54 research outputs found

    Flora of the order Quercetalia pubescentis Br.-Bl. (1931) 1932 in the forest vegetation of the Požega hill area (NE Croatia)

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    This paper is a part of systematic ecological-vegetational research into the forest vegetation of the Slavonian hill area, an exceptionally valuable site in the vegetation of the Republic of Croatia. Particular attention was paid to the presence of the species of the order Quercetalia pubescentis in the forest vegetation owing to the fact that they are a special and rare feature in continental forest ecosystems. A total of 123 relevés encompassing 12 forest communities were analysed. The analysis of the floral composition of forest communities of Po`ega hill area revealed as many as 213 species, of which 31 or 14.5 % belong to the order Quercetalia pubescentis in a sociological sense. The species from the order Quercetalia pubescentis encompass the warmest, southern, south-eastern and south-western positions in the upper parts of the slopes, the flat tops of ridges and crests, as well as the stands with lighter and drier conditions. In terms of physiognomy and sociology, the species of the order Quercetalia pubescentis give the most distinct characteristic to the community Lathyro-Quercetum petraeae. The number of species of the order Quercetalia pubescentis decreases considerably going from the west to east with the exception of the Požega hill area. A comparison of species occurring in certain areas shows that the western part differs from the eastern part, to which the hills of Požega belong. The spectrum of biological forms and the spectrum of floral geoelements were determined for each community. The results of the research broaden the perception of the number, distribution and importance of species of Quercetalia pubescentis order in the forest ecosystems of hills in the Pannonian plain

    Procjena fizičkog opterećenja statističkom analizom srčane frekvencije u radnice na vrpci u punionici pića

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    Physical work load was estimated in a female conveyor-belt worker in a bottling plant. Estimation was based on continuous measurement and on calculation of average heart rate values in three-minute and one-hour periods and during the total measuring period. The thermal component of the heart rate was calculated by means of the corrected effective temperature, for the one-hour periods. The average heart rate at rest was also determined. The work component of the heart rate was calculated by subtraction of the resting heart rate and the heart rate measured at 50 W, using a regression equation. The average estimated gross energy expenditure during the work was 9.6±1.3 kJ/min corresponding to the category of light industrial work. The average estimated oxygen uptake was 0.42±0.06 L/min. The average performed mechanical work was 12.2±4.2 W, i.e. the energy expenditure was 8.3±1.5%.U radu je prikazan način procjene fizičkog opterećenja u radnice na vrpci u punionici pića, temeljene na kontinuiranom mjerenju i izračunavanju prosječnih vrijednosti srčane frekvencije u trominutnim i jednosatnim razdobljima, te tijekom čitavog razdoblja mjerenja. Regresijskom jednadžbom koja koristi vrijednost korigirane efektivne temperature, izračunane iz parametara mikroklime mjerenih u jednosatnim razdobljima, izračunata je toplinska sastavnica srčane frekvencije. Tijekom mirovanja također je određena prosječna vrijednost srčane frekvencije. Oduzimanjem srčane frekvencije u mirovanju i toplinske sastavnice srčane frekvencije od aktualne srčane frekvencije, dobivena je radna sastavnica srčane frekvencije za sva spomenuta razdoblja. Iz vrijednosti srčane frekvencije u mirovanju i srčane frekvencije postignute pri opterećenju od 50 W na biciklergometru dobivena je regresijska jednadžba korelacije frekvencije i izvršenog rada, na temelju koje je izračunavan izvršeni rad u spomenutim razdobljima. Iz primitka kisika pri opterećenju od 50 W na biciklergometru, primitka kisika na razini bazalnog metabolizma, srčane frekvencije pri opterećenju od 50 W i srčane frekvencije na razini bazalnog metabolizma izračunana je regresijska jednadžba korelacije srčane frekvencije i primitka kisika, i prikazan procijenjeni primitak kisika tijekom rada u svim razdobljima mjerenja. Primitak kisika na razini bazalnog metabolizma izračunan je iz energetske potrošnje dobivene jednadžbom po Harrisu i Benedictu, a primitak kisika pri opterećenju od 50 W iz nomograma koji se koristi pri ergometriji. Iz procijenjenog primitka kisika izračunavana je bruto energetska potrošnja za sva razdoblja mjerenja. Prosječna procijenjena bruto energetska potrošnja tijekom šest sati efektivnog rada ispitanice iznosila je 9.7±1.3 kJ/min,što odgovara kategoriji laganog industrijskog rada. Prosječni procijenjeni primitak kisika u istom razdoblju iznosio je 0,45±0,06 L/min, prosječno izvršeni mehanički rad 12,5±4,2 W, odnosno energetska efikasnost 7,8±1,4%

    Contributions to the bryophyte flora of croatia III. Plitvička jezera National Park and adjacent areas

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    Bryological fi eld surveys in Plitvička jezera National Park and adjacent areas (Slunjčica river and Vrhovinsko polje karst fi eld) carried out in 2012 and 2013 resulted in a list of 207 species (39 liverworts and 168 mosses). Two species are reported for the fi rst time from Croatia (Ephemerum minutissimum and Pohlia annotina). Six species are included in the Red data book of European bryophytes (Buxbaumia viridis, Dicranum viride, Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Anomodon rostratus,Rhynchostegiella tenuicaulis and Taxiphyllum densifolium). The first three are listed in the Bern Convention and the EU Habitats and Species Directive as well; in addition, other species, especially Sphagnum spp. rare in SE Europe were also located in the area

    Utvrđivanje korozionih karakteristika stomatološke legure sa induktivno spregnutim plazma masenim spektrometrom

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    Corrosion resistance is one of the characteristics that dental alloy should possess as it should be placed in the oral cavity. Adverse tissue reactions of the gingiva and the periodontium close to dental cast alloys may be caused by the effects of released metal elements. Corrosion effect of dental Co-Cr-Mo alloy was investigated by ICP MS according to the EN ISO 10271 and EN ISO 22674. Co- Cr dental alloy Remanium GM 800+ (Dentaurum Ispringen, Germany was tested in artificial saliva for 7 days at 37ºC. The released metals were detected by Nexion 300X ICP MS (Perkin Elmer, USA). The results showed that the metal release was very low for Co, Cr and Mo, far below the permitted levels. ICP-MS can be considered as very reliable method for such a research.Otpornost na koroziju je jedna od karakteristika koju poseduju stomatološke legure koje trebaju biti postavljene u usnoj duplji. Neželjene reakcije tkiva gingive i parodoncijuma sa stomatološkim legurama može biti uzrokovano efektima oslobođenih metalnih elemenata. Efekat korozije stomatološke Co- Cr -Mo legure ispitana je ICP MS prema EN ISO 10271 i EN ISO 22674 . Co- Cr stomatološke legure Remanium GM 800 + ( Dentaurum Ispringen , testirano u Nemačkoj u veštačkoj pljuvački tokom 7 dana na 37º C. Otkriveni su oslobođeni metali Nekion 300Ks ICP MS ( Perkin Elmer , SAD ). Rezultati su pokazali veoma slabo oslobađanje metala, Cr i Mo , daleko ispod dozvoljenih nivoa. ICP -MS može smatrati veoma pouzdan metod za ovakvo istraživanje

    Some Anthropometric Characteristics, Reactions on Physical Stress, and Blood Pressure in Males Aged 18 in »Primorsko- Goranska« County, Croatia

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    The paper presents the distribution and average values of some anthropometric characteristics in 1,210 males aged 18 in »Primorsko-Goranska« County, as well as some manifestations of physical fitness parameters and some correlations between these two groups of characteristics. The prevalence of hypertensive and limit values for systolic blood pressure (SBP) was 8.6% and for diastolic blood pressure (DBP) 2.1%. Body weight and body mass index were in a significantly positive correlation with SBP and DBP. Body mass index showed a significantly positive correlation with heart rate after step test. Therefore, it can be concluded that overweight reduces tolerance on workload

    Hereditarni angioedem

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    Hereditarni angioedem (HAE) je rijedak nasljedni, životno ugrožavajući poremećaj, koji se prezentira nepredvidivim napadajima bolnih ponavljajućih edema. Iako neizlječivo stanje, danas se zahvaljujući lijekovima, može osigurati relativno normalan život njime pogođenih bolesnika. Obilježavaju ga ponavljajući akutni napadaji edema koji zahvaća kožu i mukozne membrane. Edem zahvaća duboki sloj dermisa, za razliku od urtikarije, koja zahvaća površinske slojeve dermisa, te obično nije praćen pruritusom. Ukoliko edem zahvaća dišne putove mogući su, u slučaju neadekvatne terapije, i fatalni ishodi. Najčešće zahvaćena područja su: ekstremiteti (šaka, stopalo), lice, torzo, genitalije, gastrointestinalni trakt, larinks (što može biti i životno ugrožavajuće), no mogu biti zahvaćeni i drugi organi (npr. mozak, mokraćni mjehur, bubrezi). Patofiziologija HAE je manjak ili disfunkcija inhibitora C1 esteraze koja dovodi do okidačem potaknute autoaktivacije C1 i cijele kaskade reakcija koje rezultiraju angioedemom. Glavni medijator je bradikinin. Za terapiju akutnih ataka daju se: • C1 inhibitori za tip 1 i 2 dobar učinak ima koncentrat C1 inhibitora dobiven iz plazme ili rekombinantno, dok se kod tipa 3 ili stečenog angioedema zbog pojačane potrošnje antitijelima mogu očekivati bolji rezultati od lijekova poput antagonista B2 bradikininskih receptora -ikatibant • svježa smrznuta plazma ili deterdžentom obrađena plazma • inhibitori kalikreina (za sada odobreni na američkom tržištu) • ne reagira na klasičnu antišok terapiju! Bolesnici s hereditarnim angioedemom nisu samo zanimljivi slučajevi, već teški bolesnici, koji imaju ograničene mogućnosti biranja zanimanja, kao i ostalih društvenih i sportskih aktivnosti, a čija se kvaliteta života, uz ispravnu dijagnozu i pravovremenu terapiju, ipak može znatno unaprijediti. Stoga je bitno prepoznati ovaj rijedak, potencijalno životno ugrožavajući poremećaj

    Anti-Hail Protection-Assessment of Financial Effects on the Territory of Belgrade

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    The aim of this work is to assess damage to the City of Belgrade caused by the unfavorable weather condition of hail due to the absence of anti-hail defense of the city, and to argumentatively point out the necessity of introducing new technical-technological systems for preventing the effects of adverse weather conditions. The results are based on the direct correlation-analyses of two real unfavorable weather events and the estimated financial damage caused by these events. The overall calculation also takes into account financial investments (new financial model) necessary to establish two essentially different systems for anti-hail protection. The damage caused by the hail on the territory of the City of Belgrade and the financial investment in anti-hail protection to reduce it are empirically established for the first time. It is shown how the damage could be transformed to profit, as the financial investment in anti-hail protection is lower than the damage that hail can cause