2,154 research outputs found

    Efficacy of crustal superfluid neutrons in pulsar glitch models

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    In order to assess the ability of purely crust-driven glitch models to match the observed glitch activity in the Vela pulsar, we conduct a systematic analysis of the dependence of the fractional moment of inertia of the inner crustal neutrons on the stiffness of the nuclear symmetry energy at saturation density LL. We take into account both crustal entrainment and the fact that only a fraction YgY_{\rm g} of the core neutrons may couple to the crust on the glitch-rise timescale. We use a set of consistently-generated crust and core compositions and equations-of-state which are fit to results of low-density pure neutron matter calculations. When entrainment is included at the level suggested by recent microscopic calculations and the core is fully coupled to the crust, the model is only able to account for the Vela glitch activity for a 1.4M⊙M_{\odot} star if the equation of state is particularly stiff L>100L>100 MeV. However, an uncertainty of about 10\% in the crust-core transition density and pressure allows for the Vela glitch activity to be marginally accounted for in the range L≈30−60L\approx30-60MeV consistent with a range of experimental results. Alternatively, only a small amount of core neutrons need be involved. If less than 50\% of the core neutrons are coupled to the crust during the glitch, we can also account for the Vela glitch activity using crustal neutrons alone for EOSs consistent with the inferred range of LL. We also explore the possibility of Vela being a high-mass neutron star, and of crustal entrainment being reduced or enhanced relative to its currently predicted values.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Some Historical Features of Potato Stem Necrosis Associated With Actinomyces Scabies

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    Certain varieties of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) are extremely susceptible to the common scab disease caused by Actinomyces scabies (Thaxt.) Güssow, whereas the tubers of others are very resistant. The scab organism is also capable of parasitizing the stems, causing severe necrosis which may result in premature death of the plant. Varieties known to be resistant to tuber scab show considerable resistance to stem necrosis, whereas those susceptible to tuber scab are likewise susceptible to scab on the stems

    How to Control Potato Scab

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    Potato growers in Iowa who have seen scab cut the quality and marketable yields of their potato crop year after year, can prevent serious scab infection by treating potato soil with sulfur. This especially applies to commercial potato production in northern Iowa. Home growers may find the sulfur treatment useful, too

    Controlling Soil Pox in Sweet Potatoes

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    You can control sweet potato soil pox by making your soil slightly acid with sulfur applications. Remember that certain other crops don\u27t do well on acid soil nor is this practical for soils that already have been heavily limed

    Laser Shearographic Inspection for Debonds in Sprayed On Foam Insulation (SOFI)

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    Preliminary results of shearographic inspections of the test panels simulating the Space Shuttle's external tank (ET) spray on foam insulation (SOFI) are presented. Debonding of SOFI may introduce flight debris that may damage the orbiter's thermal protection system (TPS) exposing the orbiter (as well as the ET) to thermal loading. It is estimated that 90 percent of the TPS damage on the orbiter's 'belly' results from debonded SOFI during ascent. A series of test panels were fabricated, with programmed debonds of different geometries and sizes, to determine the sensitivity of shearography as a function of debond size, SOFI thickness,'and vacuum excitation. Results show that a Probability of Detection (POD) of 0.95 or better can be expected for debonds with a diameter equal to the SOFI thickness as less than 0.4-psi pressure reduction. More testing will be required to validate the laser shearography imaging process for certifying its use in nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of Space Shuttle space flight components

    Experimental philosophy leading to a small scale digital data base of the conterminous United States for designing experiments with remotely sensed data

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    Research using satellite remotely sensed data, even within any single scientific discipline, often lacked a unifying principle or strategy with which to plan or integrate studies conducted over an area so large that exhaustive examination is infeasible, e.g., the U.S.A. However, such a series of studies would seem to be at the heart of what makes satellite remote sensing unique, that is the ability to select for study from among remotely sensed data sets distributed widely over the U.S., over time, where the resources do not exist to examine all of them. Using this philosophical underpinning and the concept of a unifying principle, an operational procedure for developing a sampling strategy and formal testable hypotheses was constructed. The procedure is applicable across disciplines, when the investigator restates the research question in symbolic form, i.e., quantifies it. The procedure is set within the statistical framework of general linear models. The dependent variable is any arbitrary function of remotely sensed data and the independent variables are values or levels of factors which represent regional climatic conditions and/or properties of the Earth's surface. These factors are operationally defined as maps from the U.S. National Atlas (U.S.G.S., 1970). Eighty-five maps from the National Atlas, representing climatic and surface attributes, were automated by point counting at an effective resolution of one observation every 17.6 km (11 miles) yielding 22,505 observations per map. The maps were registered to one another in a two step procedure producing a coarse, then fine scale registration. After registration, the maps were iteratively checked for errors using manual and automated procedures. The error free maps were annotated with identification and legend information and then stored as card images, one map to a file. A sampling design will be accomplished through a regionalization analysis of the National Atlas data base (presently being conducted). From this analysis a map of homogeneous regions of the U.S.A. will be created and samples (LANDSAT scenes) assigned by region

    New Role, New Country: introducing US physician assistants to Scotland

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    This paper draws from research commissioned by the Scottish Executive Health Department (SEHD). It provides a case study in the introduction of a new health care worker role into an already well established and "mature" workforce configuration It assesses the role of US style physician assistants (PAs), as a precursor to planned "piloting" of the PA role within the National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland

    Imprints of Nuclear Symmetry Energy on Properties of Neutron Stars

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    Significant progress has been made in recent years in constraining the density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy using terrestrial nuclear laboratory data. Around and below the nuclear matter saturation density, the experimental constraints start to merge in a relatively narrow region. At supra-saturation densities, there are, however, still large uncertainties. After summarizing the latest experimental constraints on the density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy, we highlight a few recent studies examining imprints of nuclear symmetry energy on the binding energy, energy release during hadron-quark phase transitions as well as the ww-mode frequency and damping time of gravitational wave emission of neutron stars.Comment: 10 pages. Invited talk given in the Nuclear Astrophysics session of INPC2010, July 4-9, 2010, Vancouver, Canada; Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2011
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