping from the subcluster as a function of time. Moreover, the turbulent velocity field is analyzed with a multi-scale filtering technique. We find remarkable differences between the commonly used PPM solver with directional splitting in the Enzo code and an unsplit variant of PPM in the Nyx code, which demonstrates that different codes can converge to systematically different solutions even when using uniform grids. For the test case of an unbound cloud, AMR simulations reproduce uniform-grid results for the mass stripping quite well, although the flow realizations can differ substantially. If the cloud is bound by a static gravitational potential, however, we find strong sensitivity to spurious fluctuations which are induced at the cutoff radius of the potential and amplified by the bow shock. This gives rise to substantial deviations between uniform-grid and AMR runs performed with Enzo, while the mass stripping in Nyx simulations of the subcluster is nearly independent of numerical resolution and AMR. Although many factors related to numerics are involved, our study indicates that unsplit solvers with advanced flux limiters help to reduce grid effects and to keep numerical noise under control, which is important for hydrodynamical instabilities and turbulent flows.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy and Computin

    Localized electron state in a T-shaped confinement potential

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    We consider a simple model of an electron moving in a T-shaped confinement potential. This model allows for an analytical solution that explicitly demonstrates the existence of laterally bound electron states in quantum wires obtained by the cleaved edge overgrowth technique.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Slave-boson approach to the metallic stripe phases with large unit cells

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    Using a rotationally invariant version of the slave-boson approach in spin space we analyze the stability of stripe phases with large unit cells in the two-dimensional Hubbard model. This approach allows one to treat strong electron correlations in the stripe phases relevant in the low doping regime, and gives results representative of the thermodynamic limit. Thereby we resolve the longstanding controversy concerning the role played by the kinetic energy in stripe phases. While the transverse hopping across the domain walls yields the largest kinetic energy gain in the case of the insulating stripes with one hole per site, the holes propagating along the domain walls stabilize the metallic vertical stripes with one hole per two sites, as observed in the cuprates. We also show that a finite next-nearest neighbor hopping t′t' can tip the energy balance between the filled diagonal and half-filled vertical stripes, which might explain a change in the spatial orientation of stripes observed in the high TcT_c cuprates at the doping x≃1/16x\simeq 1/16.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Ion radial diffusion in an electrostatic impulse model for stormtime ring current formation

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    Guiding-center simulations of stormtime transport of ring-current and radiation-belt ions having first adiabatic invariants mu is approximately greater than 15 MeV/G (E is approximately greater than 165 keV at L is approximately 3) are surprisingly well described (typically within a factor of approximately less than 4) by the quasilinear theory of radial diffusion. This holds even for the case of an individual model storm characterized by substorm-associated impulses in the convection electric field, provided that the actual spectrum of the electric field is incorporated in the quasilinear theory. Correction of the quasilinear diffusion coefficient D(sub LL)(sup ql) for drift-resonance broadening (so as to define D(sub LL)(sup ql)) reduced the typical discrepancy with the diffusion coefficients D(sub LL)(sup sim) deduced from guiding-center simulations of representative-particle trajectories to a factor of approximately 3. The typical discrepancy was reduced to a factor of approximately 1.4 by averaging D(sub LL)(sup sim), D(sub LL)(sup ql), and D(sub LL)(sup rb) over an ensemble of model storms characterized by different (but statistically equivalent) sets of substorm-onset times

    A Frustrated 3-Dimensional Antiferromagnet: Stacked J1−J2J_{1}-J_{2} Layers

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    We study a frustrated 3D antiferromagnet of stacked J1−J2J_1 - J_2 layers. The intermediate 'quantum spin liquid' phase, present in the 2D case, narrows with increasing interlayer coupling and vanishes at a triple point. Beyond this there is a direct first-order transition from N{\' e}el to columnar order. Possible applications to real materials are discussed.Comment: 11 pages,7 figure

    Spin and Charge Luttinger-Liquid Parameters of the One-Dimensional Electron Gas

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    Low-energy properties of the homogeneous electron gas in one dimension are completely described by the group velocities of its charge (plasmon) and spin collective excitations. Because of the long range of the electron-electron interaction, the plasmon velocity is dominated by an electrostatic contribution and can be estimated accurately. In this Letter we report on Quantum Monte Carlo simulations which demonstrate that the spin velocity is substantially decreased by interactions in semiconductor quantum wire realizations of the one-dimensional electron liquid.Comment: 13 pages, figures include

    Valence bond spin liquid state in two-dimensional frustrated spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnets

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    Fermionic valence bond approach in terms of SU(4) representation is proposed to describe the J1−J2J_{1}-J_{2} frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnetic (AF) model on a {\it bipartite} square lattice. A uniform mean field solution without breaking the translational and rotational symmetries describes a valence bond spin liquid state, interpolating the two different AF ordered states in the large J1J_{1} and large J2J_{2} limits, respectively. This novel spin liquid state is gapless with the vanishing density of states at the Fermi nodal points. Moreover, a sharp resonance peak in the dynamic structure factor is predicted for momenta q=(0,0){\bf q}=(0,0) and (π,π)(\pi ,\pi) in the strongly frustrated limit J2/J1∼1/2J_{2}/J_{1}\sim 1/2, which can be checked by neutron scattering experiment.Comment: Revtex file, 4 pages, 4 figure

    Image processing applied to gravity and topography data covering the continental United States

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    The applicability of fairly standard image processing techniques to processing and analyzing large geologic data sets in addressed. Image filtering techniques were used to interpolate between gravity station locations to produce a regularly spaced data array that preserves detail in areas with good coverage, and that produces a continuous tone image rather than a contour map. Standard image processing techniques were used to digitally register and overlay topographic and gravity data, and the data were displayed in ways that emphasize subtle but pervasive structural features. The potential of the methods is illustrated through a discussion of linear structures that appear in the processed data between the midcontinent gravity high and the Appalachians
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