1,153 research outputs found

    Modeling Inspectability for an Automated Eddy Current Measurement System

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    We have developed an automated eddy current measurement system in our laboratory for quantitative nondestructive evaluation applications. The heart of the measurement system is a precision impedance analyzer capable of measuring impedance or any impedance related quantity over a wide range in frequency (102–108 Hz). Data acquisition, processing, analysis, and display is accomplished with a personal computer. Computer-controlled x-y positioning stages permit measurements to be obtained for either one- or two-dimensional scans of the specimen. In this article we describe the measurement system and give examples of its use to measure flaw signals with a uniform-field eddy current probe [1]

    Signature of Carrier-Induced Ferromagnetism in Ti_{1-x}Co_{x}O_{2-delta}: Exchange Interaction Between High-Spin Co 2+ and the Ti 3d Conduction Band

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    X-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements were performed on thin-film samples of rutile Ti_{1-x}Co_{x}O_{2-delta} to reveal the electronic structure. The Co 2p core level spectra indicate that the Co ions take the high-spin Co 2+ configuration, consistent with substitution on the Ti site. The high spin state and the shift due to the exchange splitting of the conduction band suggest strong hybridization between carriers in the Ti 3d t2g band and the t2g states of the high-spin Co 2+. These observations support the argument that room temperature ferromagnetism in Ti_{1-x}Co_{x}O_{2-delta} is intrinsic.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    A Self-Calibrating Eddy-Current Instrument

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    The calibration of eddy-current measurement systems is a long-standing problem in nondestructive evaluation. Calibration serves a number of purposes: for equipment setup and validation, for equalizing responses from different probes and instruments, for setting detection thresholds, and for quantitative flaw sizing. The most commonly used calibration method is to scan the probe to be calibrated over simulated defects such as electrical-discharge machined (EDM) slots, saw cuts, or laboratory-produced fatigue cracks. This method has the virtue of calibrating probe and instrument at the same time on the same material as that to be inspected. But it has a number of disadvantages as well. First, a large number of artifact standards must be generated, certified, and maintained in the typical inspection organization; this can result in considerable expense. Second, the signals from EDM slots and saw cuts are not equivalent to the signals from actual defects, as discussed in another paper in these proceedings [1]. Third, quantitative flaw sizing can only be accomplished over a limited range with such calibration methodology, and the accuracy of sizing flaws with this method is brought into question by the aforementioned inequality of slots and cracks. Even if laboratory-produced cracks were to be used routinely for calibration (a prohibitively expensive option), quantitative sizing could be compromised by the occurrence of crack closure effects [2]

    Calibration and Characterization of Eddy Current Probes by Photoinductive Field Mapping

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    The calibration of eddy-current measurement systems is a long-standing problem in nondestructive evaluation. Eddy-current probe calibration is needed for several reasons: to compensate for different probe sensitivities, to set detection thresholds, to validate instrument setup and operation, and to perform quantitative flaw sizing.1,2 The most frequently used calibration method is to scan the probe being calibrated over simulated defects such as electrical-discharge-machined (EDM) slots, saw cuts, or laboratory-produced fatigue cracks. This method has the virtue of calibrating probe and instrument at the same time and it can be performed on the same material as that to be inspected. But it has a number of disadvantages as well. First, a large number of artifact standards must be generated, certified, and maintained, resulting in considerable expense. Second, the signals from EDM slots and saw cuts are not equivalent to the signals from actual defects.3 Third, it is questionable whether quantitative flaw sizing can be performed using such a calibration method. Even if laboratory-produced cracks were to be used for routine calibration (a prohibitively expensive option), the accuracy of calibration or quantitative sizing could be compromised by the occurrence of crack closure effects.

    Excitation spectrum of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in a ring potential

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    A mixture of two distinguishable Bose-Einstein condensates confined in a ring potential has numerous interesting properties under rotational and solitary-wave excitation. The lowest-energy states for a fixed angular momentum coincide with a family of solitary-wave solutions. In the limit of weak interactions, exact diagonalization of the many-body Hamiltonian is possible and permits evaluation of the complete excitation spectrum of the system.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Reduction-induced Fermi level pinning at the interfaces between Pb(Zr,Ti)O 3

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    International audienceThe interface formation between Pb(Zr, Ti)O 3 and Pt, Cu and Ag was studied using in situ photoelectron spectroscopy. A strong interface reaction and a reduction of the substrate surface is observed for all three interfaces as evidenced by the appearance of metallic Pb species. Despite the different work function of the metals, nearly identical barrier heights are found with E F − E VB = 1.6 ± 0.1 eV, 1.8 ± 0.1 eV and 1.7 ± 0.1 eV of the as-prepared interfaces with Pt, Cu and Ag, respectively. The barrier heights are characterized by a strong Fermi level pinning, which is attributed to an oxygen deficient interface induced by the chemical reduction of Pb(Zr, Ti)O 3 during metal deposition

    Whole-thorax irradiation induces hypoxic respiratory failure, pleural effusions and cardiac remodeling

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    To study the mechanisms of death following a single lethal dose of thoracic radiation, WAG/RijCmcr (Wistar) rats were treated with 15 Gy to the whole thorax and followed until they were morbid or sacrificed for invasive assays at 6 weeks. Lung function was assessed by breathing rate and arterial oxygen saturation. Lung structure was evaluated histologically. Cardiac structure and function were examined by echocardiography. The frequency and characteristics of pleural effusions were determined. Morbidity from 15 Gy radiation occurred in all rats 5 to 8 weeks after exposure, coincident with histological pneumonitis. Increases in breathing frequencies peaked at 6 weeks, when profound arterial hypoxia was also recorded. Echocardiography analysis at 6 weeks showed pulmonary hypertension and severe right ventricular enlargement with impaired left ventricular function and cardiac output. Histologic sections of the heart revealed only rare foci of lymphocytic infiltration. Total lung weight more than doubled. Pleural effusions were present in the majority of the irradiated rats and contained elevated protein, but low lactate dehydrogenase, when compared with serum from the same animal. Pleural effusions had a higher percentage of macrophages and large monocytes than neutrophils and contained mast cells that are rarely present in other pathological states. Lethal irradiation to rat lungs leads to hypoxia with infiltration of immune cells, edema and pleural effusion. These changes may contribute to pulmonary vascular and parenchymal injury that result in secondary changes in heart structure and function. We report that conditions resembling congestive heart failure contribute to death during radiation pneumonitis, which indicates new targets for therapy

    Лабораторна установка для дослідження ступеня очищення і пошкодження коренебульбоплодів

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    Патент України на корисну модель № 79083, МПК B65G 33/00, 2012.Лабораторна установка для дослідження ступеня очищення і пошкодження коренебульбоплодів, що містить раму, на якій з можливістю кутового та вертикального зміщення на підрамах встановлені секція пруткового транспортера-очисника та секція бітерних очисних валів, завантажувальний бункер, причому під секцією пруткового транспортера-очисника та секцією бітерних очисних валів на рамі розташовані поперечні лотки для відбору від сепарованих домішок, яка відрізняється тим, що кутовий зазор між центральною віссю барабана пруткового транспортера-очисника в зоні вивантаження коренебульбоплодів та центральною віссю першого бітерного очисного вала може змінюватись за рахунок використання різних отворів, які виконані на стійці та підрамі, а осьовий зазор – за рахунок кронштейна з отворами, причому над прутковим транспортером-очисником та секцією бітерних очисних валів встановлені вертикальні та похилі еластичні екрани, а для відбору очищених коренебульбоплодів в зоні вивантаження бітерних очисних валів розташована еластична ємність з можливістю вертикального переміщення та фіксації її задньої частини на вертикальному кронштейні